Heaven Can Wait
Heaven Can Wait
NR | 13 August 1943 (USA)
Heaven Can Wait Trailers

Spoiled playboy Henry van Cleve dies and arrives at the entrance to Hell, a final destination he is sure he deserves after living a life of profligacy. The devil, however, isn't so sure Henry meets Hell's standards. Convinced he is where he belongs, Henry recounts his life's deeds, both good and bad, including an act of indiscretion during his 25-year marriage to his wife, Martha, with the hope that "His Excellency" will arrive at the proper judgment.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Irishchatter I just thought this movie was rather boring because I felt like the story was a little over the top and that I couldn't just keep up with it. It was like the main characters storyline was telling a good few stories to the devil rather than his own. It just was so silly like I don't know how anyone can follow this movie, its confusing! I have nothing more to say but this movie was a time waster, never would I recommend this as one of the greatest movies of the 40's.................
Frances Farmer Heaven Can Wait is a very bad movie that can be summarized as follows:Strengths: Excellent production values; lavish, over-the-top decor and costumes; glorious technicolor photography; scene of Eugene Palette and Marjorie Main at tableWeaknesses: Characterless, watery, stone-age, middlebrow humor; lame, stilted dialogue; very stereotyped and completely shallow family dynamics driving all of the action; some *Really* bad acting (especially the teenaged versions of the male characters and the voice of the stupendously irritating "mademoiselle" character)The first half hour and the last 15 minutes were especially painful and I was very tempted to walk out but, somehow, suffered through the whole thing. I regretted going to see this movie and would not wish the experience of seeing it on my worst enemy.
Sergeant_Tibbs It's a shame that Heaven Can Wait doesn't live up to its initial premise because it starts on such an interesting and deliciously sardonic note. It still has its delights and certainly makes up for it in some accounts but isn't as great as it could've been. Despite plenty of lavish and colourful production design to enjoy, the film is a series of scattered and unfocused vignettes in the life of the character, played animatedly by Don Ameche, who's ever a delight here. Each scene does eventually have an interesting point, if depressing, about love, infatuation and relationships, but it doesn't feel like it connects to its framing device enough to be justified. You don't feel the warmth of the connection to a character and instead you're just watching trivial but often interesting drama. Perhaps that's the point that the film is trying to make about life. Only Lubitsch can make films this earnest and accessible.8/10
Tore Dahl Having bought this because it had been listed as a comic masterpiece somewhere (I forget where unfortunately), I expected some good laughs but received none. It just never went anywhere in particular, the man Cleve never evolved, except into something more shallow. The movie was just rather boring, although it started out interesting enough. The man playing the "Excellency" in Hell's foyer was a nice exception along with Grandpapa Cleve, from the rest of the bland acting present here. Don Ameches limited repertoire is obvious to me now after having seen this film. As for Tierney... well, pleasant enough, but nothing more. I must agree with those giving the movie 1 or 2 stars, the only reason I stretch to 3 is that it wasn't THAT bad. It just wasn't very good. And not a comedy at all.