Another Stakeout
Another Stakeout
PG-13 | 22 July 1993 (USA)
Another Stakeout Trailers

Chris and Bill are called upon for their excellent surveillance record to stakeout a lakeside home where a Mafia trial witness is believed to be heading or already hiding.

FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
AttyTude0 Another reviewer said there's a caveat to this film. It's hard to find. Hard, maybe. Impossible, alas, no. Hubby found it, more's the pity.I saw the first Stakeout. It was not bad. Not brilliant, but quite watchable. I am very wary about sequels and rot like Stakeout 2 is the reason. The makers of this film hit on every single cliché with dismal regularity: from the dysfunctional married couple/family to the 'clever woman who kicks dumb men @$$' (hah, hah, hah), to toilet humor, they didn't leave one out. Not one. I don't know who told these guys that people shouting their heads off at each other is funny, but he certainly told them to pitch it strong. The only reason I'm going on is that I cannot submit a review less than ten lines long. Oh, and to add insult to injury, Rosie O'Donnell is in this mess, in all her loud, shrill obnoxiousness (can she be anything else?).Give this one a pass, do your brain cells a favor. Do your laundry, walk your dog, watch the grass on your lawn grow. Anything, but avoid this (bleep).
Ices-3 This movie was so bad! Even fast forwarding I couldn't get through it fast enough, in 15 minute segments. HELP! The first Stakeout was fair at best, at least I watched it all the way through, but still a waste of time.An academy award winner like Richard Dreyfuss (Goodbye Girl), and a superb actor Emilio Estevez (The Breakfast Club & Judgment Night), and Rosie O'Donnell (who knows, who cares), trying to be funny, didn't work.However for the two male greats, this movie was so below them, why did they do it? Yes, it's probably hard to really know what a movie will be like before doing it, but once was enough with this movie. It was just another flopped squeal. Smart Actors like Richard Dreyfuss, and Emilio Estevez should have known better.Now they have to live with this one on their resumes'. Oh well glad it's not mine.Don't waste your time, get out Close Encounters, or Judgment Night, if you are looking for real entertainment.
ryan-george-2 Where to start... I genuinely appreciated Rosie O'Donnels performance in this film. Totally believable. The action scenes were epic, and I think influenced a lot of movies that came after it... specifically buddy cop sequels. The jokes were hilarious and the comedic timing was perfect. It was the first time I've seen a storyline like this in a story about cops. So that was very refreshing for me. Richard Dreyfuss and Emelio Estevez... A duo that you wouldn't expect to see on film... But wow... Total chemistry!! Line after line was just gold for me. I highly recommend this movie. I've told all my friends about it and they agree.
Boba_Fett1138 Don't ask me why but when I was younger I would often watch this movie and the first one; "Stakeout". Of those two movies this is the one that has always stayed most in my mind.Basically this movie is just great entertainment. Like all those type of movies from that period there isn't much to the story and the movie is all about its characters and actors playing them. Compare it to the 'Lethal Weapon' movies, minus all of the action.This movie does have some fine characters and actors portraying them. Even better is the chemistry they all have. Richard Dreyfuss form Emilio Estevez a great 'buddy' cop duo and Rosie O'Donnell is also a fine addition to the two, basically since she is such a fine comedy actress. It also sort of makes you wonder why Richard Dreyfuss hasn't appeared in more comedy roles. He obviously has the talent and certainly the right timing for it. Guess he better wants to be remembered as a 'serious' actor and who can really blame him for that. The movie further more features Dennis Farina, Miguel Ferrer and Madeleine Stowe.The movie is filled with some great comedy moments. that mostly, again, work out due to the characters and actors of the movie. The movie has some guaranteed laughs and make this a perfect typical 'no worries' movie. Just sit back and enjoy watching it!It also shows that John Badham is actually a fine genre director! The timing is great and the pace, editing and positioning all make sure that the comedy in the movie works out even better.It's too bad that the story just mostly distracts from the movie and its humor. It's just not anything solid, interesting or something that hasn't been done before. But then again, this is all quite typical for the genre and time period it was made in. Basically if you enjoyed one or more of the 'Lethal Weapons' movies, you'll surely enjoy this movie as well.Guess the movie could had impressed some more by putting in some more and bigger action. The movie now feels quite simple and cheaply made at times, which at times becomes distracting but overall doesn't take away any of the fun of the movie.Great entertainment!8/10