Knight of Cups
Knight of Cups
R | 04 March 2016 (USA)
Knight of Cups Trailers

Rick is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles. While successful in his career, his life feels empty. Haunted and confused, he finds temporary solace in the decadent Hollywood excess that defines his existence. Women provide a distraction to his daily pain, and every encounter brings him closer to finding his place in the world.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Floated2 Knight of Cups is another film by director Terrence Malick in which wanders around and has a certain pretentious art-house feel. This film has been mixed with critics, though most movie audiences haven't been as strong. Knight of Cups featured an interesting trailer but what the film is about isn't too much. The film is for those mainly of fans of Malick films, as this film is anti-mainstream and has a different feel.As others have considered, the film feels more like a long fashion ad commercial, in which the plot i low and at times the film is overall confusing and messy. We understood somewhat but a lot of empty and random scenes strung together makes the film feel disjointed. Christian Bale is the only actor mainly in the film as he is the clear cut lead, while Cate Blanchett and Natalie Portman, whose names are on the posters and are top billed are both very minor (about less than 15 minutes of screen time for each). Overall, Knight of Cups is an acquired taste and in general for those with a strong patience.
ebyfeline Unadulterated nothingness. No entertainment value in the least unless boring has value. Total tripe.
Reno Rangan As for me, this director is done. His last best film was 'The New World'. I don't know why someone keeps financing him. It is neither an art and message film, nor has any entertainment value. In one word, total-crap. All the above, these actors agreeing to do the roles. Definitely this director's films have received more boos at Cannes than any others. Not fit for film festivals, as well as theatrical releases. The surprise part was, I saw it. Even after I felt a similar way for his previous film.There's no story. Just a random acts. Even documentary films have a better narrative. Remember a film was being made by Willem Dafoe in the film 'Mr. Bean's Holiday', this is exactly the same film. Except there's no Mr. Bean/Atkinson here to make it a cheerful additional editing. It was like the director woke up in the morning and decided to do what he felt to shoot without a script.I dislike whispering background narration. It is like a lullaby, one might fall into sleep. Not just asleep, but a deep sleep. Direct dialogues between the characters are like an oasis in this film. If you have nothing to do and ready for a slow film, you should not consider it then too, because it is not a film, but a two hour long torture. Easily skippable film.1.5/10
michaeltrivedi Malick's Knight of Cups is not a movie to play around with. It has it's ups and downs, and is about being Lost in the City of Angels. The movie can be summarized by what a stripper says to the main character in the club. You live in a fantasy world, don't you. Something along the lines of that, but it was a great scene to watch.This is a cool movie. It is like any other Malick movie, and most people can not bear the type of direction. But I would say compared to his other films, this one accomplished what it needed to. A very powerful thing I encountered when watching this film is that the first 3/4's of the movie is so deep and intriguing that it won't let you go. But by the last quarter, it purposefully bores you until the end, where you see a car driving off something north on the PCH, indicating you to go explore for yourself. The main protagonist can be anyone. But don't let the coolness of the movie keep you captivated by Los Angeles. There are plenty of other places just as nice, if not nicer.Definitely check this movie out, I would highly suggest it!8 Stars