The Skeleton Key
The Skeleton Key
PG-13 | 12 August 2005 (USA)
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A hospice nurse working at a spooky New Orleans plantation home finds herself entangled in a mystery involving the house's dark past.

PodBill Just what I expected
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Prichards12345 Hmmm, the frequently asked questions on IMDb state that this film isn't based on a book, but is an original screenplay. That may be so, but the central story idea is certainly not original. I've read the first few pages of reviews on here but no one appears to have twigged that this is actually based on H.P. Lovecraft's The Thing on The Doorstep. Heavily disguised, of course!Major plot spoiler here. Lovecraft's 1933 tale concerns body-transference, in which an aged sorcerer, masquerading in the body of his daughter, marries a weak-willed but useful poet and steals his body. Sound familiar? Well it does if you have seen this movie!Actually Lovecraft himself may have got the idea from Berkeley Square, so it's no major steal from the master of the macabre; mostly this is a well-realised and watchable horror movie, which goes over the top in the thriller stakes a little too much towards the end. The house itself featured in the movie looks a little like the old plantation set in the 40s Universal Horror movies. I wonder if this is so and if it still survives? I liked the cast; Kate Hudson and Gena Rowlands are especially good; and the late John Hurt does extremely well as a stroke victim desperately trying to convey to Hudson's nurse that something is deeply wrong. Voodoo hasn't been used for a while in major horror films, so it's nice to see an atmospheric movie in this vein.If only it was quieter in its conclusion: the action gets a bit silly, to be honest. Overall, though, I quite enjoyed it. Just next time give credit to HPL, huh?
Eddie Cantillo The Skeleton Key (2005) Starring: Kate Hudson, Gena Rowlands, Peter Sarsgaard, John Hurt, Joy Bryant, Marion Zinser, Maxine Barnett, Fahnlohnee R. Harris, Deneen Tyler, Ann Dalrymple, Trula M. Marcus, Jen Apgar, Thomas Uskali, Jamie Lee Redmon, Forrest Landis, Tonya Staten, Isaach De Bankolé, Christa Thorne, Ronald McCall and Jeryl Prescott Directed By: Iain Softley Review FEARING IS BELIEVING Hello Kiddies your pal The Crypt-Critic, you know what I hate when horror movies don't have a good story. This film is basically what would happen if Chucky killer doll actually won. Kate Hudson plays Caroline and one would think that this movie looks exactly like The Ring from a few years ago because it has a hot blonde in the main lead. But anyway she's nursing a man who had a stoke and is beginning to think there's more then meets the eye with the home as she uncovers it's past. I liked the main leads, most of the cast was pretty good because not much was wrong with there dialogue. Except for maybe in the end when Kate Hudson started talking like a southern woman it just didn't feel right on her. I didn't find the acting to be bad but it wasn't anything noteworthy either. The concept is great I mean come on the twist in the end who we find out the people really where and they have same goal as Chucky as I mentioned earlier but ugh huh well if you know what Chucky's goal is or have seen this film just know I hated the ending. On a technical level the camera shots are nice and the film does have a good atmosphere to it. The Skeleton Key is a nicely made film with some fine acting, good props, but with a concept and story that is just wasted. With an ending that bogs it down it doesn't all come together nicely, its like a good DVD that was scratched, I'm giving it a two out of five.
Fallen Eye It's not just the skeleton key that opens all the doors, it is also one soul, that is able to posses all other skeletons.The Skeleton Key created a twist, by throwing the viewer off with the obvious... And I feel, it was executed sublimely.Violet was the obvious culprit. Luke, you were very suspicious of, and once your suspicions are brought to light, you feel that perhaps, you have the film figured out, until...You find out why the mirrors aren't up. Until you find out Luke's role. Until you find out, why Ben needed to leave.I'm not a big Horror fan, but, this movie feels very original. The twists are - if you didn't see them coming, eyebrows raising. The ending is... Perhaps one of the best I've seen in the genre.ONLY with the most insanely "Justifiable" script, ONLY with that... This movie could have an awesome sequel.I started off with a 6/10, in the beginning while the mystery was being set up. It wasn't moving at a pace of my liking. However, when the story shift gears, so did my rating; from 6, to 7/10.There after, the twists and the ending... Pushed me to an 8/10.For this particular genre, I feel The Skeleton Key had some meat on it's bones. It's not necessarily scary, but, it is... Neat.
pigmaios This movie.... Oh this movie.... It starts so good with the occult stuff. But there are some moments... They reduced my IQ or something.First things first! You just immobilized the bad old lady. What you do? 1) Leave her and go away 2) Leave her and go away with the crippled old man 3) Kill her before she kills you 4) Restrain her somehow and then go away taking your time And yes, the best character in a horror movie picks the second option... Either way, you manage to get away without the old man, what you do? 1) Go to the police and say that someone just tried to kill you 2) You go to your best friend and explain everything to her 3) You go to the one man you know for a week or so, associated with the bad old lady. YES, she picked 3 for some reason. Next, you throw the bad old lady from the stairs, and she came all the way up without legs, what do you do? 1) Kill her, because she cant even move 2) Restrain her 3) Run with fear somewhere to do spooky stuff inside a place with candles, ready for a ritual. YES, our character chooses the third option again... Last but not least, the spooky stuff can hurt you if you believe in them. What do you do? 1) You are somewhat of a doctor and don't believe in these idiotic things. Plus you explained to your best friend the placebo effect. 2) You believe in the occult stuff and get yourself in danger. 3) You are an open minded being as you said in the first half of the movie, and thus you don't believe in these stuff again. And yes she picked 2 and somehow died.Well this movie has a very bad script, and the main character is not logical at all.... Pretty much disappointing movie, don't bother watch it. The actors though did a good job in this one.
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