| 27 March 2012 (USA)
Die Trailers

Six people, each of them is on the road to self-destruction. They wake up in cells in a surreal facility, without knowing how they got there or why.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
One_slice_of_pizza Die, is just a saw franchise clone trying so hard to be serious but falls short on many aspects. The characters are two dimensional. Yes, we know their back stories and why they are there however, we don't care. None of the characters including the detective are interesting enough to keep watching. After 30 minutes or so the movie gets so boring that it is almost impossible to stay awake.The story is dull and uninteresting. Who gives a crap about a bunch of losers and their choices in life? There's nothing to be sympathetic here nor there's anything sufficient enough to connect with the characters. They roll the dice on each other and they either die or not. I see that the movie tried to have as little gore as possible, and probably this is why many people voted 2-3 stars on average. It was a huge mistake, because if the killings would have been gory and original, the movie could have been a lot more successful and would at least satisfy the gore lovers hunger, in my opinion.All in all, this is a sawesque cliché movie with very boring storyline, empty characters and non existent gore. I would say skip and go watch something else instead. 3/10 for the cinematography.
Robert W. When I first saw the original Saw movie I referred to as 'almost' the best movie I had ever seen. Die took the idea, really they carbon copied it, but then they added to it, did some artistic tweaking, made it into a dramatic thriller instead of gore induced horror. But the real speciality of Die is the small details of the world where it takes place. Die is reminiscent of the film Se7en (an AMAZING honour to be compared to in my books) because the world is not described as much as it is just shown. There is this dark, mysterious, gritty, almost futuristic look to the unnamed city. Its a city of death and depression and gambling with an almost Sin City quality to its look in certain shots. Not enough of the city is shown in my opinion but it is truly about the characters not the setting but the setting plays a vital role in this being as good as it was. Some critics will say that the film doesn't spend enough time giving you the character backgrounds and that might be true but you learn enough to make them important and understand the dark truth behind both them and the trials they are being put through.There really isn't one major star in the film, everyone sort of shares screen time and importance in the script. I have always really enjoyed Elias Koteas but he hasn't had some great roles. In this film he is solid as the depressed and apparently disgraced Police Detective. He has a mysterious background but also this tough anti-hero persona that makes him sort of the leader on the cast. He is terrific and dark. John Pyper-Ferguson was probably born to play a twisted, sadistic cult leader and he is perfect in this role. He doesn't come across as truly psychotic as Saw's Jigsaw killer but instead is more of a subtle and intelligent psycho so to speak. There was definitely more they could have explored with him but he does very well. Emily Hampshire does a great job playing Lisa, the down on her luck woman desperate to live. She is definitely unexplored as a character but she still adds significance to the story. Patricia McKenzie and Katie Boland also deserve mention in excellent roles.This is Canadian Director Dominic James first full length film and he deserves great kudos! The style for this film should be really scrutinized because if you blink you'll miss it but there is some really great stuff in here. On top of that the film is downright entertaining with an intriguing twist to the whole story. Much like the original Saw (the comparisons are obvious as the plot is almost identical,) this really is only a small snap shot of what could be explored in the film but this is perhaps all we will get. But take it for what it is and really explore what they've done here because it is thrilling, exciting, dark, gritty, disturbing, even gory in its own way. A lot of IMDb reviewers have some really bad things to say about it but I think there is more here than what some might see. Check it out because it was excellent!! 9/10
ausibanez I must admit it had potential but the execution did not work. What I thought was going to be a diabolical, masterminded thriller ended up being a mess of a loosely developed plot, unimaginative characters and completing lacking of any suspense or excitement. The movie was reminiscent of the Saw series (without the gore) but missed out on any aspect that would keep viewers on the edge of their seats. It's honestly difficult to find good qualities in this film. Just when you think a particular scene is getting interesting, it rips that all away from you in moments that leave you constantly asking "is that it?" I was wishing the entire time that, following each scene, it would have gone in another direction. Simply a waste of time to watch. It is a flop and completely unworthy of anyone's attention.
PPPuro At first, this is just disjointed depiction of random characters who do random things, of which nothing is explained nor elaborated. Then it suddenly jumps into a silly little Saw-wannabe scenario in which a die (yeah, we get the title now, clever) determines the fates of the characters. Roll a six and six bullets are inserted into a revolver, roll a one and just one is. Now play Russian roulette. Obviously the smartest thing is to load the bullet and shoot the evil die- dude, which amazingly this police guy does - only he does't quite succeed, because he's only a police, therefore quite unable to handle guns. At this point, I had had enough, and quit. There are much better things to waste my life on than watching such low-level crappy films. To be avoided.