Fateful Findings
Fateful Findings
| 23 May 2013 (USA)
Fateful Findings Trailers

A small boy discovers a mystical power as a child. He is then separated from his childhood girlfriend. He grows up to be a computer scientist who is hacking into the most secret national and international secrets, as well as being an acclaimed novel writer. His childhood 'finding' gives him amazing paranormal powers. He is reunited with the childhood girlfriend, mystically, on his hospital deathbed... as his relationship with his current drug addict girlfriend is deteriorating. The passions build between the threesome. Mystical, psychiatric and worldly forces rise to prevent him from revealing the hacked secrets. He attempts to reveal all in a Washington DC large press conference, with 'fateful' and dangerous consequences.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
iwumbo-56199 In all seriousness this movie is only enjoyable if you have a group of friends and a large amount of alcohol. From the low production value, the plot that goes nowhere, and the performances that make the movie what it is... Filler. Yes this movie has been Memed the to hell and back but I enjoyed it for what it was. Can't say if I would watch this movie alone sober though...
breakdownthatfilm-blogspot-com Awful movies exist everywhere. Each one is released under different circumstances. Some are produced to intentionally be bad, while other times they just come across bad, but never wanted to be interpreted that way. The ones that are purposefully made to be horrible are made by filmmakers and studios who are just looking to make a cheap cash-in no matter how terrible the end result is. The best example many people might think of, that comes close to those descriptions would be either The Asylum or Uwe Boll. And then there are people like Tommy Wiseau or the man who made this movie, Neil Breen. It may be hard to believe but these two guys have a lot in common when it comes to how much they think they are a gift to the world. Both have a never ending ego that propels them to continue making their movies no matter what others say. They truly think their work is a high art that is at the same level as many of the other critically acclaimed films that have been released. Or so they think. As bad as this is, it is worth it.Crediting himself to almost every single film crew position available, Neil Breen has taken on more roles than other thespian in existence. This is also probably why his film makes practically no sense. Neil Breen plays Dylan, a man who once found the love of his life before he hit his teens. Together, he and his then love Leah (Jennifer Autry) discover a magic token. Skip decades later and Dylan still holds this thing dear to him. Even after getting into a serious car accident. His current girlfriend Emily (Klara Landrat) is a struggling drug addict and a neighboring family is having their own strained relationships next door. Jim (David Silva) and Amy (Victoria Vivieros) have differing motives. Amy wants to relax because her job is hard and Jim wants to fornicate, mostly because he's always drunk. Plus Amy's stepdaughter Aly (Danielle Andrade) has to deal with their bickering. All the while Dylan has found a way of hacking into corporate systems that contain secrets and suffering from paranormal headaches.Everything is about as fragmented as it gets. The writing is like trying to put a square peg into a round hole. It just doesn't work. What Breen did here was try to make a movie that have every single genre in its story. As a result, the play out is generic and feels alien. There are several unfinished subplots mainly because nothing is done with them to begin with. Throughout the running time there's a character in black that goes around walking from place to place and it is never revealed who they are, what they want, what they represent, etc. The subplots themselves don't exactly fit together either in any smooth way. The Jim and Amy couple argue to no end, but have no impact on Dylan or Emily in development. So why bother including them? Also the stepdaughter has a sequence where she waltzes into Dylan's house naked to arouse him, only to be sent away by Dylan. And the significance of this scene was? If it's not going to go anywhere, why include it in the script? Breen's storytelling is like a maze.Later on Dylan meets Leah again all grown up but for the most contrived reason, being that one had written in a notebook way back and held onto it for years. Really? Let's not forget the acting from the cast or the dialog to boot. Wow is this treasure trove of people who are not invested in the project they are making. Everyone from the top down can't deliver a line in any form that sounds natural or believable. What probably aided the deliveries to be so bad was due to how bad the lines are written. Some conversations don't even relate to one another, making the association incoherent. There are only a few redeeming qualities to this horrendous film. Of the cast, the only actor who stands out is Neil Breen and not because he's the best actor. Far from it. What makes his performance so amazing is because of how he has control over this whole thing, stars in it and can't even be a leading man. No emotion is put into his lines; everything is monotone. And this guy thinks he is making mainstream movies? What a laugh.And that's by far the strongest highlight. It is because of Breen's emotionally void showing is what makes this viewing experience so funny. The main genre this film takes place in is a fantasy, science fiction thriller. Yet comes off like a comedy because of Breen. And this isn't his only stinker. Breen made two other films before this and basically gave the same kind of product. The two films were Double Down (2005) and I Am Here...Now (2009). The next best thing to Breen's acting is the cinematography handled by John Mastrogiacomo. Mastrogiacomo also has one other credit, which was to Breen's I Am Here...Now (2009). For what it's worth Mastrogiacomo gets some pretty background shots of the desert. Much of that is clear and vivid in its display. Interior shots are mostly okay but could use some improvement. The music was also adequate but that's probably because the music was just stock audio. There's no way Breen was a music director like he so proudly credits himself at the end. Yeah OK.Recommendation wise, if you don't like indie or amateur films in general stay away. But if you're interested in seeing how unbelievable a guy like Neil Breen can be, now's the time. The camera-work and music might be okay, but don't expect anything else to tell an understandable story whatsoever. The actors don't even know what they're doing in it.
