The Celestine Prophecy
The Celestine Prophecy
| 01 June 2006 (USA)
The Celestine Prophecy Trailers

A spiritual adventure film chronicling the discovery of ancient scrolls in the rainforests of Peru. The prophecy and its nine key insights predict a worldwide awakening, arising within all religious traditions, that moves humanity toward a deeper experience of spirituality.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
t_maly I have only watched 39:14 of the movie so far and am taken aback by a line in the movie - a woman discussing her wishes to adopt a Peruvian child where she says something about how it's a time consuming process and how they just haven't found the "right one" yet.WOW. Just wow. For "enlightened" beings, I honestly am shocked and disgusted that such a comment could be made that loving a child is something that depends on a very particular child. That is new age self-righteous nonsense. Love is supposed to be unconditional and some advanced spiritual woman is complaining how she can't pick a child to adopt yet because she hasn't found 'the right one'. How incredibly selfish.This is definitely the epitome of new age nonsense distilled into bite-sized pieces. To think that the world is just going to magically get better without any effort on one's own - or that everything in life that was 'meant to be' will just fall in their lap with this synchronicity nonsense - where's the fun in that? Suffering happens BECAUSE of lack of participation. We suffer because we rely upon others who do not have our own best interest, and do not bother trying to trust ourselves, learning the things we need to thrive in life, not believing in ourselves. Yet when life becomes effortless, handed to us, where exactly is the meaning? There will always be a small percentage of 'well-off' people who flock to happy thoughts and delusional beliefs in a utopian world of 'higher consciousness' where the problems of the world just magically disappear. But this keeps more and more of us pacified while the elite cause the suffering and destruction in the world. New age philosophy is profitable because it makes people passive, allowing atrocities to continue without a fight. We have power struggles where the majority of people are good hearted but are deceived by the minority and opportunities at a fair and decent life are stripped away, where entire cities are robbed of a fair way of life, of loyal/fair employers, of any sense of safety and well-being. The wealthy become so because they have little concern for others and cling to wealth to make them feel strong and powerful to compensate for their loneliness and lack of inner happiness.There is a certain selfishness in seeking inner bliss because it leaves one content to the point of non-participation. When you learn to 'just be', you tend to lose the motivation and anger to demand a better world, to get yourself off your butt and actually create it. A better world will not create itself, like this trite of a book/movie that obsesses over synchronicity suggests. The suffering of others is not purely from a lack of 'consciousness' but in many ways due to the power structures that a small elite dictate onto the masses, starting with the deprivation of resources and demanding of compensation of others through the concept of 'ownership' of resources, land, etc, and forced dependence upon people who use and abuse your situation, often without your knowledge, often blaming it on magical external forces like an 'economy'. To suggest that all this new age 'consciousness' stuff is where the world is headed is to deny that most of the world struggles and will continue to struggle worse because of a small percentage of people who do not care, who won't magically give up their desire for control, especially the more they seem to be losing it. Sorry, folks, but that's not human nature.Anyway, Redfield isn't saying anything new, he just read a few books and plagiarized his own theory for the sake of making a few bucks. There have been plenty of Americans, as well as ancient teachers of east and west, who have said all this before. Sure, it's great to believe in meaningful coincidences, but is that seriously going to happen to everybody? Even the inner city prostitute who has to sell her body to feed her baby? I'm sorry, but the world is not getting better all by itself, as much as Mr. Redfield and other new agers would like to suggest - it demands the participation of everybody, not their apathy/passivity. Maybe a small percentage of people are becoming wiser in their day, choosing to reject the power structures around them, but there still are more and more people who are being sucked into a mindless way of living and suffering. I can understand the appeal, though, of an effortless promise from the universe/God/whatever that all of our problems are going away. That would be an incredible sense of relief and it sure would be darned tempting to believe. But I'd call it premature, naive, and not very well understanding of why exactly we end up suffering. Forget the new age nonsense, because suffering isn't purely a choice when people are being deprived their freedom and autonomy, their ability to be spontaneous. They're being deceived by an elite few and yeah, sure, eventually we will see through it and revolt, but it's not happening over night. It's not rocket science that change happens eventually. All civilizations/societies fluctuate over the centuries. With our technological inventions, learning and awareness are multiplying, and I wouldn't particularly say it's anything magical.The only reason why I am watching the movie is because of Sarah Wayne Callies. I just finished watching season 1 of Prison Break and wanted to see her in a different role out of some boyish fantasy.
Melissa Mendelson Disconnected. We drift across a world crowded with concrete, buzzing with distraction, and where we are searching for answers that will never come. Our eyes are closed. We take for granted what the day brings us, never looking beyond or within. We wrap ourselves in illusion, believing to be connected, but what we really seek remains out of reach. We need to let go. Our way of life is dragging us down, drowning our heart and soul in conflict, and we struggle for control. We fear to just be. We need to be something, someone, so we can't let go. We can't see what lies beyond concrete walls and congested streets, and we remain in limbo, never knowing the purpose of why we are really here. We need to believe. A better world exists, but it remains a dream to the conflict of life. Fear keeps us prisoner, and we remain chained to its side. We have to let go. We have to open our eyes, see the path that waits to be found, and we can't be afraid. We are destined to become something so much more. All we have to do is take a step forward and deny those, who would hold us back. We are connected, and it is that connection that buzzes with energy through the walls and streets of our life.
bonnierichburg1 I loved the movie as well as the book! James Redfield is my husbands uncle,and i think he did an amazing job on the movie.based on what i have seen it is as much like the book as you can get without it being a 5 hour long movie.i have read a lot of users comments on here about how the movie isn't like the book and it sucked..come on its a religious movie not an action movie you watch it for insight not for a thrill!!you knew what to expect before seeing it..i personally think its amazing work!!i cant believe people would sit on here and give it bad ratings( bad acting,porn o) i believe not!! this movie is originated from a best seller!!!!!not some stupid sex movie how could people even compare the acting in cp to a porn!! i guess that shows there lack of education!!James released this movie on his own!!! with his own funding,and im proud of his work!! james and salle have worked years of there life on cp ...its part of them and the way people have been rating it, is pure bull!!and does not do the movie justice!! i really thing everyone should be required to watch or read the Celestine Prophecy !!!then maybe our world would have the insight into how to be better and treat everyone better!!If you want sex ,drugs,rap and all that other crap in movies now a days go watch something else!!!! If you want to see a good movie with good morals and values with out all that junk see the Celestine Prophecy!! you will be glad you did!
Andrei I saw it last night and i think it is pretty good. I didn't read the book so maybe there are some derails from the original story. It is interesting that it gives you something to think about. I think they give you a new perspective over life, over the nature of our existence and in a way this "Prophecy" is like a way that enables you to see things that are beyond the physical eyes and what science is thinking about. The dialogues i think were OK, but you have to be on the spot and follow closely, otherwise you will not understand them. Is not a girl friend-in your arms-and kissing-movie. And again, like in other movies (The Body with Banderas and others movies) you see again the position of Church against things that might change their position in society. It's not the best adaptation of the original book but it's OK. Bye all