Meet Dave
Meet Dave
PG | 08 July 2008 (USA)
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A crew of miniature aliens operate a spaceship that has a human form. While trying to save their planet, the aliens encounter a new problem, as their ship becomes smitten with an Earth woman.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
areatw I think some of the other reviews of 'Meet Dave' are a bit harsh. This is by no means a laugh out loud comedy movie, but the concept isn't bad and it is, at least for a while, quite amusing. The problem is that this is a one joke comedy, and the joke starts to wear thin after a while. The first half an hour or so is the best part, mainly because the plot is somewhat interesting to begin with.It doesn't take long to run out of ideas though, and when it does, the film goes downhill fast. Eddie Murphy is a funny guy and he does provide the odd funny moment, but these are too few and far between and most of the attempted jokes fall flat. That said, I sat through it all the way to the end and felt like I had been entertained, so it can't have been that bad.
stormhawk2018 If you want to explain why a movie is good or bad, it sometimes helps to highlight hits and misses from the careers of the people responsible for its production. Let's see who were at the helm of 'Meet Dave', shall we?This movie was directed by Brian Robbins, who has more producer credits to his name than he does director credits. After 'Meet Dave' he directed a couple TV episodes and 2012's 'A Thousand Words', also featuring Eddie Murphy. With both 'Meet Dave' and 'A Thousand Words' failing to impress audiences, Mr. Robbins called it quits in 2012 as a director. I'm worried he would have reached new 'Norbit'-like depths had he decided to continue.On to the next one: writer Rob Greenberg. He was known for writing episodes for the 90's sitcom 'Frasier'. Don't bother looking them up, you won't find much.Should I continue after these two?I feel bad ripping on the movie's lead actor, Eddie Murphy. His career has been in the gutter after he voiced the tiny Chinese dragon Mushu in the Disney hit 'Mulan', only to get some kind of success with Shrek. But this is no 'Coming To America', 'The Golden Child or 'Trading Places'. Hell, it's not even 'Metro' or 'Beverly Hills Cop'. Here, as 'Dave', he has his moments, but they are few and far between. I much prefer it when he writes his own material (except 'Norbit'), but his stand-up comedy days are in a distant past now.So what's the problem? I blame it on Murphy's inability to pick decent scripts. Look at his resume since the late 90's: almost all of his films were badly written, directed and ill conceived. And that's where I'm back at the first two people I led to the slaughterhouse: Mr. Robbins and Greenberg.With all that out of the way, let's talk about the plot here. Dave Ming-Chang (Murphy) is a space ship / vessel controlled by alien miniature humans that has come to earth to retrieve a water- absorbing weapon that had a failed mission to Earth, and also serves as the guardian of a boy, whose mother is widow (Elizabeth Banks). Still with me? I hope so. Just imagine the production meeting where someone, I suspect Robbins or Greenberg, pitched this plot to reps of Regency Entertainment, the production company. I envision it going something like this:Exec: "So, you want money from us? For what? What hit did you guys write?"Robbins / Greenberg: "Dave Ming-Chang is a space ship / vessel controlled by alien miniature humans that has come to earth to retrieve a water-absorbing weapon that had a failed mission to Earth."Exec: "Wow, that sounds great. It's funny, right?"Robbins: "Yeah. Eddie is in it. So we're aiming at theaters, not TV."Exec: "Great, how much?"Greenberg: "$60,000,000 will do."Exec" "Deal. Just make sure you double it at the box office. We didn't do too well on 'Jumper' and 'The Onion Movie'."It probably went something like that.And well, we all know what happened. The boys got their $60M and Regency got about $11.8M back at the box office. And neither of them was heard from again.And of story? No. I still had to see this film. 90 minutes of which about 63 seconds in total were worth my time because Mr. Murphy did or said something funny. So you better heed my advice and avoid this in favor of something from Eddie's early days.
Ersbel Oraph The idea, although ridiculous might have been nice. And the movie is certainly helped a lot by Murphy's acting skills. Yet, it is slow and boring and the special effects are of low quality, yet not cartoonish enough to help with the comic relief. Another feel good comedy for the white color-blind middle class.Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @
Madreviewer94 Meet Dave… or Don't You may find yourself faintly chuckling at the beginning of this cheesy comedy, and then quickly dozing off into a soft sleep toward the middle and through the end of the movie. Watching Meet Dave, staring Eddy Murphy, will allow you to experience Murphy's dreadful sense of humor, but the plot line gets boring immediately and the overused corny humor can annoy some to sleep. This movie is considered a combination of a comedy, fantasy, romance, and science fiction, but I would call Meet Dave a cheap comedy, too much fantasy, cliché romance, and a try hard science fiction.The 20th Century Fox movie studio released Meet Dave, directed by Brian Robbins, on July 9, 2008 in the theaters. Staring Eddie Murphy, Gabrielle Union, Elizabeth Banks, Kevin Hart, Scott Caan, and Ed Helms, I would rate this PG movie 4/10 stars. Little people, the size of dollhouse figures, create a robot that is human-like to come to Earth to retrieve their orb to save their own world. Meet Dave tries to incorporate too many genres into one movie, which creates an overwhelming plot line. Being filmed in the nice city of New York and California, this movie deserved a better plot line and more eventful purpose. By cramming 4 genres into one movie, Meet Dave does not have a chance to elaborate on one specific field. If the movie just focused on the science fiction topic, it may have had potential. But instead, however, romance was forced into the plot, which just made the love story predictable. The science fictional beginning of the movie made a grand entrance that caught my attention. After and orb comes flying through a young boys room and lands in his fish bowl, the next couple of month will be quite interesting for him. The scene then quickly changes from the bedroom to a man in a suit landing head first into a pile of dirt right by the Statue of Liberty. This man is robot-like and tries to copy other humans in their natural environment. I let out a few chuckles while watching this robot try to smile, shake hands, talk, roam around the city, and get launched across the road after being hit by a van. It was then revealed that this robot man, later named Dave, has little people inside of him that control his every move. They are here on Earth to retrieve their orb or their own civilization will come to an end and they only have 48 hours to do so. Everything Dave does seems sarcastic which adds slight humor. More funny scenarios happen at the beginning of the movie like when Dave drinks a bottle of ketchup and gets tangled in clothes in the dressing room. The minor comedy ends quickly when the real plot line comes into play. They begin the journey to find the orb and like any other movie, all of the people inside of the robot eventually turn on the captain for revenge. Dave, the robot, becomes friendly with the woman that hit him with her van. Of course, the captain (Eddy Murphy), who is controlling Dave, begins to actually fall for this woman (Elizabeth Banks). No. 3 (Gabrielle Union) and a worker inside the robot, becomes jealous that the captain has never noticed her before. Unoriginally, she tries to get his attention. She eventually succeeds and they live happily ever after together. The romance in Meet Dave was so common like in other movies; the guy falls for the girl he can't have, the other girl is jealous and sad, then the guy and the other girl eventually get together and fall in love.Meet Dave was so predictable and cliché, which made it enjoyable. The beginning and idea of the movie were unique and had potential with the people inside a robot on Earth. Once the same old romance and cheesy science fiction that they have to save the world was incorporated, it went down hill from there. Older people will find this comedy dumb and not entertaining. Younger kids, however, may get a kick out of it. Meet Dave is similar to the 2009 movie Mall Cop, which is also rated PG staring Kevin James. They both include stupid humor that mostly young kids would enjoy. I would, therefore, not recommend this movie to anyone over the age of 11 because of the corny comedy and romance.