When Night Falls
When Night Falls
NR | 20 September 2007 (USA)
When Night Falls Trailers

A thriller set in 1932 about two nurses trapped in a country mansion with their invalid patient whilst a killer is on the loose. A series of unexplainable events start to occur and the nurses begin to wonder if they are no longer alone.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
billcr12 Another horror thriller with nurses in their starch white uniforms and caps in a country house in New Zealand in 1932. Newspaper headlines flash across the screen, nurse killed by maniac; then a second and a third. Louise and Martha are taking care of an invalid patient, by themselves, and despite locks on the windows and doors, objects move and strange noises emanate through the walls. The groundskeeper has left for the night to pick up an oxygen tank and will not return 'til morning. Director Alex Galvin tries his best to be Alfred Hitchcock, with shadows and quick shots of the terrified women screaming and jumping at every unexplained sound. He is not the great Alfred and When Night Falls is not Psycho. The good news is that the thing only runs eighty minutes. Do yourself a favor and rent a Hitchcock DVD instead.
killendave7 Rented this out last week, and was pleasantly surprised.I'm a big fan of classic mysteries and old school thrillers which this film most definitely is. Because it is so deliberately old fashioned in its style and look I think it will be a film that will really divide people.Set in 1932 New Zealand, it has some really good atmosphere and scares.Considering the tiny budget the film was made for, I think the director Galvin did a good job. Particularly as he says in the commentary track that it was filmed in just ten days. Was also impressed that the awesome looking house that the film is set in is actually a composite of 8 different houses! It really does look like one house.The disappointments for me was that the ending didn't live up to all the build up and I thought there was too much music in the film. Less music can often be more effective! So my advice, if you like a good old fashioned thriller, definitely check it out. If you're a Rob Zombie slasher fan, avoid.
guybrindle To be honest, it was nice to see a locally made film, independent at that, making a refreshing spin on a suspense thriller of bygone days but in a modern style. Well worth watching, and beautifully produced.Certainly this film has been a labor of love, as this is seen in the way all the actors came across in the film. At times the way the film was shot, you felt at times that you in the actors shoes and were actually experiencing the film.Other times you felt the influences of Steven King, and all the other old masters of the suspense genre style, through out the film in the way it was shot. I can see this cast and crew go forward onto bigger and better productions. It is sometimes hard to realize that this is a first full length feature film they have made, and also having the hard task of writing the script producing and directing this all on a shoe string budget.Plus shooting the whole film in just 10 days. I shall wait with baited breath to see how the next project produced goes, will it or will it not be a follow on. I suppose only time will tell
jamieson2653 This was a really enjoyable psychological thriller. A nice homage to to those great suspense films of the 1930s and 1940s.The film has a very deliberate pace and setup, which I can see wouldn't be to everyone's taste. This isn't a film for people with short attention spans. However, I found it really gripping from beginning to end.Even though the film starts quietly, there is a real sense of dread right from the opening. There's never any doubt that bad things are going to start happening. It's just a case of when.The middle section is all about scares, and there's plenty of them. The girls around me had their heads in their hands more often than not...The ending was a real surprise. Perhaps not entirely believable, but I certainly didn't see it coming. And judging by the screams around me, neither did many others.The acting, particularly by the two nurses, Tania Nolan and Rosella Hart, was excellent. They have by far the majority of screen time together and really play off each other well.This was a really enjoyable film. It's clear that a great deal of care, craft and talent went into it, and it's a welcome addition to New Zealand's film titles.