Death Warmed Up
Death Warmed Up
| 01 January 1985 (USA)
Death Warmed Up Trailers

A kid is hypnotized by a scientist to kill his parents and ends in a mental institution. As a grown up he returns to seek revenge over the scientist.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Edison Witt The first must-see film of the year.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
mark.waltz OK, there is romantic sex in movies, and there's perversion, and when mixed into a horror movie, it just lengthens what is most likely mediocre in the first place. This is the type of already questionable story where the murder of one's own parents by a young man (caused by a shot he got in the butt by his father's scientist partner, and ends up seeking revenge when he gets out of the looney bin. The young man is seen blowing his parents away, twisting and squirming in a straight jacket in a rubber room, then all of a sudden is out joyriding with his girlfriend and friends when he recognizes the man who got him into that jam in the first place. So I don't expect the usual in a 1970's/80's science fiction/horror film, but I expect some cohesion and sense at least in the story telling. This is some nonsense about ending death as we know it and somehow bringing corpses back in some gory form or another. Real frights come from suspense, and understanding science fiction doesn't need to involve unnecessary gore or constant expulsion of bodily fluids. This had a basically decent idea that just went way too far, and ultimately I didn't give a darn about any of it. This seems like it was written by someone of the target age it was made for. Stupidity has never had such a vile and disgusting face.
talisencrw Ever go to one of those all-you-can-eat buffets that has virtually every kind of food imaginable, and you go in thinking it's going to be an excellent experience, a few of the foods you sample are fairly good, but you're left afterwards with a huge bellyache and the check? That's the way I felt after watching 'Death Warmed Up', from my now-infamous Mill Creek 50-film 'Nightmare Worlds' pack--it has a few interesting ideas, and some decent, though dated, atmosphere, but director Blyth doesn't know how to put it all together. In the right hands, this could have worked, but it definitely doesn't, and that's a shame, because it had potential...'it coulda been a contender!' The two young female leads that play Sandy and Jeannie are beautiful, there's good chemistry between them and the two male leads, particularly in the scene where they're on the ferry going to the island. The completely gratuitous nudity and softcore sex was a great bonus. In an interview that was a DVD extra for 'The Fog', Jamie Lee Curtis explained that she enjoyed starting out in horror and that it was a useful genre for an actor in that it gave one a wide range of possible behaviours to both utilize and show, and, by the end, Michael and Sandy proved to me they were good actors. It's just too bad they were in a nondescript, clunky script that had no idea what it was doing or where it was going. 'Death Warmed Up' is one of those films that doesn't have a climactic finale, or end, per se, it just simply stops or dies, as if the filmmakers simply had no ideas left and simply stopped when they ran out of film.THIS is the type of film that should be remade, not the wildly successful and great film that has no need to have a different interpretation or chance at life, but the misfires or the should-have-beens--to show the world that these ideas had validity and meaning after all.
Scarecrow-88 Maddening variation on the zombie theme, from New Zealand, about "experimental mistakes"(..which evolve from humans into grotesque walking fiends which cause mindless violence), thanks in part to a deranged scientist's insane attempts to create a method for eternal life.Gary Day is Dr. Archer Howell, a determined, and just plain nuts, scientist who will stop at nothing to see his experiments become a success. He uses Michael Tucker(Michael Hurst)to kill his father, Howell's partner who threatened to expose his sick, dangerous experiments. Michael is injected in the butt while showering from behind by Howell, and forced against his will(..through a form of mind control, I gather, since Howell's expertise were in the brain and it's functions)to blow his parents away with a shot gun. Thrown into an asylum, the years Michael spent locked away Howell had moved to his own island to continue his experiments in relative peace..once a tourist destination, Howell's presence has caused the island to stagnate in popularity. Meanwhile, Michael prepares for revenge, with girlfriend Sandy(Margaret Umbers)and pals Lucas & Jeannie(William Upjohn & Norelle Scott)tagging along with him to Howell's island. What Michael and his gang were unprepared for was a duo of Howell's former patients, Spider(David Letch)and his very ill partner whose condition isn't responding well to heat. Spider plans to get Michael back for a scuffle they have on board the ferry. Spider becomes an even more intimidating antagonist that Howell, reacting negatively when the scientist rejects his plea to save his friend, seeking revenge after being considered obsolete, due for extermination, letting those locked away free. This, in turn, sets off a chain of events threatening life on the island. Even worse is that Howell seems to realize that those he had performed experiments on before will mutate into homicidal creatures causing potential global catastrophe! The movie is nutty as a fruitcake. The film has some wild camera-work to complement it's really bizarre story-line. Replete with violence and ugly characters, often shot in darkened buildings with the director effectively using small lights to not completely establish what the human monsters look like. David Letch as Spider, a real wacko, will probably walk away the most memorable face of the film, he's the reason everything falls apart(..along with Howell, that is)to begin with, unleashing a threat to the human race. Day, as Howell, is never seen as sane, walking around with a cane, his face carrying a look of crazed dedication to his own work, not caring the least little bit the consequences of his actions. Hurst, as Michael, never appears completely well;even in his scenes with Sandy early on, you can see he's not operating at full capacity. After entering the hospital and meeting his enemy once again, Michael goes over the edge, unstable, realizing that Howell has polluted the population with his "scientific breakthrough". I was never quite sure of Howell's motives regarding his experiments, and how he could succeed in actually continuing his work when it's obvious he's a lunatic.DEATH WARMED UP features Howell's handiwork, cutting into the skull's of human guinea pigs, blood squirting on his nurses faces, seeing the harmful side-effects of his experiments. We also see humans, who were experimented on, their foreheads bulging, vomiting puss/mucus, noticing how Howell's work has caused severe abnormalities, the body rejecting the wrongful tampering of the brain. The slaughter of the parents with a shotgun by Michael's hand, is rather shocking. Like in past movies featuring experiments-gone-awry, DEATH WARMED UP shows the chaos that ensues when a scientist attempts to tamper with life's cycle.
Hitchcoc These revenge, gore-fest movies are all a little the same. It starts with no real motivation for the initial actions. The mad scientist is just mad. Still, he seems to have plenty of money for his sick research. What is his product? A bunch of zombie characters. Do we really need some of these? Anyway, the hero(?) drags his pals into his effort to avenge his father and mother's murders (actually, he committed them under the doctor's influence). Then there's the agony and the pain that goes on and on and on. People are dismembered, stabbed, burned, one after the other. I don't get the attraction. Why do audiences want so much of this? In the end, we're left wondering about a lot of things. There are no real answers. Maybe it's just obsession. Who knows.