A Walk in the Clouds
A Walk in the Clouds
PG-13 | 11 August 1995 (USA)
A Walk in the Clouds Trailers

World War II vet Paul Sutton falls for a pregnant and unwed woman who persuades him -- during their first encounter -- to pose as her husband so she can face her family.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
poguemahone7 I really respect and admire every good movie no matter whats it about and this is not a good movie. The only reason anyone should see it is to look at Keanu Reeves tho I've never seen him act so bad. The film looks nice the photography is nice and soundtrack is nice but the story is way too cheesy and I've only seen the first 30 minutes of it, it pretty much makes you loose interest after the first ten minutes. OK thats it I said it all now how the hell am i supposed to fill I'm 5 more lines in order to submit this review? Well umm interesting thing is Keanu gets off the train 101 which is also the number of his room in the matrix. And usually hes really good in romantic leads but here I didn't feel any chemistry. Actually Im surprised to see Anthony Quinn in a movie like that. I don't know what they tried to do with this they're mixing in all kinds of subplots which may work out but it didn't.
HelenMary Paul Sutton (Reeves) comes back from the war (WWII) to find his new bride is not waiting for him. Going back to work as a travelling chocolate salesman, he gets tied up with the Aragon family; a historic Mexican family who have a large and beautiful vineyard. It is their daughter Victoria that is the draw for Sutton. The story is rather special, though not entirely unpredictable, and is a rather nice backdrop to give Reeves the opportunity to play the engaging, gentlemanly, perfect but troubled veteran in this gentle drama.The scenery of the Aragon vineyard is beautiful, although I believe a lot of it is CGI, and the Aragon family are varied and demonstrate the rich tapestry of family life from the overbearing father Giancarlo Gianinni, the wise and strong mother Angelica Aragon and the irrepressible patriarch Anthony Quinn, who provides some lovely touching and funny moments. It is good to note at this point that - in light of one of those funny moments Reeves CAN sing, and the out of tune serenading of Victoria is acting!This film is what it is, a romance film, a stunningly beautiful production, well directed and with a good script. There are some moments of real tenderness and joy, and it says something about young men's experience of war and how they are left to cope with it alone. Genius it isn't, or groundbreaking, but it's really nice pretty picture indicative of the big studio star vehicle films of the time it is depicting.
edwagreen Believe it or not, I was even laughing at some of the scenes in this film which has the most beautiful musical score imaginable.The scene with the family trampling on the grapes vividly reminded me of Lucille Ball doing the same thing on her famous television show. The scene where Keanu Reeves comes home from World War 11 to an unfaithful wife brought me back to Dana Andrews and Virginia Mayo in "The Best Years of Our Lives."Giancarlo Giannini is the distrusting drunkard of a father here. His daughter, unmarried and pregnant, returns home and on the road finds Keanu Reeves, a chocolate salesman and recent war hero. Reeves agrees to pretend that he is wed to the young lady.Giannini immediately takes a dislike to Reeves as he doesn't trust him and his cynical regarding his daughter's relationship. In a drunken fit, he accidentally sets the wine valley ablaze. Of course, Reeves pulls out a root which shows no damage. His pulling it out reminded me of Vivien Leigh clutching the soil in "Gone With the Wind." Again, I laughed.Anthony Quinn played the elderly grandfather who is philosophical and wise. Had he been 20 years younger, he would have had the Giannini part.
robert-temple-1 This film is a magical fairytale of love, struggle, and romance, directed by the brilliant Mexican director Alfonso Arau ('Like Water for Chocolate'). Keanu Reeves has never been better at being a 'good guy', here tormented by his origins as an orphan, betrayed by a frivolous young wife, returning from War with a head full of hopes only to meet with the apparent collapse of all of his prospects. But Fate intervenes, and he meets the amazingly, delicately beautiful Aitana Sanchez-Gijon. She is the half-Spanish, half-Italian actress who two years later was so brilliant in 'The Chambermaid of the Titanic' (see my review). She has all the freshness of a rose which has just opened in the morning dew. This is what Penelope Cruz was like before she went to Hollywood. The story concerns her family, the Aragons. Her mother is played radiantly by the Mexican actress Angelica Aragon, and her intense and domineering father by the Italian actor Giancarlo Giannini. One of the finest performances in the film is by Anthony Quinn. He was rarely better than this. It is little known that he was born in Mexico, half Irish, half Mexican. Since his middle name was Oaxaca, his mother must have been a Zapotec Indian. Here he is utterly in his element, since the story is of an ancient Spanish family with a vineyard in the Napa Valley of California. Whether such people still exist anymore, I doubt. But this is a fantasy, very similar to the wonderful series of three novels by Bret Harte, commencing with 'A Waif of the Plains'. Certainly these days, as Hispanics become more and more important in America, more films like this should be made exploring the early Spanish settler traditions. Much was made of this sort of thing in Hitchcock's 'Vertigo', but the lead was not followed up by subsequent mainstream directors. This film is a poignant story of how the lost and lonely orphan Keanu Reeves finds true love and acceptance at last in the bosom of a family and in the arms of one of the most delectable gals imaginable. But he only achieves this by being noble, generous, kind, unbelievably tolerant and patient, and by being tested in every conceivable way. Reeves could not possibly have played this character so well unless he had a lot of these qualities himself. The film is a wonderful achievement, the period costumes and sets are perfect, the buildings are authentic Spanish survivals from various places in the Napa Valley, apparently, the atmosphere is pure magic, the vicissitudes are harrowing, but love and devotion and goodness conquer all. This is actually a romantic film from an adult perspective which children can safely see, and that's saying something these days. No grunting in corners, as the emphasis is on love, - remember love? It used to exist. Maybe it will come back one day. We need more films like this to encourage us. We also need more Aitana Sanchez-Gijons, if we can remember and pronounce their names, that is. Etana was Sumerian for 'eagle'. I wonder if there is any connection with Aitana, as she has the same noble quality. This film is an eagle, it soars, it truly soars.