Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2
Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2
R | 10 April 1987 (USA)
Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 Trailers

Ricky is released from a mental hospital, taking with him the memory of his brother Billy's death and embarking on a journey of relentless revenge.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
MightyMoose666 What to say about a sequel that devotes roughly half its running time to recapping the previous movie and then the rest on being the cheesiest paint-by-numbers holiday slasher this side of The Gingerdead Man? This is hilariously awful in a way that, like Troll 2, transcends awful to become art. Every creative decision is the wrong one. Every acting beat is a misfire. It is a slow motion trainwreck that turns into a Picasso painting. You simply couldn't try to make a movie this bad. It has to happen organically. Hence, 10 out of 10. Perfect cinema.
meddlecore Quite possibly the worst sequel EVER!!! With the first film being nothing short of a masterpiece of slasher cinema, this film is a complete and utter disappointment.So much potential...wasted.The entire first half is a cheap rehashing of the first film...making the entire thing come off as a lazy cash grab (though I can't imagine word of mouth did it any good).What is most frustrating, is that they set themselves up so perfectly for a sequel at the end of the first film. But then chose the most uninspired and least creative route, they could have possibly taken.And the second half isn't much better, either. It's boring, drawn out, uninspired, poorly acted, and chock full of some of the most patently ridiculous kills you'll ever have the displeasure of watching.The whole story is retold here, from the perspective of Billy's (the antagonist from the first film) now institutionalized little brother- in flashbacks- despite the fact that he couldn't possibly have been privy to many details (as all parties involved would end up deceased).Far too much time is dedicated to the attempted development of our antagonists psychological character...and what follows simply doesn't make up for it.In the end, this film fails in every regard, where the original managed to succeed...and is simply a waste of time.2 out of 10.
Dom Nickson Truthfully I really enjoyed the 2nd half of the movie because it's new and it has the brother continuing on the legacy of the "Santa clause Killer" I think most people when they say this film sucks they are really referring to the first half when it is completely retelling the story of the first one which shouldn't have even been even 25 percent of the story. I think it should of built up after Ricky sees his brother die. Then Ricky from his childhood to his manhood where he ends up going insane because then you would of understood and it wouldn't have been too long. I really like the 2nd half because it's more comedic than the first and I truly liked it's sense of humor with lines like, "Garbage Day!", "Naughty This!", "I'm Really Mad Now!", "Good I love a chase!", and "I wanna talk about some OLD TIMES!". For me it's a 5 out of 10 for the 2nd half of the film that is. I really think it is an unappreciated movie when people say, "It flat out sucks!" Because the 2nd half wasn't that bad. If you watch it watch the 2nd half and skip the 1st half. You won't regret it!
ersinkdotcom "Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2" is nothing but so bad it's good. Most of Eric Freeman's acting is done with his eyebrows. This begs the question, "How can someone overact using their eyebrows?" Believe me when I say it can be done.It's easy to get through "Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2" if you just fast forward through all the scenes from the first film. You're left with about 45 minutes of wonderfully bad dialogue and a few madcap slayings you'll never forget. Just don't mistakenly skip through any of the parts in the room where the psychiatrist and Ricky are talking. There are some funny exchanges between the two of them you won't want to miss.