Lars and the Real Girl
Lars and the Real Girl
PG-13 | 12 October 2007 (USA)
Lars and the Real Girl Trailers

Extremely shy Lars finds it impossible to make friends or socialize. His brother and sister-in-law worry about him, so when he announces that he has a girlfriend he met on the Internet, they are overjoyed. But Lars' new lady is a life-size plastic woman. On the advice of a doctor, his family and the rest of the community go along with his delusion.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
matthewjoseph-54651 Lars, is a young man living in a tiny town somewhere in America. He is either autistic, schizoid or just plain introverted but either ways he is "different". Played astonishingly well by Ryan Gosling one day he receives a doll with whom he falls in love with. Such is his devotion that he even takes her to meet the town folks and have tea with her. This is a great, obscure film featuring a tour de force performance by Gosling. Check it out and you'll be mildly surprised.
elizabethdawson-78805 Lars, is a young man living in a tiny town somewhere in America. He is either autistic, schizoid or just plain introverted but either ways he is "different". Played astonishingly well by Ryan Gosling one day he receives a doll with whom he falls in love with. Such is his devotion that he even takes her to meet the town folks and have tea with her. This is a great, obscure film featuring a tour de force performance by Gosling. Check it out and you'll be mildly surprised.
merelyaninnuendo Lars And The Real GirlThere have been quite a few features like such, that pitched similar concept to it and has touched viewer's heart through their non-human but equally up beating characters and this is one of them. The writing is gripping if not smart, keeping the audience engaged through its pragmatic characters that is fueled by the emotions running among them on screen and the makers being aware of it pampers the audience throughout the course of it. It is short on technical terms like sound department but is immensely pleasing on the way it is shot; the camera work is stunning, and so is costume design. Nancy Oliver's emotionally driven script is not only supported but celebrated by Craig Gillespie; the director, whose brilliant execution skills up the ante of the game. Ryan Gosling is the real game changer of the feature as it pulsates his skills on a much larger scale and flaunts it shamelessly and sweeps away most of the charm where he is supported decently by a hungry cast (Emily Mortimer and Paul Schneider) whose work is appreciative in here. Lars And The Real Girl is an authentic and heartbreaking relationship of humans surviving in a society where the softer and sweeter aspects of it is explored and encouraged in here.
willeasyer This movie is a perfect portrayal of mental illness. A subject tackled with a heart rendering and human approach, it shows us that mentally ill people aren't broke, they're not less human and less functional than others, and they can be more compassionate and caring than "normal" "healthy" people. In general, mentally ill people are just people who had it hard in their life. In this film, it's showed through the lovely Lars, a very sweet, kind-hearted and thoughtful man, yet he suffers from feelings he hindered inside during his whole life, his mother died after his birth, taking care of his depressed sick father alone while his "healthy" brother ran away, add to it loneliness. So to cope he builds a deep relationship with Carmin, a sex doll. But, sex isn't what's on his mind, Lars finds in Carmin an outlet that encourages him to externalize his repressed feelings by expressing them through her. But what touched me the most besides lars himself is the support, consensus, and solidarity of this small commuity that decided to go along with it and help him heal, and that worked! this movie shows the wonders an understanding and open society can achieve by including, accepting and supporting each other. everyone treated lars as an equal and with love and respect and that was soul-stirring and tear-jerking. I really loved this movie for all those reasons, plus it's fun and funny too it can't but draw a smile on your face and teach you a valuable lesson in empathy and tolerance.