Song to Song
Song to Song
R | 17 March 2017 (USA)
Song to Song Trailers

In this modern love story set against the Austin, Texas music scene, two entangled couples — struggling songwriters Faye and BV, and music mogul Cook and the waitress whom he ensnares — chase success through a rock ‘n’ roll landscape of seduction and betrayal.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
arjunflamingfeather Ryan Gosling surfaces like an actor from the feature film called 'Song To Song' which has suitable numbers. The numbers unknown because the visual industry preferences us: to recommend features to friends abroad and in this third world country. Gala like movie with 'Off Beat' or whatever that is screenplay from the Austin, music scene. Grateful to having seen them on a sunny day under a sunny sky; even to a library audience. The feature 'Song To Song' is a strong movie that cannot be ungrateful about. Letting Go because movies like 'Song To Song' need not be without grace and other things like words, expressions and sentences. Review to consider viewing the movie called 'Song to Song'.
M34 The only thing good one can say about Song to song it is it is not the abject failure of Thin Red Line. It is fairly obvious what Malik is doing with Song to Song, it is, like Knight of Cups, self referential blaming of his failure on externalities. That is pitiful enough. AT least is not as abjectly laughable as Thin Red Line, which managed to hit a trifecta of destroying the lessons and point of view of one of the best novelized portray of combat, ignore Jones point of the brutality AND necessity of that war and combine that all with abject absurd combat scenes.
Jithin K Mohan This film was like diving into the minds of the characters, through their love, ambition and confusion. You could never know where your mind leads you it may jump to places you don't expect and that's exactly how Malick has made this film. I can totally understand why some or most people would hate this film, it works only for a few people who probably are like the characters of this film.
Danny Blankenship Mostly I try to watch the movies of Terrence Malick and they like this one "Song to Song" are about thought as they are long and drawn out stories of life and choices with interactions as love and interest change with people as much of it is about location and timing.Set in Austin, Texas this picture revolves around the young alternative music scene in which two struggling songwriters BV(Ryan Gosling)and Faye(Rooney Mara)are trying their best to break into the music business with the help from a mogul named Cook(Michael Fassbender). Thru it all the lives of each are turned upside down as to begin with BV and Faye have a relationship that's intimate with sex yet things change when BV returns to an ex flame and Faye starts to explore and try to find out who she is in the bedroom as she runs an experimentation with another woman for some hot passionate sex! Now Cook tries his shake with Rhonda(Natalie Portman) a young waitress yet nothing doesn't really go to float. Thru it all each character makes a discovery about life, love, people, as the experimentation and intersection with one another all leads to a mix of seduction and betrayal as each learn the game of life and see what's in it for them as BV returns to his blue collar roots and leaves the music business.Overall long take and spin on interaction, experimentation, and life choices proving that chance, timing, luck, location and passion all play a part in shaping one as life can be a fun experiment.