The Mountie
The Mountie
| 19 July 2011 (USA)
The Mountie Trailers

A lone Mountie has come to town to clean up the crime and corruption after finding an innocent man dead. As he sets up home, in town, he discovers endless amounts of illegal activity taking place behind closed doors. Once he uncovers the men behind the crimes he prepares to take them down one by one in the most vicious showdown this town has ever seen.

Wordiezett So much average
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
realfandangoforever My love of westerns, and being Canadian, are likely influencing my opinion of this film. Also known as The Way of the West, The Mountie contains a few flaws and some poor make-up but, overall, I enjoyed it. I found this film refreshing because of the Canadian content and the appearance of the red serge wearing Wade Grayling (Andrew Walker), a Member of the Northwest Mounted Police. I especially loved the unique behaviour of Wade's horse, Halifax, during one scene (I'm trying not to give it away). As westerns go, I found this particular scene new and, as a result, fun. On a negative note, I hate when Wade, knowing he is in danger, doesn't behave as so. After being caught one time without his revolver, you'd think the Mountie would adjust his level of officer safety? Oh well, just let it go. As a matter of fact, if you can let a few things go, you may appreciate this film as well. Especially if you're Canadian.
Rich Wright In 'honour' of the woeful poetry a little girl reads out at regular intervals in Way Of The West, or The Mountie, or The Ranger, or whatever they're calling it these days, I thought I'd compose my own dreadful little ode:Clichés abound No Surprises in store This Film Is a plodding boreGood guy with white horse Baddies on black Colour coding This movie doesn't lackThe hero here Is totally vanilla No personality traits Dialogue just fillerThe tedium extends To the shoot outs Stay awake? I have my doubtsBut before I take My blessed nap Let me warn you Of this piece o'crapIt's in the 99p shop Taking up space Just ignore it and leave With a smile on your faceThere we go. Wordsworth, Hughes, Byron... you better watch out... 3/10
rgcustomer It's not often that I praise Canadian film, particularly when it's funded by the usual scoundrels Astral and the like... yet this has actually been a good year, and I'm having to rethink.This is a good film, and certainly deserves more than the absurd 4.8 it currently gets on IMDb.Let's get the bad out of the way:The childish sing-song poetry narration was annoying. It seems there entirely to pretend that this is a movie for Canada's schoolkids. I guess if this shows up in schools, we'll know if it worked.And whoever decided the fonts to use for "The End" and for the opening and closing credits (except the scrolling ones) knows nothing about fonts and should be kept as far away from a keyboard as possible.And what magical property does fire have, that it knows it should only burn the poppy field, and then stop? It's not clear why Wade had to shoot his horse. Presumably, the horse was wounded, but I don't recall ever seeing that happen.Finally, it should have been made clear why gold made the river smell, and why people were falling ill. Was it sulphur? That's a lot of nitpicking. But aside from that, the truth is that this is a good western, comparable to 60s spaghetti westerns. What makes it unique is that it's in a Canadian context (Yukon Territory), and of course it's filmed with current techniques which allow for a bit more (but not too much) gore.It's a quiet film, which draws you into the story, characters, and landscape. I never once doubted Andrew Walker's portrayal of Wade. The cinematography is great. And the short running time (less than 90 minutes) is perfect for the story they're telling.I look forward to more like this, but with a bit more fine tuning.
daletheminoltaman By Canadian standards I am sure this could be considered a work of art, by the rest of the worlds standards it was "meh". This movie appears to be a feeble Canadian attempt at an American "western" type movie, it even has a quite humorous "Canadian Clint Eastwood". I suppose if you go into the movie knowing this and expecting to be a typical "Canadian movie" with a simplistic plot, predictable storyline and less than average actors you will not feel as if you wasted your time. It is not bad for something to do when bored on a Sunday afternoon. If you are a pretentious Canadian however I would expect you would be very excited to see this "film" and it would be a special event in your life ;) I have seen worse movies but I have most certainly seen BETTER. Give it a shot, as long as you do not spend more than $1.00 to view it then you should be okay with the time you gave to watch this movie.