Autumn in New York
Autumn in New York
PG-13 | 11 August 2000 (USA)
Autumn in New York Trailers

Autumn in New York follows the sexual exploits of Will Keane - New York restaurateur, infamous verging-on-50 playboy, master of the no-commitment seduction - until he runs into an unexpected dead end when he meets Charlotte Fielding. Charlotte is half Will's age and twice his match, a 21 year-old free spirit yearning to get out and taste the excitement of adult life.

Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Irishchatter I started watching this film because Gere and Ryder got involved together on this. I was a little disappointed with the film because it looked rushed and the character development wasn't at all picture perfect. The only thing I have to like a bit about the film, was the scene where Gere and Ryder kissed passionately to each. However the rest, I was disappointed in the fact, the timing of each scenes were wrong. Richard Gere looked like he badly needed a haircut and he honestly didn't look charming as he did in his previous movies. He might as well stayed in the bed and have not done this film at all. I even didn't like the attitude he put on for his character, it was like he just didn't give a toss about anyone else. Also in the scene where himself and Ryder were attending the ball, Ryders dress looked like it came out of a old 19th century dress and thin curtains wrapped around her. It looked truly awful on her and I don't see how the costume people should've thought twice if they really wanted to show off the dress in the film!The whole film entirely was rather boring,terrible and dull.
Python Hyena Autumn in New York (2000): Dir: Joan Chen / Cast: Richard Gere, Winona Ryder, Elaine Stritch, Anthony LaPaglia, Vera Farmiga: Autumn represents death and Winona Ryder is the subject. She plays a young virgin with a complicated illness celebrating her birthday in the restaurant of a womanizer played by Richard Gere. Their first phone conversation consists of Gere telling Ryder to fashion a hat for his date, which just happens to be her. They get involved despite their age difference then he grows to really care about her and searches drastically for a surgeon to operate on her. Perhaps he should have searched for a screenwriter to render this depressing exercise a little easier to intake. Hardly uplifting and quite predictable with Ryder's fate being quite obvious. Director Joan Chen allows beautiful shots of New York. Gere succeeds as a man struggling to mend his brokenness by mending another. Ryder as a virgin just doesn't sell. What's worse is that she and Gere lack chemistry. Elaine Stritch as Ryder's grandmother does her best with a standard role. Anthony LaPaglia appears briefly as a surgeon. Vera Farmiga appears in a useless subplot as Gere's daughter whom he has actually never met. The whole movie needs a surgeon beginning with the screenplay. Insincere tear jerker disguised as a meaningful drama where the screenplay is as dead as autumn. Score: 3 ½ / 10
wes-connors In nicely photographed New York City, womanizing restaurant owner Richard Gere (as Will Keane) meets wiry hat designer Winona Ryder (as Charlotte Fielding) and the result is true love. But first, the couple must overcome an age difference. Then, there is the possibility of sex with an old flame. This is where a character's innate "lie detector test" comes in handy. Lastly, a rare disease threatens break up the blissfully happy couple. The attractive co-stars age difference is neither interesting nor unusual. The tragedies they suffer are likewise boring. There were opportunities to do something different and exciting with this old love storyline, but we remain on familiar ground.***** Autumn in New York (8/11/00) Joan Chen ~ Richard Gere, Winona Ryder, Vera Farmiga, Elaine Stritch
l-loch One of the worst pictures ever. By the end of the movie when she finally dies you wish she would have died in the first 5 min. of the movie. No chemistry between the two stars. Richard Gere always has the same stupid look on his face as he does in every film he is in. Winona should stick to her day job...shoplifting. These two are so dull on screen that all through the movie your just wishing Charlotte would go ahead and die and put us all out of our misery. The movie in itself is so predictable and has been done many times (ie: Love Story). Winona is just silly and Richard is just stupid. They are no Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan....