Death Wish 3
Death Wish 3
R | 01 November 1985 (USA)
Death Wish 3 Trailers

Architect/vigilante Paul Kersey arrives back in New York City and is forcibly recruited by a crooked police chief to fight street crime caused by a large gang terrorizing the neighborhoods.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Leofwine_draca This ultra-hilarious propaganda for the suburban masses sees 64 year-old Charlie Bronson turned into an indestructible hero in the Sly Stallone or Arnie Schwarzenegger mould, massacring evil gang members and turning a neighbourhood into an urban war zone! You know the cards are stacked in your favour when the director is the distasteful Michael Winner, shooting his film in a London which doubles for New York (!), and the producers are the dreaded Golan/Globus combination from Cannon films. The realism and seriousness of the first two films are gone, replaced by an extraordinarily high body count, tons of action and death, and lots of stock cardboard cut-outs replacing live actors and real people. My god, this film is a masterpiece for all the wrong reasons! Right from the start the action begins with a trio of sadistic thugs (one of whom is played by a pre-stardom Alex Winter) beating and killing an old guy who happens to be Bronson's pal. Bronson winds up being blamed for the crime (why?) and chucked in jail where he fights off young, muscular bad guys - we see him doing press-ups and therefore are supposed to believe he's still capable of beating multiple opponents in hand-to-hand combat! Later Bronson hooks up with a police guy - the familiar Ed Lauter - and becomes a professional vigilante, moving into the neighbourhood from hell and helping the ageing residents fight back. What follows are lots of self-defence bits and pieces - amusing traps at windows, Bronson chasing and killing would-be muggers, plus a gratuitous rape sequence (Marina Sirtis is the victim here) thrown in for good measure. A new girlfriend comes and goes but the formula is still the same. The bad guys fight back, lots of innocent folk get killed or injured, and finally Bronson retaliates big time.The film is unintentionally amusing throughout, packed with continuity errors and revealing mistakes. Half the fun comes from spotting them. The script is full of clichéd dialogue or stock one-liners and the acting on the most part is dreadful. Bronson the somnambulist sleepwalks through the part whilst old-timer Martin Balsam is brought in for name value alone and suffers his name dragging through the dirt. The only really good performance is from Gavan O'Herlihy as the sadistic gang leader Fraker, a real bastard. The rest of the performers are just cannon fodder on both sides waiting to be cut down. After lots of shoot-outs, chases and explosions, the film concludes with an incredible over-the-top war between the street thugs and Bronson and his newly-armed neighbours. Motorbike gangs raid through the estate, demolishing and exploding buildings all over, and burning victims are machine-gunned in cold-blood. Women and children are shot and killed and the police massacred on arrival. Through the madness walks Bronson and his ethnic buddy, dodging bullets that just can't miss at every stage and calmly blasting down bad guys like the ending of COMMANDO. Dummies fly off rooftops, blood sprays and even a rocket launcher is brought into play. It's amazing stuff and a real surprise to find such a mindless action trash classic emerging from such a one-serious series. I say check this one out.
Michael_Elliott Death Wish 3 (1985) *** (out of 4)Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson) is on a bus heading to visit a friend in New York City but once he gets there he finds the friend dead. It turns out that the neighborhood has been taken over by a gang of ruthless murdering thugs so to protect the building his friend lived in Kersey straps the guns back on and prepares for battle.DEATH WISH 3 has become one of the biggest cult action films of the decade and it's very easy to see why because you're not going to find a more over-the-top or insane picture. The final twenty or so minutes of this picture contains some of the wackiest and most outrageous action scenes that you'll ever witness so it's easy to watch them while drinking a beer and cheering along.What's always been so shocking to me about this series is how drastically different the films are from one another. The first film was a very dark and disturbing picture that asked political and social questions about killing. The second picture was a downright cheap exploitation movie. This third film seems like an out of control video game where Bronson is just given a wide range of weapons and we see him use them against some of the craziest group of villains that you'll ever see.DEATH WISH 3 is certainly a very weird movie but it's also a very entertaining one. Again, the main reason to watch this film is just to see Bronson back in action. I know he said in several interviews that he hated this picture but it really does look as if he's having fun. He's given some creative ways to kill people and there's even some humor thrown in from various traps that he sets up. Again, the real highlight comes in the final action sequence where an entire town gets blown up. This final sequence ranks as one of the wildest in cinema history.As I said, I think Bronson is in fine form here but we also get nice supporting performances from Martin Balsam, Ed Lauter, Deborah Raffin and Gavan O'Herlihy. Michael Winner does a good job at not taking anything too serious and he certainly manages to deliver a fast and loose picture. Again, it's rather shocking to see how different this film is compared to the previous two but DEATH WISH 3 deserves credit for trying something different.
rrvtjd Provided the viewer goes into this movie knowing it is a bonanza of cheesy acting, corny dialogue, handguns that fire 46 rounds without the need to reload, and bad-guys who can't shoot worth a damn, Death Wish 3 is an enjoyable journey through a mid-1980s environment of urban blight, multi-racial criminal gangs, incompetent police, and helpless civilians who couldn't protect themselves from a larger-than-average bumblebee. Please understand that this is not a hit-piece against Charles Bronson or any of the other actors or makers of this film. The truly dedicated performances turned in by the actors should not be diminished by the utter silliness and hilarity of the movie which resulted.
barjo-915-203229 I saw at the movies with my friends when it came out...and I remember us thinking how ridiculous it is. It appears to have been written by a 12 year old, using some sort of formula, perhaps a 16 year old gave them.From the most ridiculous gangsters ever, to Charles Bronson inexplicably ordering rocket launchers through the mail, to the infamous gangster armed only with a plunger (??)...the movie appear to have been made with the assumption that there are enough people lobotomised, or otherwise impaired that would see this steaming pile of crap that it would make its money back, even though it is rubbish.