Tarzan and the Amazons
Tarzan and the Amazons
NR | 29 April 1945 (USA)
Tarzan and the Amazons Trailers

A group of archaeologists asks Tarzan to help them find an ancient city in a hidden valley of women. He refuses, but Boy is tricked into doing the job. The queen of the women asks Tarzan to help them.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
utgard14 The ninth movie in the Johnny Weissmuller Tarzan series (and third since the series moved from MGM to RKO) is also the first to feature an actress besides Maureen O'Sullivan playing Jane. In the first two RKO films, Jane was off helping with the war effort in England. Now it's time for her to come home but, alas, O'Sullivan wouldn't return to the part so it was recast with Brenda Joyce. Maureen is certainly missed but Brenda does a decent job and would play Jane for the remainder of the Weissmuller films. As I said, Jane returns home to Africa but she doesn't come alone. She brings with her some archaeologists who are interested in the lost city of the Amazons, a tribe of women warriors. Tarzan knows where the city is but won't tell them. If you've seen even one Tarzan movie before this, you should know the outsiders won't leave it alone. They convince Boy to lead them to the Amazon city, where they are not greeted with open arms.I noticed Johnny Sheffield, the actor playing Boy, is in the middle of puberty by this point and his voice is noticeably deeper than the last film in the series. It's the sort of thing you probably only notice when you watch the series back to back. Sheffield's enjoyable, though Boy's a bit of a brat in this one. Cheeta, the series' regular scene stealer, is great as always. Henry Stephenson plays the kindly old lead archaeologist who has no clue how rotten his friends are. Barton MacLane makes a particularly slimy heavy. The Amazons are lovely young women in skimpy (for the time) outfits. Nothing wrong with that. Pretty Shirley O'Hara is the one given the most to do. Their leader is the awesome Maria Ouspenskaya. She's always a treat to watch. Nice sets and matte paintings. The Amazon stuff is lots of fun. As with all of the RKO Tarzan movies, this is a solid escapist adventure film. Nothing deep but good to watch on a lazy weekend.
Michael_Elliott Tarzan and the Amazons (1945) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Johnny Weissmuller's ninth time playing Tarzan has him and Boy (Johnny Sheffield) welcoming home Jane (Brenda Joyce) who also brings with her some archaeologists. They soon learn of a secret tribe of women (led by Maria Ouspenskaya) and ask Tarzan to take them to the ladies. He refuses but Boy agrees to take them not realizing that some of the men in the group have bad plans for them. This entry is certainly a step up from the previous, TARZAN'S DESERT MYSTERY but it's still a long ways off from the early films when the series was still with MGM. With that said, if you enjoy "B" movies and especially those with Tarzan, there are enough good moments here to make the film worth sitting through at least once. As you'd expect, the real highlight comes from the good-hearted performance of Weissmueller. No one would ever call him a great actor but what he lacked as an actor perfectly made him suitable to play Tarzan. If you've seen any of his future Jungle Jim movies then you know his line delivery was pretty poor but when you play Tarzan this actually helps things. Weissmuller might have played this role eight times before but it's clear he's still having fun with it and this certainly comes across and is quite apparent to the viewer. Sheffield is also pretty good in his role as Boy and shares a lot of chemistry with Weissmuller. Joyce certainly isn't going to make anyone forget Maureen O'Sullivan but she's cute enough in the part and her flirtatious ways with Tarzan were quite charming. The supporting cast includes Ouspenskaya (THE WOLF MAN) who is sadly underused, Barton MacLane and Henry Stephenson. For the majority of the running time we get the cheap thrills one had come to expect from the series. These range of lions going on the attack to the crocodiles who are constantly swimming after someone to do damage only to have Tarzan step in. These type of thrills are things we've seen before but they still work here. What doesn't work too well is that there's about 15-20 minutes where the viewer has to just sit still and listen to Tarzan refuse to help the men. There's a long stretch where nothing much happens and the film starts to drag here before finally picking up with the action packed ending. The female tribe run around in skimpy clothing for some sex appeal but I was curious how a group of all ladies were able to reproduce when none of them had ever seen a man.
bkoganbing In the last two Tarzan films, the last one for MGM and the first one for RKO, the character of Jane was written out by having her go to the United Kingdom as a patriotic gesture for the war. Tarzan himself dealt with the Nazis in his usual manner in these last two films himself, Tarzan Triumphs and Tarzan's Desert Mystery. Jane is now played by Brenda Joyce as Tarzan and his family are fully reunited now. She's bought some friends along headed by Henry Stephenson who is fascinated by a bracelet that Cheetah found for Jane. It speaks of an ancient legend of an Amazon tribe and a lost city. Of course Tarzan knows all about it and he's been keeping the Amazons a secret. There ain't nothing in the jungle that he doesn't know about. And in Tarzan And The Amazons the usual common theme of all Tarzan films comes true. Outsiders only mean trouble, especially if they come from civilization.Stephenson is a cultured scientist, but the rest of his crew have their own ideas. Folks like Barton MacLane, Lionel Royce, Don Douglas, J.M. Kerrigan, and Steven Geray see visions of untold riches. I think you can figure the rest of this story out.Tarzan And The Amazons features Maria Ouspenskaya as the ancient Queen of the Amazons who exacts hard punishment for those who violate the sanctity of the Amazons, She's always good even in some really terrible films. This like so many other Hollywood films with an African setting give us a pulp fiction view of that continent. It was only in the Fifties with King Solomon's Mines and The African Queen that we started getting a realistic view of Africa. Still Tarzan And The Amazons is entertaining enough in a pulp fiction sort of way.
David Vanholsbeeck Let me start by saying that I'm not very familiar with the TARZAN-films of the 30's, 40's and 50's, or actually: not with Tarzan at all. This film, only being the second I've watched recently is not a very good one. Classic story(Tarzan swings from tree to tree, rescuing people from wild animals and bad guys), cardboard scenery and not a very impressive Tarzan too.This is in fact the biggest flaw of this film. I've seen Gordon Scott play Tarzan in the much better TARZAN'S GREATEST ADVENTURE and thought former swimming champion Weissmuller was the greatest Tarzan of all. I don't know if Johnny Weismuller always looked like he does here, but I can say that he doesn't look like a champion at all. There's no greatness in his performance at all, nor does he look like an athlete. I heard that he got tired after a few films more and decided to stop playing Tarzan, and this seems to be the case here already. One of the few good things about this film is Cheetah. What a great job of the animal trainers here! Great fun to watch, when Cheetah is on screen This, together with the fact that the film isn't very long(which is good, because there really isn't much story too), is the only thing why one should see this minor Tarzan-episode. 5/10