The Cell
The Cell
R | 17 August 2000 (USA)
The Cell Trailers

A psychotherapist journeys inside a comatose serial killer in the hopes of saving his latest victim.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
metallaura79 The Cell is the best, worst movie I've ever seen. The things it does well, it does REALLY WELL, and the things that it does badly, it does REALLY BADLY. It's sad because it could have been a masterpiece. What was great: the cinematography, the imagery, the acting (absolutely phenomenonal), and the overall plot (which was ruined by the awful writing). What was terrible: the script, the writing, and the way the plot is haphazardly and unnaturally constructed. Everything seems so contrived and unnatural. For example, it's way too convenient that the killer has this Seizure thingy and goes into a coma on the same day they come to arrest him, it's way to convenient that somehow the doctor just happens to know off the top of his head of a research laboratory that does inception-like crap and can help them figure out where the girl is being held, it's way too convenient that he has the water sprinklers in the cell set on automatic so that it can fill up without him there, adding to the suspense and time sensitivity of the situation, it's so obvious the connection is made between the killer having a suspension fetish and then when they do their inception-like stuff, they're similarly suspended, it just feels way too forced, and the kid, Edward, had the same type of rare schizophrenia as the killer dude? Come on. This movie is very disappointing, not because it's bad, but because it could have been one of the most amazing movies of all time right up there with Inception, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Memento, Seven, the Butterfly Effect, Donny Darko, Being John Malkovich, the Fountain, the Jacket, Clockwork Orange, and a few more that I am forgetting, movies that are perched front and center on the shelf of any trippy, psychological thriller, mind-bending movie fan. Instead, this movie goes in the pile of beautiful disappointments, kind of like the brilliant child that always disappoints their parents, not because they're a bus driver making an honest living, but because everyone knows that kid could have been president.
szaremba Wonderful film. I had to make a review about this to address an argument a lot of people are making: that it lacks substance and it's all about the atmosphere. Words are not the only way in which you can learn about a character. This film is deep. It requires you to sit back and think about it for quite a long time. The answers are there; it was just made by artists who have different methods at storytelling. So yes, it is a visual experience over an oral one. "The Cell" seems like a bunch of artists worked together with psychoanalysts. They try to illustrate madness and emotions. What's more, they try to explain the madness. Be prepared for mass symbolism.This is a new favorite film. I gave it 10 points not just for creativity, but also because I knew it must have taken a lot of work to play the mental aspect into the film, as well. Definitely underrated.Similar films? I kept thinking of "What Dreams May Come". It also reminded me of the books, "When Rabbit Howls" and "The Yellow Wallpaper."
Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar I just saw this film on DVD on my laptop - how I wish I saw it on the big screen! - and it just blew me away. There was not a single second when I turned my eyes away from the screen. Right from the opening scene, with Jennifer Lopez - looking quite a vision in white! - riding a black horse in a desert, with a very catchy, Indian/Middle-Eastern music playing in the background, to the beginning of the end credits (with the same haunting Indian/Middle- Eastern music playing), this film is quite something!I wonder how did they ever think of such a plot? I mean, OK, they thought of going inside someone else's mind--but to actually show it with such visuals, that's what needs all the appreciation. The entire film is a vision, like a dream, like an exquisite artwork. And the best thing is that the director doesn't waste any time in establishing the plot and his surreal - and a bit disturbing - visions. It's like snap snap snap!--and a scene is done, and I was like: What did I just see now? The locations, the sets, the costumes, the looks of the three main characters when they enter their subconscious zones--the visuals will attract you like a magnet. Take my word for this.Beautiful, beautiful movie! This was released in 2000. Today, in 2016, this might have been made - I am sure - in 3D.
TheManInTheHat The plot and overall character developments (and twists) are few and little. I would classify this as a visually stunning, slow paced horror, which tries to be somewhat psychological. In that aspect, I think it's very successful! Even more so then "Red Dragon" which I found dull and boring, but that's just my opinion.I would classify this movie as eye-candy and a must for anyone aspiring to direct, script or do overall screenplay. Entertaining for the trained eye, but not really something you would want to watch with your kids(or your average girl). Expect slow paced shivers, maybe a few goosebumps moments, but a background story that is not all that interesting.