Blue Valentine
Blue Valentine
R | 29 December 2010 (USA)
Blue Valentine Trailers

Dean and Cindy live a quiet life in a modest neighborhood. They appear to have the world at their feet at the outset of the relationship. However, his lack of ambition and her retreat into self-absorption cause potentially irreversible cracks in their marriage.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Micransix Crappy film
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
goudelock Blue Valentine shows the reality of a relationship.Show as the two stages of the relationship, the start and the end.The start is more romantic and optimistic.The end is realistic and depressing.The whole movie and the point of this works well, even with some problems at the screenplay.The acting of the film is extraordinary and the music and the photography is brilliant.For those who love these type of films, Blue Valentine is a must see.
mariana_gibezzi You'll be all movie waiting for something to happen. The only thing that is well constructed in the story is the fact that Gosling isn't the child's father. Other than that, the rest is crap. Gosling's looks after only 5/6 years at most? The sunglasses all the time? At first it looks like had happened at least 15 years. Then we learn that they got married when she was already pregnant so...hat happened to his appearance! Come on. Too much change for a few year. Not believable, along with wearing the sunglasses inside and at night. We can only assume that they don't get along and are tired of each other, but the last final fight is out of nowhere. We are not explained what is going on and why the relationship is so damaged. We can only assume typical couples problems, and that's not reason enough for a film. It all looks forced at the end. Not a good movie. Don't waste your time.
audrey_nasa I cry every time i watch it. one of the top movies about love, i recommend it! however my advice is if possible watch with a friend who can comfort you because divorce rates are high people.
Grunge Fan The trailer for Blue Valentine makes it look like an indie rom-com, however it is not, far from it actually. Blue Valentine is about the end of a failed marriage involving two people named Dean (Ryan gosling) and Cindy (Michelle Williams). The film cuts back and forth between two time periods separated five years apart, the beginning of their relationship, and the final 24 hours of their relationship. Dean is a good man, a little childish, but only wants to be a good father and a good husband, Cindy on the other hand is selfish and only seems to care about herself and not so much about her family. Blue Valentine is a hard film to explain without spoiling anything, so with that I won't go any further into the plot. There's not really a straightforward plot with this film, Blue Valentine is a film that relies mostly on acting. The performances in this film are very strong and the movie is very emotionally intense, it feels as if you're actually watching an unhappy couple drift away from each other, and this is not a movie to see with your boyfriend or girlfriend unless you want them to dump you. This film originally received an NC-17 rating due to a scene involving cunnilingus, Ryan Gosling later complained about this and accused the MPAA of sexism and misogyny, therefore, the rating was changed to R. Blue Valentine could be seen as a cautionary tale that teaches this lesson, be careful who you fall in love with and make sure that person is worth it, because most marriages these days are just like this movie, they start off happy, but eventually go down a black hole and into the divorce courts. I strongly recommend all young people to go see Blue Valentine because it shows what very well could become of a marriage, and if you do decide to get married, make sure that person is worth it. Blue Valentine is a great film with great acting and two very good, well respected actors, however, this is a film I will never be able to watch again. 9/10.