R | 15 August 2014 (USA)
Coldwater Trailers

A teenage boy is sent to a juvenile reform facility in the wilderness. As we learn about the tragic events that sent him there, his struggle becomes one for survival with the inmates, counselors, and the retired war colonel in charge.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
SillyGayBoy I had a year at a tiny boarding school when I was 16. This movie hits me hard. These places can be awful and weird and have huge character growth at the same time. My place was not nearly as bad but there were certainly illegal things.I love that this movie goes into the character growth of men, how people can be better, but also the evil of other people in these situations. These people can crush us or they can help us be strong if we handle things right.This movie is very dark, well acted, very good and compelling story. I just finished watching it a second time because I could not get it out of my head. This story is haunting. It sticks with me. It must have been an honor to be part of it.I was recommended the movie Boot Camp after I watched this but it does not touch this movie. Similar concepts but this movie is 1000 times better.
Dale Haufrect "Coldwater" is one hot film. It is from 2013, and it is an independent film currently available on NetFlix Instant Download Streaming. The director is Vincent Grashaw. And it is written by Vincent Grashaw and Mark Penney. The cast includes P.J. Boudousque, James C. Burns, Chris Petrovski, Octavius J. Johnson, Nicholas Bateman, Stephanie Simbari, Mackenzie Sidwell Graff, Clayton LaDue, Tommy Nash, Scott MacArthar, Zach Selwyn, Raquel Gardner, Douglas Bernnett, Josh Kelling, Chauncey Leopardi, Jesse Saler, Michael Rousselef, Brandon Bilotta, Richard Shemer, Jammie Patton and Joe Bilotta. The story is depressing one of young men incarcerated in a juvenile detention center and the mistreatment that they have to endure. Many such centers exist in the U.S. I gave it 7 stars. Dale Haufrect
Armand a great surprise. not only for the theme, not exactly for acting. but for the admirable art of detail, for the precise tension, for music and for the traces after its end.a film who has the gift to give the emotions of a passing way. a film about small , ordinaries things. nothing complicated, nothing too special. only a story about people, world, error and justice. each of that does it more than a movie about the teenagers difficult cases. short, it is an useful movie. for its artistic virtues. for carefully build of story, for the lead character who translate the life profound sense in a not common manner. a film about pillars of existence. in right manner, with delicate force.
GUENOT PHILIPPE No joke, at first, I actually believed it was Ryan Gosling who was playing in this film. Young Ryan Gosling. Besides that, it's a great film, one one the best juvenile delinquency films kind ever made for me. In the line of DOG POUND, four years ago. Terrific performances every where here. The director explained he avoided rape sequences, especially at the beginning, but he did not avoid torture scenes, especially the one with the pin Under the nail...The independent American film industry seems very interesting these times, a billion miles ahead of the usual Hollywood crap. A great film.