To End All Wars
To End All Wars
R | 02 September 2001 (USA)
To End All Wars Trailers

Based on a real-life story, this drama focuses on a small group of Allied soldiers in Burma who are held captive by the Japanese. Capt. Ernest Gordon (Ciaran McMenamin), Lt. Jim Reardon (Kiefer Sutherland) and Maj. Ian Campbell (Robert Carlyle) are among the military officers kept imprisoned and routinely beaten and deprived of food. While Campbell wants to rebel and attempt an escape, Gordon tries to take a more stoic approach, an attitude that proves to be surprisingly resonant.

ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Cissy Évelyne It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Bene Cumb To End All Wars is another fine example of well directed and produced war movies, with even and gifted cast - names like Robert Carlyle or Kiefer Sutherland are just more well-known. Brutality of war and misery of war prisoners are realistically depicted - as well the events and deed that made most of the POW's survive the three harsh years filled with forced labor, hunger and tropical diseases, and how changed conditions reveal new features among people.This movie is probably not for women as female figures appear on screen within a minute only. But if you like war movies and small closed location does not bother you, then To End All Wars is highly recommended.
Tcarts76 This movie totally slid by me when it came out and I am usually pretty good at spotting good war movies. It was a really well crafted movie that kind of felt like a realistic version of the factually flawed movie "The Bridge over the River Kwai. No catchy whistle tunes, just the cold harshness of the non Geneva convention signing Japanese Imperial Army.The story follows a group of British soldiers as they surrendered to the Japanese and came to suffer the war as slaves in a POw camp. It illustrates the cold, in human treatment they suffered and how they survived in the face of such adversity and evil. It is a great tale, as gut-wrenching as it is, of both the evil humans do to each other and the strength that we can have to survive.The movie was filmed pretty well, and the actors, especially Robert Carlyle gave strong performances. As good as it was I still do think there was room for improvement, and it was still a somewhat sanitized version of what life in these camps were really like. Perhaps that was to get through the censors or the just didn't want to create a controversy or face a backlash for being to grotesque, such as the controversy "Saving Private Ryan," received for being to realistic in regards to it's D-Day scenes.I do think it is a movie worth watching for the history alone.Like my reviews, hate em? Comments, hate mail, or have a DVD you would like reviewed? send me an e-mail at :
JohnHandyman I rented this film not having read or researched any information regarding the true events behind it. I was surprised, and incensed to look further into the story.From the perspective of a movie, the actors, directing, etc were all very well put together and played. Kieffer Sutherland brought his character to pulling you into his part, Mark Strong and Ciaran McMenamin played their parts as kindred spirits excellently.The best acting was Sakae Kimura playing Sgt. Ito. He never spoke a line of English through the film, but his facial expressions spoke massive volumes! I was completely taken aback with how well he communicated without even speaking my native tongue. My hat is off to him for such an excellent performance.If you enjoy films about humanity, perseverance against all odds, and learning the atrocities of war this will be well worth your time!
chris_jo_2004 I am an aspiring filmmaker and enjoy, possibly obsess, on watching a lot of movies. I am known as the "movie guy" and people ask me for my two cents about films all the time. When I heard of "To End All Wars" it sounded promising and decided to give it a try. It never came to a theater near me, but I did get to rent it when it came out on DVD. I have to say that touched me beyond any movie I have never seen and you can't even imagine how many movies I have seen. The directing was beyond glorious, that I'm sure Steven Spielberg would be moved. I very much liked how he portrayed the POW's and the Japanese soldiers. The POW's are very shaky, hand-held look while on the opposite side the Japanese are very still and clear cut. The story was powerful and something everyone can learn from. The Christian subtext is light and only adds to the characters. The acting was fantastic! Robert Carlyle and Kiefer Sutherland gave amazing performances, but I do think that they were upstaged by Ciaran McMenamin and Mark Strong. They convicted me and touched my soul as they brought out, only what I can call true life. If you want to watch something that will make a true impact on you and leave you breathless, then this is the movie to go with. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.