Space Truckers
Space Truckers
PG-13 | 01 March 1996 (USA)
Space Truckers Trailers

John Canyon is one of the last independent space transport entrepreneurs. Rough times force him to carry suspicious cargo to Earth without questions being asked. During the flight the cargo turns out to be multitude of unstoppable and deadly killer robots.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Matt Kracht The plot: Space truckers run into problems with space pirates, space politicians, and killer robots (who, technically, are not space robots).Space Truckers is essentially a low budget, B movie space opera that's a parody of low budget, B movie space operas. It's full of cheesy lines, cheesy set design, and cheesy special effects. In fact, it's such a cheesy movie that it sometimes makes The Rocky Horror Picture Show look like The Godfather. At its heart, this movie is stupid, pointless, mindless, and has nothing to say about the human condition, except that it's funny to laugh at bad movies. If you're a Stuart Gordon fan, that's probably enough for you to enjoy this. As an added bonus, it's got a great cast, including many B movie veterans.It can be enjoyed as either a so-bad-it's-good B movie or a clever parody. Like most Stuart Gordon films, it has rather narrow demographic appeal, and people who are not genre fans (or Stuart Gordon fans) are likely to hate it. I love Stanley Kubrick as much as the next film snob, but the world also needs ridiculous movies like Space Truckers and The Toxic Avenger. In fact, this movie is something of a marriage between Troma and New World Pictures. If you're unfamiliar with those studios -- or you dislike their copious output -- I'd strongly warn you away from this film. Space Truckers was reviled by the critics, rejected by audiences, and thought to be unintentionally funny by B movie fans. Well, for the true believers, this is an awesome movie, and nothing will ever convince us otherwise. Such is the cult of Stuart Gordon!
XweAponX This film begins as pure camp, positively "B" material, Plan 9 from Outer Space. But there is a bit of quality to this film.Dennis Hopper, always the crazy Photographer from "Apocalypse Now", drives a beat up "Pachyderm 2000" Rig in Space, first carting square pigs from Mars, then a more diabolical cargo he doesn't know about.Hopper plays "John Canyon" - The last Trucker in space who does not work for "The Company". After he has a load 'jacked by company goons, he has to make a rapid exit from the space station/diner after George Wendt (Keller) gets sucked out guts-first from a broken porthole. He avoids the Station cops, but he gets trapped in a debris field filled with "Black Rock" Meanwhile, in another part of the galaxy, Scientist Charles Dance ("Nabel") has created "perfect soldiers" equipped with "State-of-the-art-Disintegrators" (and that right there is a giveaway for some great Incredi-Gore) , which works so well that the boss "EJ Saggs" (played by Shane Rimmer) has him "killed". But Nabel had made 5,000 of these soldiers - Guess where they are going and guess what trucker is carting them? Enough of the spoilers - You can see what mischief is going to happen. Super Soldiers, Space Pirates, a crazed mad Scientist who has made himself a "super male body part" - A cute Space Waitress/NY chick (Debi Mazar) and the kid who is on his very first trucking job (Stephen Dorff), all ingredients for horror-comedy in space.Supporting Character spots played by George Wendt, Shane Rimmer and Charles Dance give this a bit better quality than your average B movie. Basically, this film is a nod to Truckers, and especially, the lone entrepreneur - Much like "They Drive by Night".The superb special effects and Make-up are sometimes combined with very clever gags, one-liners, and clichés turned on their ear. This is typical Hopper faire, the nonsense just does not let up, it builds past the point of credibility very early in the film - And this actually increases the comedy to a high degree. The characters of the Pirates are great, especially the guy who gets blasted and mistakes his own flesh cooking to someone making hamburgers. The pure inanity makes this film worth watching - At least once. It's like one of those Band movies from the 80's.There is a section of this film, which is rather creepy, regarding the super-soldiers, this occurs in the last act of the film, and it actually adds pure-horror elements into the mix, it has to do with the nature of the soldiers themselves.Once the destruction starts - It don't stop until the movie's done, so if you like wanton carnage mixed with your comedy and a touch of horror, this is for you.
sydneyswesternsuburbs Director Stuart Gordon who also created other classic flicks, Stuck 2007, From Beyond 1986 and Re-Animator 1985 has created another gem in Space Truckers.Starring Stephen Dorff who has also been in other classic flicks, Felon 2008, .45 2006, S.F.W. 1994 and Judgement Night 1993.Also starring Dennis Hopper who has also been in other classic flicks, Hell Ride 2008, Land of the Dead 2005, Speed 1994, True Romance 1993, Blue Velvet 1986, Rumblefish 1983, Apocalypse Now 1979, Mad Dog Morgan 1976 and Easy Rider 1969.Also starring Debi Mazar who has also been in other classic flicks, Nowhere 1997, Malcolm X 1992, Jungle Fever 1991 and Goodfellas 1990.Also starring Charles Dance who was also in another classic flick, Ironclad 2011.I enjoyed the special effects.If you enjoyed this as much as I did then check out other classic spaceship flicks, 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968, Apollo 13 1995, Dark Star 1974, Earth vs. the Flying Saucers 1956, Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 1980, Forbidden Planet 1956, Doppelganger 1969, Marooned 1969, The Right Stuff 1983, Event Horizon 1997, Silent Running 1972, Star Trek 2009, Star Wars 1977, Sunshine 2007, Supernova 2000, Star Trek Into Darkness 2013, Gravity 2013, Interstellar 2014, Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 2015, Star Trek Beyond 2016 and When Worlds Collide 1951.
DeeWee2002k This movie was no Lawrence of Arabia,but I liked it.Being a huge fan of Dennis Hopper,it caught my eye.I will admit that the story was kind of weak,it still was a lot of fun if you take it for what it is.It seems to me that some people have no sense of humor.If you take this movie in a simplistic point of view,I think that is more accurate.Take it for what it is!