| 15 November 2007 (USA)
Gabriel Trailers

Gabriel tells the story of an archangel who fights to bring light back to purgatory - a place where darkness rules - and save the souls of the city's inhabitants.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
dlbhina-76900 I can't watch movies anymore where extraterrestrials or angels fight each other with conventional weapons. In this film, switchblades and silencers are the weapons of choice. Ha!7 'arc angels' are sent to fight with 7 bad ones, but only at certain times. They live in the ghetto, more effective then if they lived in a penthouse. And why is there always a thunderstorm when they arrive? This fil is filled with every cliché, and every misnomer. Why bother?
Movie Guy OK let's get the bad stuff out of the way first, it's a low budget film, the actors aren't great and generally quite bad a times but that is easily forgiven.To me there is a lot of truth within this film and the story is good which is ultimately what makes this film good and it's a great example that you don't need millions to make a decent film as well as the artistic feel (at times) it's just let down by some terrible acting, corny moments because this could have been a masterpiece if they worked on those things.They are actually working on a sequel and I for one am very exited, hopefully they'll work on the aforementioned negatives and make a brilliant next movie.
Hollywoodrulez Most Australian director/writers have a certain look on there films which is why Australia is no Hollywood. That said Gabriel is an Australian film in the style of a dark Hollywood action horror. It's easy to see why this film done very well in the united states as it's not all about the country of Australia or it leaves out the Australian feel which kind of makes most Australian films the same or comparable to each other. Gabriel is not comparable to any Australian films but it has compared to Constantine an American film. Shane abbess is the kind of Australian director/writer that I inspire to be. I want to make action/graphic novel films. As an Australian my work would be very American and not a typical Australian film much like Gabriel. So that is why Gabriel worked on many levels for me.
tedg I came to this because it was Australian, a first film and supposedly risky. It has been some time since a young Australian filmmaker has affected me, and I always put then toward the top of the list.This, dear friends is simply some yelling. It is no "Ink."But it got me wondering. Movies are all about satisfying urges. Well, everything is, but the tokens are explicitly here for you to see. But the constraints of the medium and market morph those urges. So what you see is not what you wanted, but what you can get. Over time, you build this dissonance because you live in the world created by constraints.Here is what I mean. We all wonder about how the world works. So we want cosmologies in our art, grand organizing principles. We want to know what the rules are. So we have stories with grand conspiracies, or mythical worlds with an order, usually bad and good. Or even just a guy with super powers or abilities who wins because he is attuned in a world where justice flows.But the medium has only a few human activities that are cinematic. One of these is fighting, especially with guns and knives. If you are making a movie on the cheap, you'll have to forgo the standard fireball explosions, usually with the hero walking away slowly.As a result, we end up with bizarre situations where cosmological forces are shoved into fight movies. This is not the worst example; I saw this with "TMNT," but it is pretty obvious because the movie itself is so unrewarding.Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.