Alone in the Dark 2
Alone in the Dark 2
PG-13 | 01 September 2008 (USA)
Alone in the Dark 2 Trailers

When the night falls, and the creatures of the dark are crawling out of the shadows, there is only one man who stands between us and evil: Edward Carnby.

ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Eric Stevenson I think this in fact better than the original, but it's still an awful movie. The worst thing about it might actually be its strongest point! Not only does this sequel once again have nothing to do with the games, but it has nothing to do with the original movie! Well, that might be a good thing? At least we didn't get to see that awful CGI in this much. There also wasn't any use of that terrible slow motion. That being said, it's still stupid. I mean, you seriously couldn't make a movie based on either the actual source material or the original film? How lame is that? This movie's plot features characters that are looking for a witch who has a dagger and uh, that's about it. I guess it's not that stupid of a plot, but it's unbelievably dull. This movie wasn't that unpleasant to watch, mostly because there wasn't much going on screen! I found myself relaxing more watching this movie just seeing as how nothing was going on. The acting is still really bad. Like "The Mummy" it looks like there's going to be a big climax but it turns out to be very dull. Don't really expect anything good from an Uwe Boll movie.I've actually done more research on him and found out that he actually has made a few movies that aren't that bad. Whether he really tried harder or was just mocking us with this is open to interpretation. I couldn't remember any characters' names or even any actors in this movie. I guess I'm glad it wasn't a continuation of the original film. The bar for these movies is so phenomenally low I'm willing to look for any improvement at all. This is still a waste of time and hasn't made Video Game Month any easier for me. *
zxgerard The first "Alone in the dark" featured new ammo to shoot the ghosts (bullets made of lights). Hard to believe, but logic.In this sequel, they use ordinary ammo, so, of course, it's useless against the ghost of the witch. Nevertheless, they try again and again, everybody has his gun and shoot on the ghost, there is even a big machine gun in the panic room with the same uselessness.So all the action is based on a non-sense but in reading the reviews I saw nobody noticed it. Is this cultural ? Is American audience find normal to have characters with guns shooting all time for nothing ? Is this for made a good trailer ? (maybe if there is no shooting guns that means there is no action ?) Conclusion : this movie seemed to me really incoherent in spite the beginning is better than the first opus.
Paul Andrews Alone in the Dark II starts as paranormal detective Edward Carnby (Rick Yune) helps some guy into a hospital morgue, in return the guy is going to give Carnby an ancient cursed dagger. During a scuffle with some Witch hunters Carnby is stabbed with the dagger & gets infected with 'lines' & has dreams & visions of a woman named Elisabeth Dexter (Allison Lange) being scarified with said dagger during a supernatural ceremony. Now Elisabeth is back as an evil ghost Witch who kills anyone who has become infected with the 'lines' & Elisabeth also wants to possess her ancestor Natalie Dexter (Rachel Spector) who along with her worried father (Bill Moseley) form half the Witch hunting team. The Witch hunters believe that by finding Elisabeth's remains she can be laid to rest for good & that Carnby's visions hold to key to where Elisabeth is buried but the evil ghost Witch tries to kill them all before they get to her remains...Written & directed by the duo of Michael Roesch & Peter Scheerer this is the direct to video sequel to Alone in the Dark (2005) which itself was based on a video game of the same name although had very little to do with the video game besides featuring lead character Edward Carnby & Alone in the Dark II has nothing to do with the game either but also has nothing to do with the original Alone in the Dark beside the returning character of Edward Carnby. Got that? Good. Alone in the Dark II is a spectacularly bad film on all levels, from the incomprehensible script to the cheap production values to a wasted cast of veterans who deserve to be in better films than Alone in the Dark II. The script is a mess from start to finish, there's so much supernatural nonsense that the makers keep bombarding the audience with that it becomes hard to keep up. By the time the end came & Carnby was holding that birds head in a wooden barrel with light shooting out I was thinking just who the hell did the film end up at this point? From things like a disintegrating dagger (that never does disintegrate at all) to an infection that causes'lines' on a person body that move for some reason to the ability of the Witch to track the infected to moving foundations of laboratories to character's firing machine guns at the