Sid and Nancy
Sid and Nancy
R | 03 October 1986 (USA)
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January 1978. After their success in England, the punk rock band Sex Pistols venture out on their tour of the southern United States. Temperamental bassist Sid Vicious is forced by his band mates to travel without his troubled girlfriend, Nancy Spungen, who will meet him in New York. When the band breaks up and Sid begins his solo career in a hostile city, the turbulent couple definitely falls into the depths of drug addiction.

Whitech It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.
Twilightfa Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
bettycjung 6/26/18. Maybe 2 1/2 stars. Good acting by Oldman and Webb captured the chaotic drug-infused lifestyle of Sid and Nancy, Most of the time it was hard to watch their self-destructiveness which knew would end badly. And, it did.
Carlee Smith Let me start out by saying this is not a love story. This movie doesn't glamorize their story in any way. The beginning is amazingly accurate for depicting the punk scene and what the public thought of punks. Chloe Webb plays the role of Nancy perfectly people say that her character is annoying and disgusting but that is who Nancy was she was disgusting everyone hated her the only one who tolerated her was Sid. Gary Oldman portrays Sid as he was he had a bright future and it was destroyed when he met Nancy. This story shows their downward spiral together. This is amazing because it shows the truth how grim the reality of it was the accuracy of the drug abuse and effects on both physicality and the impact it has on an addict's life and the loss of ones self. I find it so brutally honest that everybody should watch to understand that time better. The only reason I rated it lower was because I felt it moved quite slow and there was quite a bit of unnecessary fluff.
Robert Thompson (justbob1982) Version I saw: LoveFilm Instant streamActors: 7/10Plot/script: 6/10Photography/visual style: 5/10Music/score: 6/10Overall: 6/10Sid and Nancy is a very punk film. Shot in a very low-tech, rather shambolic style, it begins (in Sunset Blvd. style) with a dead person and then tells the story of how they got there.The dead woman is Nancy Spungen, paramour of Sex Pistols bassist Sid Vicious (Gary Oldman). It's clearly a great performance by Oldman in a breakthrough role in his career, but the character he is portraying is shown to have no talent, no musical ability, no virtues whatsoever except a somewhat greater mastery than most of punk's aggressive swagger.What follows is a difficult piece to assess, because it is a ruthless, efficient character assassination of the central pair. It is arguably a mark of the success of the film that they are shown to have nothing notable or interesting about them, and are merely loathsome individuals with very mundane, everyday flaws.However, it does make you question why you did or would want to spend 112 minutes looking at them. I am broadly a fan of the punk music style, but this is a lot more about the punk ethos than punk music. It fizzes with passive-aggressiveness which it directs primarily at its subjects, sneering viciously at their weaknesses and failings. I suppose that exactly like it's subject, the film is brutally passive-aggressive, a bit pointless, a bit self-indulgent, self-destructive and very, very punk.
Terrell Howell (KnightsofNi11) Some films tend to glorify rock and roll by showing off its glamorous side full of adventure and wonder. Sid and Nancy does no such thing. Instead it exposes the dirty, grimy, seedy underbelly of punk rock which is full of violence and drugs. Gary Oldman plays Sid Vicious, the bassist for British punk rock group the Sex Pistols. The film chronicles his life from when he meets his junky girlfriend, Nancy Spungen, to the tragic demise of that relationship. It is a loud, mean, ugly, and crass film that perfectly captures all that the Sex Pistols stood for... anarchy. Filled with all sorts of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, Sid and Nancy is a seriously wild ride.If there's anything that makes this film, it's Gary Oldman and Chloe Webb. These two are incredible, Oldman more so. Oldman captures the self destructive tendencies of Sid excellently and takes it to a frighteningly believable extreme. It is a terrifying and shocking experience to watch him run amuck in this film, spray painting walls, nonstop drinking, shooting heroin every chance he gets, burning houses, etc. He is the true essence of anarchy, and yet somehow we feel sympathy for him. This is solely because of Nancy, the girlfriend. She is a character you love to hate. She is a pathetic excuse for a human being, always whining to get her way and her drugs, never contributing anything positive to Sid's life, and always screaming about her own problems. It is sickening and it makes the film all the more twisted and engrossing as we watch such self destruction unfold on screen.It's not easy to tell a story where your two main characters are so easily hateable, but somehow this film does it. I think it is because of the balance between Nancy and Sid that we feel compelled to pity Sid and despise Nancy, making the film engaging in an offbeat and slightly deranged way. Their story is so backwards and so wretchedly obscene that we have to be interested in it somehow. It starts off simply enough. The Sex Pistols are all about anarchy and they go around beating people up, cursing, drinking, and all that sort of thing. But it isn't until Sid meets Nancy that things really start to explode as the story falls deeper and deeper into a twisted fit of depravity. Thing get worse and worse for the two as the film progresses and Sid's life slowly crumbles around him, with him too drunk or too high to even notice. The film does lag a little bit towards the middle as the conversations between Nancy and Sid begin to get a little repetitive, but we are then hit by an expected yet still powerful ending that closes out the film at just the right tone and atmosphere.There is really nothing sane or reasonable about Sid and Nancy. It envelopes true chaos and discourse through the life of one man and his ridiculous girlfriend. It is a chore to watch this film as it does chronicle a life full of the most horrible habits and attitudes imaginable, but if you can stomach it all then Sid and Nancy is a fantastic film to experience. I loved this film and was truly fascinated by it. It displays a lifestyle a would never want to live. Instead, I only want to learn about it in vulgar detail from a great film like Sid and Nancy.