Kissing a Fool
Kissing a Fool
R | 27 February 1998 (USA)
Kissing a Fool Trailers

An egotistical television personality enlists the assistance of his best friend in putting the fidelity of his fiancé to the test in this amiable comedy of the sexes. Told in flashback, the film takes a familiar love-triangle scenario and gives it a bitter twist. With a bride who seems too good for either suitor, the film is sustained by one question - who will she choose?

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Clevercell Very disappointing...
Steineded How sad is this?
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
SnoopyStyle The story is told as a flashback from Linda Streicher (Bonnie Hunt) at their wedding. Max (David Schwimmer) is a womanizing sleaze. Jay (Jason Lee) is his best friend. Jay introduces Sam (Mili Avital) from work to Max and they hit it right off. Three weeks later, they are set to marry.David Schwimmer is completely miscast as the womanizing stud who's every girl's dream. Somebody really needs to stub him with that toothpick. Maybe they should have switched his role with Jason Lee. And without any spoilers, let's just say the scheme breaks all kinds of bro code. And it's completely manufactured strictly for rom-coms. The jokes all fall flat. Mili Avital is functional as the lead, but considering they had the much funnier Judy Greer, and hotter Kari Wuhrer in the same movie, she pales in comparison. Jason Lee is the only one that does a great job. He plays a slightly nerdy lovable writer. Only he needs better partners to play opposite to.
fresh_ I quite enjoyed it, but admittedly I saw it at midday, when already p*ssed up and feeling like crap... was quite relevant to my situation... still as far as crappy romantic comedy's go its a pretty good one. And David Schwimmer was tolerable (i have previously been of the opinion that he is THE most annoying man in existence). I wouldn't recommend anyone going out and watching it, but if your drowning your sorrows and its on TV, you might as well put it on. Apparently my comment isn't long enough, so I will add that Jason Lee is great, I've only really seen him in Kevin Smith films before, which have fantastic scripts, but it make me respect him more knowing that he can do so well in more conventional and (to be honest) less funny films.
bri_star2002 I'm usually pretty cynical about love stories. But Kissing a Fool is fabulous. Like previously stated, Bonnie Hunt and Jason Lee are so talented and funny. Jason is completely beleivable in his role and makes everything feel so human. The scenes where he reunites with ex- "Natasha (natasia)" are so perfect and funny. For anyone who has ever been in a complicated relationship, or anyone who has been jilted by a bad romantic comedy before, see this movie. Just rent it on a night when you don't want something heavy. It's pretty good.
kenandraf Nice love comedy which examines love commitment and betrayal problems.Good performances by lead actors and a good showcase here for Avital.Nothing spectacular but delivers it's genre promises.The film could have used better screenplay, directing,cinematography,script and editing.Most Schwimmer fans will be satisfied.......