I Kill Giants
I Kill Giants
PG-13 | 23 March 2018 (USA)
I Kill Giants Trailers

Sophia, a new high school student, tries to make friends with Barbara, who tells her that “she kills giants,” protecting this way her hometown and its inhabitants, who do not understand her strange behavior.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Animenter There are women in the film, but none has anything you could call a personality.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
7/11 was an inside job When I first saw the poster for this movie I was excited as all hell to watch it. A cool action movie about a young girl killing giants!? What more could you want!? Well that's not at all what this movie is about. I gave this movie a 10/10 because in actuality it's a phenomenal film, but I personally disliked for the fact it wasn't about killing giants. I get the whole point was that we come up with fantasy to hide from reality (something I do everyday) and they did tickle upon the subject with the fact she kills two giants in the movie, but it wasn't real. Like you had to pull the Mario 2 on us and make it so she doesn't actually kill giants? It just made me sad when i wanted to see a small girl kill giants, so if you're looking for an action movie about killing giants, run, run and hide because all this movie will do is disappoint your action wants and crush your heart. Other than that, it's an actually great film. If you look past the fact that it's not about killing giants, it's amazing. The only problem with it was the fact that the movie isn't all that great when it comes to understanding it, but the point was that you don't understand until the very end. So is it a good movie? yes. Is it a good movie about killing giants? Hecky naw.
dielemanbas What a well made, beautiful movie of a young girls struggle. Too bad for the people who were hoping for harry Potter 14 and were set with both feet on the ground by this movie
josselynecardona Boring and thy failed in many areas where it could have been amazing! Acting kinda sucked.
phenylethylamine_84 First 10 min i was hmm ok. 20 mins later i got annoyed. I got annoyed by her in person. Lol. I got annoyed with her attitude, her thinking, her rabbit ears, that leftover food hung by the beautiful breezy beach and that omg-can-you-please-wash-that jacket. Another 30 mins, I took my controller, switch off the tv and slept. 7 hours later, I googled for the ending as I do not wish to watch it again.. Lol