The Horseman on the Roof
The Horseman on the Roof
| 20 September 1995 (USA)
The Horseman on the Roof Trailers

In a time of war and disease, a young officer gallantly tries to help a young woman find her husband.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
cengelm Italian patriot Colonel Angelo Pardi is fleeing his country in 1832. He enters the cholera ridden French Provence. There he meets Pauline who is lovelessly married to rich Marquis de Théus. Together they will look for him. The road movie starts pretty slow and chaotic. More often than once I was confused about what was going on. A lot of swashbuckling, dead people, crows and crows again, some chases. There seemed to be no real plot or focus. Then after about one hour suddenly it got better and delivered what I was expecting. The romance between Juliette Binoche and Olivier Martinez gained momentum and the story got some direction. The ending was a bit melodramatic and lacked credibility but I won't ask for too much.Both lead actors did a good job. Cinematography was good and benefited from the setup in France's beautiful landscape. There was an improvement to be seen after a rather bad start.6 / 10
sarahmcm-2 I found the film historically poignant in reference to the period of history when the plague ravaged Europe. You feel what people must have felt during that era.The romance was sensitive and based on harsh realities of the epoch in question. This was in my mind, different and refreshing. I recommend this movie to the student of history as well as those who would study love and how love grows in a relationship.I felt the actors were a good pick and stood up well to the task at hand.A great example of some of the recent French films that have come on the scene lately.
nz man This lavish spectacle includes panoramic mountain views, stunningly beautiful Juliette Binoche, studly handsome Olivier Martinez, energetic sword fights, dashing horses, touching love, feeble attempts of cholera control, aristocratic restraint, flawless acting, and even decent subtitles... ...Now really, what else could one want in a film?!! This is a terrific film, with a refreshing French style (not the usual Hollywood format). Nearly all the IMDB comments below are positive, and this film won (or was nominated for) several awards. Unless you are averse to non-English films, I suggest you run down and rent this video now. It is a gem.
hipcheck It takes quite an amazing group of people to make a great epic. Aside from great source material, really all the components have to be superb, and it has to be put together in such a way that the viewer is not left wondering what happened to a decade (see: Queen Margot).Most of the necessary pieces are here, but there is something missing, some element that keeps it from being a truly great film. It is certainly a good one, a movie that is worth seeing, and worth doing so on a big screen, thanks to its beautiful scenery between France and Italy. The stars are very watchable, and the story is tight enough to keep your attention throughout. Unlike many films of its genre, it is not overlong.Ironically, I found myself comparing it to another Binoche epic, The English Patient, which made me wonder what was lacking in light of what I consider to be a finer film. In the end, it may be simply that the latter had a novel that was more compelling, or a lead (Fiennes) that was just more riveting.The story is of two people fleeing the outbreak of cholera in early 19th century France. Angelo is attempting to return to his native Italy, to join the revolution, and Pauline is searching for something... They manage to aid each other's flight.In the great tradition of French period epics, this is not the pinnacle, but it is near the upper echelon. It's worth a shot.