R | 04 September 2003 (USA)
Undead Trailers

A quaint Australian fishing village is overcome by meteorites that turn its residents into the ravenous undead, leaving a small group of those unharmed to find a way out.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Steineded How sad is this?
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Paul Magne Haakonsen Now, I have seen "Undead" a couple of times ever since I found it on DVD some time back in 2004. And I will say that the movie is actually still enjoyable and watchable.What works out for "Undead" is the storyline and the colorful characters. Well, that and the fact that this is a zombie movie with just enough gore to keep us gorehounds happy. And the added alien approach to the storyline also does offer something unique and interesting to the zombie genre. It is also enjoyable that writers Michael Spierig and Peter Spierig didn't let the movie fall into the generic zombie genre (not that the "generic" zombie genre is bad).This movie sort of came out of nowhere from me, and as a zombie aficionado I just had to pick it up back in the day. And "Undead" is definitely is a most welcomed addition to my zombie movie Collection."Undead" also manages to blend comedy into the mixture with success, and there are some pretty funny scenes here and there throughout the course of the movie. The comedy is not predominant, and only serves as a spice to the rest of the movie, which in my opinion was a great way of doing it.The movie offers a wide array of colorful characters, and they had some pretty good acting talents to portray the various characters and roles. Most memorable was Mungo McKay in the role of Marion; his performance really is the one that springs to mind every time the title "Undead" is mentioned.If you enjoy the zombie genre, and if you don't mind that the zombie movie steps out of the comfort circle and breaks the mould, then "Undead" definitely is a zombie movie that is well worth checking out. I find it very enjoyable and entertaining.
hakeemtarabulsi I have seen dozens of horror movies in the past; Zombies and other sorts of dead people walking, dead people eating others, etc.However, only yesterday (August 23, 2012) I watched this movie (i.e. Undead) on TV for the first time, although it was produced and released in 2003, but honestly I found it very silly and weak in all aspects.The story is flimsy, where you feel that a number of different scenes were glued together, without any reasonable connections, and the performance of most - if not all - characters is hackneyed and not convincing.Probably my words are a bit harsh, nevertheless it's true!But by the end, it's a personal opinion and nothing is personal :-)
alistairc_2000 I remember watching this at DBD a couple of years ago and was surprised that it did not get a cinema release in GB. So I was really looking forward to watching this again. First of all the paranoia has been lost as this is the second time I have seen it. Also I did not like the comedy elements so much this time.The story. Strange meteorites strike the earth, turning people in brain eating zombies. In the typical zombie scenario it is a bunch of misfits against the zombies.I felt that this story had more in common with Return of the living Dead than Romero's classic trilogy. The effects are great as is the acting. I thought the music was terrible and in places the movie really got lost. It could not make up its mind, a zombie movie or a farce? Still it was better and made more sense than the remake of dawn of the dead. Also the acid rain scene was fantastic, plus it was a good idea to get the girls naked!! 7/10
thatsarappp Possible minor spoilers...First thing's first...There are pros and cons to avoiding IMDb prior to viewing a film. One major pro, I have found, is when you check out IMDb prior to viewing, it can create unfair and unrealistic expectations for a film, be it high or low. This can ultimately greatly affect your opinion of the film. If you go in with no, or very little preconceived notions, you are likely to appreciate the film far more, and give it a much fairer assessment. Hence the reason I have started to do this. Films like this one make me reconsider that decision. Why? Because then you don't get blindsided by something so misleading, such as this film. And boy is it. I don't mind the occasional horror comedy. In fact, I enjoy them if they're actually good (unfortunately most aren't). I can even get into a sci-fi film every now and then. But I don't want to be tricked into watching either. That's precisely what happened here. So if you're reading this and are expecting a legitimate horror flick, that is not what this is.I can't honestly say I flat out hated this film. It had its moments, that's for sure. There were some genuinely funny parts, and if it only had three or four, that's three or four more than the zombie "comedy" I watched just a few nights earlier (Dance of the Dead *cringe*). Of course, those funny parts couldn't really even come close to making up for the incoherent, and at times flat out boring, mess that this film really is. It severely lacked a solid plot or some kind of direction. Way too many moments where I'm left pondering whether I'm supposed to laugh, or if they're trying to be serious here. I should be able to know the difference. The whole time I was really just trying to figure out what the hell was actually going on. I still don't know.There also seemed to be religious (christian) undertones. Not that this is either a good or a bad thing. I'm just quite surprised no one else seemed to catch it...At one point, the zombies are zapped with the white beam from the sky and change back into humans, at which point they are raised up into the sky. Walking "dead" are transformed (given new life) and then promptly raised (resurrected) into the heavens. The alien also had a few things to say shortly thereafter that could be taken to be along the same lines. Either way, doesn't affect my opinion of the film.Other than those handful of funny moments, it doesn't have a whole lot going for it. The acting and lighting were both sub par, and it had some pretty questionable effects. Not to mention there really was no significant zombie action to speak of. They kind of just stood there and growled, with the occasional "braaainsss" or "jooinn ussss" being mumbled. All that being said, I can honestly say it is the best Australian zombie alien horror comedy I've ever seen!