Space Cowboys
Space Cowboys
PG-13 | 04 August 2000 (USA)
Space Cowboys Trailers

Frank Corvin, ‘Hawk’ Hawkins, Jerry O'Neill and ‘Tank’ Sullivan were hotdog members of Project Daedalus, the Air Force's test program for space travel, but their hopes were dashed in 1958 with the formation of NASA and the use of trained chimps. They blackmail their way into orbit when Russia's mysterious ‘Ikon’ communications satellite's orbit begins to degrade and threatens to crash to Earth.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Leofwine_draca SPACE COWBOYS is an astronaut picture with a simple premise: a quartet of old-timers are sent up into space to repair an old-fashioned satellite whose technology is so obsolete that they are the only ones who know how to fix it. Interest is piqued by the presence of Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, and Jim Garner in the cast, and the addition of Eastwood himself as director. How could the film be bad with all that talent behind it? The answer lies in the script. This is an oddly uninvolving story that's never quite sure what it wants to be. There's plenty of humour and the natural camaraderie between the old-timers works well; it's great to see these guys on the screen again. The attempts at high drama and action don't work so well, however, and there's never a real sense of danger coming from the predicament. The dated CGI effects don't help much either. This is better than GRAVITY, although not by much; somehow Hollywood seem to struggle a bit with making convincing astronaut movies.
Johan Dondokambey The story is so Clint Eastwood in nature, especially so when he is playing a role himself in it. It has the elements of old characters, military backgrounds, culture clashes, and some funny moments here and there. The movie nicely builds up the story at the first act for the first hour, being funny at every culture clash and pride of older generation meeting the younger people. But I feel that the second act's surprise twist, although very much predictable from the presence of the Russian general early on, is really unnecessary. The twist puts the focus to a shift from a somewhat funny story of old people to a story of doubted old people saving the world. The acting is a really great job in overall. Having Clint Eastwood at the lead role is a great choice for this kind of character background. Putting Tommy Lee Jones at his side builds up the story and character relations even better. The presence of Donald Sutherland and James Garner adds the complete angles for the character diversity. Ultimately having Marcia Gay Harden, James Cromwell and William Devane completes the story.
Ben Larson What movie with Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones. James Garner, James Cromwell, Donald Sutherland, and Marcia Gay Harden wouldn't be worth a look. This one has it all, but mostly laughs. This Clint Eastwood produced and directed movie is great simply because the cast doesn't appear to take it seriously. They are just having fun. And special effects? They are better here than other movies like Armageddon and Deep Impact. If you like movies where people are considered outdated or replaceable and prove the experts wrong, then this is the one. I watch it and keep getting reminded about all those COBOL experts who were back making the big bucks just prior to the millennium change.
Anssi Vartiainen While not as strong as some of his other directorial efforts, Eastwood still manages to portray his talent through this film. Because let's face it, the premise of a gang of aging would-have-beens going into space because of some half-assed excuse of only one of them being able to fix something is pretty ludicrous, yet the main man himself makes it work. The movie focuses on what it should, the camaraderie between these old men and not on technological scenery porn or intense action scenes. The latter two are there, of course, and the movie is heavily laden with good humour, but none of them are the main focus, the characters are, as they should.And what characters they are. We have Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland and James Garner, how could it not work. All four are powerhouse actors and it's awesome to see them on the screen at the same time. I literally have nothing bad to say about them, although it would have been nice to see Garner's character a bit more. Now he has a really funny introduction scene and then he kind of fades into the background. The same can be said about Sutherland's character though to a lesser degree. Still, these four make the movie work.That being said, the premise IS kind of ludicrous and the plot never really rises above that. You're always aware that "yeah, this wouldn't happen like that in real life", which isn't that big of a problem, but it is a problem. Does it make the movie bad? Not really, it's still fun to watch, but this isn't one of those films that will change your life. It's just a good popcorn flick with talented actors. For me that was more than enough.