Diary of the Dead
Diary of the Dead
R | 26 May 2007 (USA)
Diary of the Dead Trailers

A terrified group of college film students record the pandemic rise of flesh-eating zombies while struggling for their own survival.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
John austin Diary of the Dead is better than the big budget Land of the Dead where some fancy Hollywood types tried to move in and buy some street cred by going to work for the indie master. Romero went back to basics with this one, employing some more unknown talent and moving away from a "big budget" looking movie. In this one, a character documents his group's escape from a zombie epidemic on a digital camera. There are flashes of brilliance from the original Dead trilogy here and there, but the cinema verite-shaky camera tactic hasn't worked well since the Blair Witch Project. Please tell me we're nearing the end of that trend.Mostly, there's just not a whole lot to say here that hasn't already been said before. Sure, it made a lot of sense to try this in 2007. Zombies were super hot at that time, leading up to the last seven years of The Walking Dead on AMC. I may check this one out again if it ever pops up on cable, but it'll never take the place of the classics.
juneebuggy I liked this one quite a bit, more than I thought I would actually as I'd been expecting a fairly low budget/cheesefest of a movie. If you don't analyze anything too much this ends up being a fun ride though; following a group of collage film students who are shooting their own low budget horror film and inadvertently begin documenting the early days of a zombie apocalypse. It becomes a bit of a road trip movie with ravenous walking corpses at every stop and filmmaker "Jason" documenting first-person style the horrors they witness in an obsessive and unflinching manner. Even as his friends die he keeps filming.The story is decent as are the special effects, I mean this ain't' no 'Walking Dead' and it is very much a B movie but the zombie kills are fun and unique; the melting head covered in acid comes to mind and the opening scene at the hospital is also really good.Horror king George A Romero definitely has a style and as writer-director here, if you're a fan of the genre this is worth checking out. 10.13
DamianThorn So, over the past few years just about everybody in Hollywood has jumped on the "found footage" band wagon. This is George Romero's effort to get on board with the rest of the crowd. What none of the film makers on the band wagon have bothered to realize is that the dam thing has no wheels and it was never really going anywhere.There have been a few decent entries into the genre, they can occasionally be worth watching but in my experience that's very rarely the case. That said...maybe there was potential with Diary of the Dead. I would go so far as to say I can see what Romero was trying to do but ultimately, he missed the mark entirely. The acting is sub par, the story slower than a snail race and the special effects are just downright terrible. The latter is due to Tom Savini not being involved as head of special effects and not creating the signature gore that Romero's movies have become so famous for. If I remember correctly even Romero himself later admitted he knew going ahead without Savini was a mistake.Even if Savini had been present, sadly I still doubt this movie would be worthwhile. I could enter into a lot of theorizing as to what Romero could have done that would have made this better but the bottom line is the film is just below average. It's far to derivative of other found footage movies and so unworthy of even having Romero's name on it to bother thinking it could have been better. Okay, it's not the worst movie in history but it really is just a total disappointment for a horror fan and for a Romero fan. Do yourself a favor and just skip this one.
wes-connors Dead corpses reanimate during a TV newscast and start chewing on ambulance personal. These are the flesh-eating zombies who first appeared in director George A Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" (1968). They wander around looking for victims, which understandably causes much chaos. Meanwhile, in a secluded woodsy area, some Pittsburgh college students are making an amateur horror movie. We follow this group through the remainder of the film. The fictional filmmaker most involved is Josh Close (as Jason Creed). "Diary of the Dead" is narrated by his girlfriend, Michelle Morgan (as Debra Moynihan)...This begins with the "subject" of broadcast journalism turning on the broadcaster. Thereafter, it seems to comment more on the topic, or perhaps not - whatever the intent, interest is not maintained. However, the "Media" is a deserved whipping boy. Some nicely staged gore splatters around, but to indifferent effect. One of the better sequences occurs when the cast goes to the home of wealthy "Mummy" actor Philip Riccio (as Ridley) as it successfully parallels the introduction of the characters. Something masterful was possible, but the "shaky camera" ruins everything. Next time, let the dead try steadying the camera.**** Diary of the Dead (9/8/07) George A. Romero ~ Michelle Morgan, Joshua Close, Joe Dinicol, Shawn Roberts