PG | 12 April 1979 (USA)
Hurricane Trailers

The story of the desperate love affair between a young Samoan chief and a beautiful American painter, against the will of her father, the powerful governor of the island. Amid this man-made tension comes a powerful hurricane so devastating, the lives of the lovers and the entire island are imperiled.

Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
zetes The much maligned remake of John Ford's 1937 film (or at least the second adaptation of the novel, which came out in 1936) is not as bad as its reputation, but it doesn't really work. They change things up a bit to make it about an interracial romance. Mary Astor's character (now played by Mia Farrow) is now the daughter of the governor character (played here by Jason Robards), and the lead native character (played by newcomer Dayton Ka'ne) falls in love with her. This being the 1920s, their romance is looked down upon (by both races). The initial premise change isn't too bad, but it weakens the rest of the plot, which plays out pretty similarly to the original film. Ka'ne's crime is far less sympathetic than it was; there he was arrested for assaulting a racist who insulted him. Here, he, as chief of his people, allows a custom of checking for a bride's virginity before she's married - the girl is so upset about it she drowns herself. Farrow helps Ka'ne escape, but their plans, and everyone's lives, are disrupted by the hurricane. Jon Hall was kind of the weak link in Ford's film, but Ka'ne is far worse. Even besides his more detestable crime, he's just not that likable an actor. Farrow's infatuation with him never comes off as real love, so there's no romance to latch onto. Farrow herself isn't too bad, but she's ten years older than the character should be at least. Robards is the best thing about it. Trevor Howard plays the priest and Max von Sydow the doctor. Both are fine, but the roles probably should have been reversed. It doesn't really matter, though, since both characters get short shafted by the script. Timothy Bottoms is pretty good as Farrow's initial love interest (he doesn't really have an analogue in the original). The actual hurricane is still pretty good, but the ending is lame. The film looks great, thanks to Sven Nykvist and, you know, Bora Bora just being beautiful in general.
DrStefanSvevo While researching some info on this movie so that I could list some lobby cards from it on Ebay...I stumbled onto this great site. However, after reading the "FAINT PRAISE" that a few have written regarding this absolutely dreadful film, I have to wonder...exactly WHAT movie were you watching? "Good things going for it"??..."Had Jan Troell directing it" (as if that means anything!!)..."Jason Robards was good"... I mean COME ON!! Sure...the "opening title credits of HOWARD THE DUCK" were well-done, but does that mean the film has any merit at all? "Children of the Living Dead" had TOM SAVINI (a great makeup artist in it), but does that redeem that awful excuse to waste good celluloid at all? HURRICANE is SOOOOOOOOOOO bad, that it can be summed up in TWO WORDS: "Dayton Ka'ne" (or is that 3 words, because of the stupid apostrophe in his last name?) And is it pronounced "Kaaaah nay", as in "Kaaaant Act", or is it pronounced "CANE" as in "This film is so far from Citizen Kane, that it makes Revenge of the Nerds 3 look like Hamlet?" Maybe it was a "play on words" created by that master-craftsman Jan Troell (who is CERTAINLY deserving of being a "TROLL" for dropping this dreck on society), and the movie was intended to be titled "Hurri-Ka'ne". Maybe Dayton was taking too long in his trailer fixing his hair, rather than reading his lines, and Troell-doll had to yell into his megaphone..."HEY DAYTON...we are ready for the 123rd take on your opening lines!! Report to the set before I attack you with a "Ka'ne"!! Oh...and as for MIA FARROW...she never could act her way out of a wet paper bag anyway, and even when the paper bag is drenched in Hurri-ka'ne water, she STILL was dreadful. Plus...she weighs about 17 pounds, so if the winds were really that strong, wouldn't she simply blow away and then land somewhere on the set of a Woody Allen film? Lucky for her, the 37 people who actually saw this film in theaters got the treat of watching her spout off lines that are so embarrassingly bad, that you are almost WISHING you could've run screaming out of the theater and into the next one to watch...AVALANCHE. Ooops...ANOTHER Mia Farrow disaster movie. Let's face it. Dino DeLaurentiis was NO Irwin Allen. Mia Farrow, Jason Robards, and Dayton Ka'ne are NOT "disaster movie-worthy" actors. They simply aren't the type. Robards, while a GREAT actor...stunk in this thing and the upcoming Raise The Titanic. By 1979, even IRWIN himself couldn't "sell" a disaster film. The genre was dead. Why they continued to make these when the audience was WAY past them is beyond me. It was a sad ending to a great genre. A FUN genre as well. From 1972-1976, DISASTER rules the theaters. It was FUN to go to the movies then. But then Meteor, The Swarm, Hurricane, Avalanche, Raise The Titanic, When Time Ran Out, and Airport '79 had to screw it up.
beetiesmom I actually like this movie, if nothing else, for gorgeous Dayton Ka'Ne, the son of University of Dayton football star, LeRoy Ka'Ne, who graduated from U.D. in the early 50s (my mom was one of his professors). It's sad that he didn't do any more than one other film. The other well-known actors had to struggle with a pretty weak script, but Nino Rota's music was nice and the scenery was GORGEOUS! I watch this movie when I need a mini-trip from the Midwest. One thing I always wondered---what on earth did Matangi see in pale, bony Charlotte when he could have had any of the beautiful, voluptuous Polynesian girls on the island???
readinglips HURRICANE is not a great film, but it sure IS entertaining. Some of the scenes and situations are ludicrous (Jason Robards has the hots for his daughter, Mia Farrow) and the dialogue is often hilarious. But if you stick around, you'll find that the production values are astonishing. Among the talents behind the camera are Jan Troell (THE EMIGRANTS, THE NEW LAND), who directed; Sven Nykvist (cinematographer for many of Ingmar Berman's later films) who filmed on location in the South Pacific; and Nino Rota, who wrote a lovely, haunting musical theme. The performances aren't so bad (considering the dialogue) and the special effects at the end show you why this was one of the most expensive films of its day.