redshoesfall All in all, this glorious piece of work obviously took some effort: creator Neil Breen puts his all into this film as well as his others, each passion project being exactly that. The energy and the triumph that comes from someone working so hard on a film shows - even though the production quality isn't that great, the entertainment value certainly succeeds.A while back, I saw the film before it's hype, discovered it on iTunes by accident. Even by watching the trailer you can tell it's something very special. If you're not into not taking movies seriously or enjoying things with a certain humor, this film is not for you: it's powers are too great. Otherwise - buy this, buy Breen's other films, and DON'T WATCH IT ALONE. Watch this with whomever you can find, but most of all, watch this with your friends for the ultimate bonding experience.When I first watched the film, I couldn't remember ever having so much fun watching a movie, SERIOUSLY. At least, not in a while, but just watching it made me very happy and brightened up my day.Upon watching it with my crew, I can easily say that we were having the best time - anyone who happened to come by us was immediately curious and enthralled when catching eye of the film - and accordingly began questioning spending their time elsewhere.Again, this isn't an experience for everyone, but upon watching the trailer, you should be able to gauge if this film is for you - and if it is, prepare yourself.
damanibailey Neil Breen is at it again with his profound insight into the corruption of the government and the plight of mankind. Through his cinematic masterpiece, we all learn what our "leaders" have been hiding from us this entire time. Move out of the way Hitchcock, sit down Nolan, take a step back Kubrick, and Scorcese; shut the f*** up! It's time for the new god of film to rise to the rank of best filmmaker ever.All of the actors, while talented in their own right, owe a great deal to Breen as he has saved them from the casting couch to give them work here. Nearly all of the actors make sure that they take their sweet time to say their lines to squeeze out every last juice of emotion out of their character. You won't see people in real life emote like this, that's for sure! I literally had to take the speed of the movie to 1.25 to have it sound like regular people were talking. The way that the movie portrays relationships is true and genuine, and will surely make you question you talk to your loved ones. Take for instance the main character Dylan, and his best friend Jim. In one scene, Dylan believes that Jim has taken his own life. While carrying his lifeless body, with Jim's blood all over his face, he says to him, word-for-word. "How could you have done this, how could you have committed suicide. I can't help you out of this one Jim". Amazing. While any other person would be distraught, Breen has to be the center of strength for everyone else and treats the situation as if he lost his lawnmower. Simply awe-inspiring. And let's not forget the way that the actors show you their conviction and emotion through slowly knocking over the several laptops that Breen's character owns, or spilling liquid on each other's chest to expose their breasts. You will not find a caliber of acting ability outside of this masterpiece besides the Hub itself. Breen has an incredible sense of pacing and attention to detail, as the director's vision envelops you in this world of wonder. If nothing else, you will always see the feet of every single character, which is a new, avant-garde way of shooting a scene never before seen and most certainly not a foot fetish. While viewing this with an associate film viewer of mine, we noticed that the story is told in a cyclical sort of way. There is no progression in the traditional sense, but instead, events that repeat themselves over and over again. Breen's character has a vision, he has a sexual encounter with a female co-star, he goes to one of his two therapists, he continues his fight against the Illuminati, a character dies for no real reason, rinse and repeat. It is a true parallel to how life repeats itself from the day we are born to the day we leave this earth. As I was viewing this with my cohort, I was emotionally overwhelmed, as it resonated with me like nothing or no one ever has before. I could not contain myself and purged fluids from my body out of pure ecstasy. Neil has no humility whatsoever, and why should he? He is a god among us feeble mortals. Excellence like this has never been achieved before. Time and time again, he asserts his superiority throughout his craft. The sex god is not afraid to show himself in his glory and the raw passion he has for the female form. Even if he has just been put into a coma, and literally bleeding all over his body, he is coming for that booty. And nothing can be done; no one can resist. Literally, every female character in the movie is after his Mandingo manhood, whether they are of legal age or not. Even his therapist gets jealous when he suspects he has been two-timing him. In the final 10 minutes of this movie, I was screaming as my brain could not handle the truth that Breen was unleashing unto me. Breen's character, (who all of a sudden is an expert hacker) hacked into the databases of not just the United States government, but every single government of the world, and collected crucial information. What the information was, we do not know, and it was never actually distributed to the public, but Breen's word was enough, as the government officials and presidents of corporations confessed to their sins gladly and committed suicide in front of an applauding audience. I have already said too much; please go and watch this piece of history that every man, woman, and child should behold as their new guide to life. All authors of the review with the letter N or B in their name are actually Neil Breen.