One Hour Photo
One Hour Photo
R | 21 August 2002 (USA)
One Hour Photo Trailers

Sy "the photo guy" Parrish has lovingly developed photos for the Yorkin family since their son was a baby. But as the Yorkins' lives become fuller, Sy's only seems lonelier, until he eventually believes he's part of their family. When "Uncle" Sy's picture-perfect fantasy collides with an ugly dose of reality, what happens next "has the spine-tingling elements of the best psychological thrillers!"

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Clevercell Very disappointing...
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
The Movie Diorama Whoa. I mean, I actually felt uncomfortable watching this. I kept fidgeting! The whole premise and the realism of it just affected me greatly. This isn't just a typical psychological thriller where a crazy guy goes crazy and does crazy things. This is an intelligent study of a character who's loneliness and solitude has driven him to stalking a family. A photograph printer who sees into the lives of those that are within these pictures, he is able to imagine himself being in them. He clearly narrates that photographs are always taken on happy occasions, and never on the events that we wish to forget. I found that to be rather poignant. All he ever desired was to be loved or wanted, and yet he just existed. His days are just routines, his life being lived in the clinical colours of beige. So very monotonous. Another great narration was the etymology of the word "snapshot" which he said was a hunting term. A guy, with a camera, taking snapshots, of children. Powerful, absolutely compelling. Robin Williams yet again proved he was able to steer away from his typecast comedic roles and endeavour in more psychologically challenging performances. He was outstanding. The supporting cast were fine but Williams owned this whole film. Creepy yet with an undertone of melancholia. You can see how the screenplay manages to convince the audience that his mental state is of depression. We don't hate him, we actually sympathise instead. So many terrifying scenes, not in terms of horror but how realistically possible these scenarios are. Your child talking to a stranger and buying them gifts. A stranger waiting outside your house everyday. These stalker-like behaviour traits is ever so apparent in the current world. That's what makes this film so powerful. Realism. I wish we could've explored Sy "the photo guy's" past, I'm sure it would've been fascinating. It may not be a blockbuster thriller, but this little gem is one of Robin Williams' best performances.
Hot Rog This was a highly unusual, serious dramatic role delivered by the late Robin Williams. I didn't know what to expect when I sat down to view ONE HOUR PHOTO but the unfolding story of Sy Parish mesmerized me. His tale is original, moving and emotional in a way you can't preconceive. There's also a twist at the end that you don't expect and that frames the main character in a less sinister, more sympathetic light. This movie is about photos and connections to other people and how the two tie together in time and place. You life in pictures versus your real life. To me, Robin Williams created a complex character out of a seemingly simple old man in Sy Parish. There is a fleeting beauty to this film, along with a happy sort of sadness. I would encourage anyone to see this movie. Truly it's William's best, non-comedic role.
KineticSeoul This is a underrated psychological thriller about a one-hour photo lab worker named Sy that is obsessed with a family, that he develops photos for. Now what really drives this movie, is how it delves into Sy's mindset and what makes him tick. Now Robin Williams did a phenomenal job playing this character. He was believable as a psycho and yet still carried that teddy bear vibe, if that makes sense. Robin Williams played another role where he plays a psychopath during the same year, in the movie "Insomnia". But there is more sympathy for his character in this one, because despite it not really delving into his backstory. You as an audience member can sense where the character is coming from. Near the end, the plot seemed to drag slightly but that is only a small gripe. Besides that this is a existential and in-depth movie that deals with loneliness and memories. How some memories we try to hold onto while others we learn from it but want to forget. And how this can have an effect on a person. Overall, this is a worthy watch especially because of Robin Williams performance.7.6/10
Michael Radny Whilst my only complaint is that it starts off a bit slow, One Hour Photo becomes a fast paced thriller which pitches you on the edge of your seat. The thing I love about this film is that it never reveals to much at one time. The ending is explosive and all the little bits in between are fantastic. Robin Williams' acing is phenomenal, whilst (just like the perfect photo) the filming is also above par, capturing all the scenes in beautiful glory.I can't believe I waited so long to see this. A truly underrated gem and a great thriller. It's also very original, with no film before or after imitating what you watch.
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