Space Chimps 2: Zartog Strikes Back
Space Chimps 2: Zartog Strikes Back
PG | 26 May 2010 (USA)
Space Chimps 2: Zartog Strikes Back Trailers

Comet longs to be taken seriously as a full-fledged space chimp. He journeys to the fantastical Planet Malgor and bonds with the adorable alien Kilowatt, living out his ultimate fantasy. However, it's time for Comet to prove himself when the feared alien ruler Zartog takes over Mission Control! Comet must show he has the right stuff, and join fellow chimps Ham, Luna and Titan, to save the day.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
sam-scriven I watched this film with my two younger brothers, knowing full well that the first film was a slight disappointment. I wasn't expecting the horrors which slithered out of the TV screen after the opening scene of this film however. It started with a five minute crash and burn style clip together of the most humorous pieces of the previous film. I'm not sure if this was to waste time and make the real "film" seem longer, but It was a waste of time. There are a few attempts at humour, but the animation is so poor, even these look like too much effort for the animation team. Then there is the scene in which Comet is flying through space, enjoying the views of some enticing FALSE COLOUR IMAGES ONE COULD EASILY OBTAIN FROM A GOOGLE SEARCH! This annoyed me deeply, as I am currently studying astrophysics and know that these images are FALSE COLOUR, and would be invisible to the naked eye! This shows a clear lack of either knowledge or prior research and highlights the "Ohh! That looks pretty! Let's make a slide show of this trash and edit a cheesy spaceship with a monkey in it over the top of these pictures I just this second got of the Internet! Then there are the characters, or rather, lack of them. Unlike many films, this one simply featured the ten most popular or memorable characters from the previous film. But not memorable for a good reason. Take Kilawazazuggyuuu... Whatever she is... Whenever she squirms onto the screen screeching trash at us through that annoyingly small mouth of hers, you just want to pick her up and throw her. I mean, just listen to that noise! What!? What is that!? A giant glowing football? And then pretending to be an aeroplane!? What is this? Is it some sort of cryptic code that only a child understands? I was sat with two young children who couldn't decipher this junk!Then there is the title. Zartog strikes back. He clearly doesn't strike back. He doesn't even do anything. He merely boasts of his prowess and waves a crowbar/ magical game controller. I mean come on! You should call it Space chimps 2, Zartog stands there, or space chimps 2. Zartog gets chased by a dog. What sort of vengeance is this! I have more sinister plots sneaking in to the living room and finding my brothers watching watching my Mum painting the fence than this trash can offer! If you've watched this film, I feel sorry for you. I wish there was some eye sterilisation treatment I could offer...This is one title that should just lay down and die, along with the animation and management "Companies" that go with it.
Nathan Wilkes On my recent viewing spree I managed to find time to review Space Chimps 2. Now Space Chimps 1 didn't exactly get me excited. What they've done here is they've taken everything they did manage to get right in Space Chimps 1 and got it wrong in Space Chimps 2. It was truly terrible. People are complaining that the animation, acting and characterisation was terrible and it did! The only reason is - IT TAKES EFFORT! Movie studios like this are just out to get the money and then worry about quality after. If they'd actually put effort they'd of realised the numerous continuity errors they'd made. Take for example the scene where Zartog is holding onto the spaceship. He is on the cockpit windscreen and then seconds later he's on the wing! It was just silly! And the only kind of characterisation I can see goes to the Indian scientist and still the characterisation was poor. It was based all around jokes and I can't speak on behalf of the children and whether they liked this but I thought it was completely terrible!
slatromhsiloof Terrible attempt to make a buck at the expense of our kids. The plot was non-existent. This story wouldn't even hold the attention of a small child. I kept waiting for something to happen, but it never did. Recycled lowbrow attempts at humor typical of what Hollywood thinks our kids need. Turn on the TV and watch re-runs of "The Flintstones" instead, or better yet, take them to the park. This DVD is only suitable for target practice. I wonder how much money was wasted on this thing that could have went to feeding starving orphans. I give it 12 thumbs down. This movie is a canker sore on the lip of humanity. I would rather have genital warts than watch this thing again. The kids actually got up and left before it was halfway through and went to do their homework. Pass on this unless you think gastrointestinal distress is a screaming good time. Forget it, pass on it even then. You have been warned.
edwardrevans I cant give a full review of this film because I fell asleep about half way through. Costing £23 to take my family because we picked the 3D version, I'm thinking can i get my money back ? The 3D is poor the backgrounds and floor shots lack depth and the film is littered with Product placements. If i could give it zero then I would. Now you may think that this is harsh considering I fell asleep, well if the film were any good (Monsters inc for example) then i would have stayed awake. I got the gist after about 40mins and simply lost interest. This movie is and excuse to jump on the 3D bandwagon and to make more money of the back of the previous film.