R | 15 May 2009 (USA)
Management Trailers

A traveling art saleswoman tries to shake off a flaky motel manager who falls for her and won't leave her alone.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
joemjv Perfect cast for the perfect job! Jennifer Aniston and Steve Zahn really nailed it. Enjoyable plot and a great performance. I also think that the performance by James Hiroyuki Liao as Al on this movie was superb - I think he should be featured in more movies.
HelenMary This is the sort of film you aren't surprised if it goes straight to DVD or is made for TV, it's a slow starter, low budget style and rather basic. The premise doesn't really make any sense, at the start, in the real world, and if it was anyone other than Jennifer Aniston and Steve Zahn in the main roles I don't think it would have been at all believable. I got the impression from this that Aniston was just collecting her pay cheque and as another reviewer stated it really is Zahn's film - with honourable mention to the wonderful Fred Ward and Woody Harrelson. Again, if the simple naïve acting was done by anyone other than Zahn, I think viewers would consider it to be empty but he brings a gravitas to it as he is known for being such a talent.The film is predictable to a certain extent, but does play out with a degree of satisfaction. The film certainly improves half way through, up until that point I didn't really see much positive as it was too slow and silly. As the characters mature, especially Zahn, and Harrelson makes an appearance to add some conflict, the story picks up pace and I found myself sitting up a bit and paying more attention. The film unravels into a quite sweet philosophical and convincing romcom. A few laugh out loud moments but the film is more amusing than comical, and evolves into quite a touching story. Not one I'd see again, perhaps, but one I don't regret seeing.
cnt0030 People are just not giving this movie credit where credit is due! Anniston helped produce this movie. Im a guy and I have to say this is a top 3 romantic movie of all time. Watch the whole movie from beginning to end. Excellent and creative way how true love works. He seems stalkerish and creepy at first but his intentions were innocent. It had a "Gilbert Grape" type of feel to the movie. I would say that if Mike (main character) didn't have his un orthodox view of life then anyone else in his position would of given up on chasing after the love of their dreams. Give this movie a chance. The movie definitely takes its time to progress but thats how they keep you intrigued. I would def recommend this to anyone who believes love is not out there, or to those that feverishly ignore the hints of love hitting you in the face!
tieman64 "Management" is a cute indie film revolving around a budding romance forged between an uptight city worker (Jennifer Aniston) and a small town hotel handyman (Steve Zahn). She's your standard office-junkie, putting too much time into "helping other people" and "failing to put her needs first", whilst he's an immature man-kid who still lives with his parents.The film's twin character arcs involve Zahn "growing up and taking on responsibilities" and Aniston "letting go of responsibilities" and "taking care of herself". It's a nice bit of mirroring, but profundity is sidestepped in favour for our duo magically solving their problems by starting a soup kitchen for homeless people.As usual, there's a love triangle and a second man whom the film has to demonize in order to make Zahn more appealing, as well as a familiar "boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl" three act structure. But the film's overriding message – that people take on activities to escape themselves – is interesting in an existential way. 7.5/10 – This little cinematic fantasy serves as therapy for a certain type of person. It's cute, but nevertheless possesses a very creepy underside. Zahn's character, for example, is practically a stalker, and Aniston is far too quick to drop her skirt and offer conciliatory sex. Only a guy would write this stuff.Worth one viewing.