The Forger
The Forger
R | 24 April 2015 (USA)
The Forger Trailers

A former child art prodigy and second generation petty thief arranges to buy his way out of prison to spend time with his ailing son, only to be forced to alter his plans and commit one more job for the man who financed his release.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
barry-180 We went to the cinema as we call it it in the UK last weekend to see a crash,bang , wallop movie, as nearly all films are these days. As the trailers were all for crash ,bang wallop movies as well. I It was a pleasure to see on TV an old fashioned type of film with a STORY line! I thought the characters played by the grand-father, father and son were moving and the drug addicted mother was shown empathy by her estranged family.I thought that Jon Travolta , Christopher Plummer and Tye Sheridan were very good. The scene where Travolta takes his son to the brothel ,was handled perfectly . The ending had a kind of Shawshank Redemption kind of quality about it. I like a film with a redemption! It makes me feel better and not miserable . And is it a bad thing to be entertained by a a film?
kosmasp If you like family values in your movies, you could do much worse than this. And while you might not agree with Travoltas politics or his firm believe in Scientology, this shouldn't matter watching a movie like this. He has fallen, but he can still act. Even if he projects more into some things than necessary.Still this is a decent, if predictable effort into the Heist foray. We know where it is heading and while only in movies people behave certain ways, there is a bit of switch with the story of a son who has been neglected and has to be won over again. Maybe this will warm your heart (not being sarcastic) to a degree that you'll give this a higher rating
Prismark10 The Forger is a drab anaemic crime thriller which waste the talents of its actors and has 'made for pay television' written all over it.Travolta is art forger Ray Cutter who cuts a deal with some big shots to leave prison early so he can spend time with his son who has terminal cancer. He helps fulfils his bucket list which includes meeting his drug addicted mother.However for getting released from prison early he has a debt to pay to the gangsters which includes painting a convincing forgery of a Monet painting and switch it with the real one at the Boston museum.All the time Cutter is watched by the police and he reckons that the gangsters will double cross him somehow. Well that must be the explanation why Travolta looks mournful as he spends little time painting Monet's 'Woman with parasol.'Christopher Plummer spikes things up as Ray's con man father willing to help out. The film is maudlin and tension free. Even the museum robbery lacks energy.
eddie_baggins A curious mix of family drama and crime thriller that never even begins to threaten to become a good cohesive mix, Philip Martin's The Forger is one of countless other films in years past that has potential yet fails to realise it due to lacklustre acting, scripting and some quite dire direction.Starring the now long time mojo-less John Travolta, The Forger gives the near unrecognisable 70's/80's icon a chance to shine as art loving forger (and proud goatee sporting) Raymond Cutter who just wants to spend some quality time with his dying son Will played by Tree of Life's Tye Sheridan but gets caught up with some mean old baddies who want him to do one last job but Travolta fails to bring anything to the table other than a torrid hairdo and while his interplay with Sheridan can be at times humorous and almost affecting, it doesn't work enough to make up for the Forger's shoddily handled storytelling.Every man, women, child and all those in between love a good heist movie, the tension of the set-up, the plans and the execution can make for white knuckle thrills but the Forger, to its detriment, never bothers to raise so much as a slight pulse and by the films so called finale, you'll be wondering if you've in fact been conned into "one last score" that just doesn't payoff. We could've done with double the dose of planning and making paint and far less meandering father/son relationship drama and for all the films effort to make us care for both Raymond and Will, by the end we frankly couldn't care less about their plight even though the film's final scene shows us just what could've been.Wasting a ripe story, industry vet Christopher Plummer and generally wasting our time with a movie that promises something yet delivers nothing, The Forger is a direct to DVD effort than you can stay well away from and is another nail in the increasingly shut coffin lid that now lays almost perfectly flush over the casket of John Travolta's slowly dying career.1 ½ uneven soul patches out of 5