The Last Emperor
The Last Emperor
PG-13 | 20 November 1987 (USA)
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A dramatic history of Pu Yi, the last of the Emperors of China, from his lofty birth and brief reign in the Forbidden City, the object of worship by half a billion people; through his abdication, his decline and dissolute lifestyle; his exploitation by the invading Japanese, and finally to his obscure existence as just another peasant worker in the People's Republic.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
merelyaninnuendo The Last Emperor3 And A Half Out Of 5The Last Emperor is a character driven biography about the Last Emperor of China and his journey on adapting and facing the evolving reality. The passion and enthusiasm towards the project is clearly visible which also pays off as the craft touches the audience within first few minutes which clearly shows how explicitly and beautifully the project is created. It is rich on technical aspects like background score, production design, cinematography, costume design, sound department, art design and editing. The writing is strong and creates the anticipated among the viewers and sets the energy of the cinema with a perfect amount of tense and glorious as it can aspire to be. The screenplay by Mark Peploe and Bernardo Bertolucci is elaborated and not over-stretched which is essential for the writers to be aware of, which helps them filter out dull inessential sequences easily. Bernardo Bertolucci; the director, has done a tremendous work on executing the script and not lose the grip on any frame of it, which seems possible considering the runtime of the feature. Each and every actor linked to the feature has given its all in, since being aware of the opportunity and it is communicated swiftly with the audience. The Last Emperor is a brief and rigid reign whose journey is depicted with all passion; all love; all heart.
magnusg-79607 Its ok good acting but 9 oscars? Not that good. But sure go watch it if you like movies based on real life events
grantss The story of the last emperor of China, Puyi. We see his childhood, the build up to him becoming Emperor, how the position is thrust upon him at a very young age and taken away, through revolution and forced abdication, when he was still a child. His life from then on is a roller-coaster ride, with many threats and ordeals.Interesting, edifying drama, sensitively told by director Bernardo Bertolucci. Quite an emotional journey.Lavish production, with colourful costumes and large sets. Not perfect. Does feel a bit slow at times.Won the 1988 Best Picture Oscar.
Kirpianuscus out of definition. because it has the virtue to be more a trip than a film. because it reminds old jewelries. and because it presents a slice of history, memorable scenes and psychology of a world looking for the best way to survive. it is Bertolucci vision about the life of Pu Yi. but the emperor is only a symbol . because the film becomes in its second half a parable about the illusion, purpose of life, the other, need of certitude. a film who seduce for details and delicate beauty. a film of ink and cricket. and the presence of Peter O Toole. it seems be a revelation . about yourself. about the challenges of history. about the meaning of decisions. about the fight of a victim.