ghost even though bullets don't do anything at all to people trying to look scared in a wire fenced cage to a guy who has kidnapped Carnby leaving his gun next to where Carnby is sleeping to a trap filled laboratory where all the answers to the traps are written on a piece of paper in plain sight to a senseless twist ending in which the Witch wanted the events that happened to happen exactly the way that they did & a climax where to bring his girlfriend back from the dead Carnby has to stab her in the chest with a dagger. At 80 odd minutes long I was throughly bored, it tries to be a mystery but each new part of the puzzle the script gives us just confuses things even more & the script ends up being a complete mess of character's talking supernatural rubbish that means nothing & trying to look serious &/or scared at the appropriate time.There isn't even any decent horror scenes here, to get a kiddie friendly PG rating there's no blood or gore apart from a leg wound & a dead body. The CGI computer effects are OK but a swirling mass of lines that merge to form a CGI Witch just doesn't look that impressive. There's no real build-up or tension or atmosphere, the whole film is quite bright & just looks like no-one involved tried that hard. Surely fans of the video game series & film fans in general won't be happy with this senseless & confused supernatural ghost story that lacks logic, scares & any sort of gore.The IMDb says this had a budget of about $4,600,000 which I find hard to believe, surely it was a lot less than that? Where did all the money go? Sure it's competently made but totally uninvolving & bland. Apparently shot in California & New York. There's a good cast here with the likes of Lance Henriksen, Danny Trejo, Bill Moseley & Jason Connery but the material is awful & they are slumming it here.Alone in the Dark II is an awful fantasy horror thriller that is a total mess from start to finish with a senseless script that tries to do too much. No real horror thanks to the PG rating, several well liked stars wasted & a really boredom to the whole affair I would say that the original Alone in the Dark is far better than this.
thehandofguido because it was so bad. I felt that I could not in good conscience allow many of the other reviews that have showered this travesty of a film in praise stand as the only accounts of the work.I have been trying to think of a reason that someone would like this movie. I personally have a broad range of interests in film; I am obsessed with a lot of the current and older horror and slasher-type films in addition to blockbusters, documentaries, art films, and so on, but this film lacks appeal to any demographic I can think of. Film snobs obviously will think it sucks, but people who love a good campy horror film will be bored out of their mind as well. I saw shorts and full-lengths at the Philadelphia Terror Film fest last fall that had an eighth of the budget of this film, and they blew it away, so any commentary about the smaller budget Alone in the Dark II had is null and void.I will cede that the first Alone in the Dark was pretty bad, but that a lot of people liked this film simply because it was not directed by Uwe Boll is beyond me. Perhaps we have traded out the bad from the previous film (actually, everything aside from the name has been taken out of the last film and the games), but what have we gained in return?In this story, Edward Carnby has somehow transformed from Christian Slater into Rick Yune, whose only relevance to the Alone in the Dark universe seems to be his name. He accidentally gets stabbed by some crazy guy with a magic knife (it looks like a decorative butter knife), An immortal witch stalks Carby in "visions," and some random family and their animal husbanding friend decide to protect him owing to family history. Despite being Carnby's protectors, they threaten to kill him, some generic "captain of the guards" type goon talks tough to him, and everyone generally yells at him at a moderate volume; I've never seen so many people so angry at random things yelling so quietly. Then again, I've not seen many films with acting this bad.What baffled me most of all about the reviews I read was the acclaim for Bill Moseley. I love a lot of things he has done, but a combination of the worst character and a general lack of enthusiasm made his role one of the least appealing parts of this film. He is constantly angry at the most moronic things (like at Carnby for getting stabbed and being hunted by an immortal witch), and deals with it by speaking loudly in a monotone at everyone.The bottom line: the plot is stupid and barely justified, the script amateurish, the acting ranging from acceptable to atrocious, and there isn't even enough gore or jumps in the dark to make it fun to laugh at. As others have noted, nobody is alone because they all stand around in bovine-like herds, the sets are rarely very dark, and everyone unloads machine guns into the walls separating them from ephemeral ghost witches. Dumb.