Boogeyman 2
Boogeyman 2
NR | 20 October 2007 (USA)
Boogeyman 2 Trailers

A young woman attempts to cure her phobia of the boogeyman by checking herself into a mental health facility, only to realize too late that she is now helplessly trapped with her own greatest fear.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
vengeance20 After seeing the first one I thought it was OK but when I saw this! WHOA! It was amazing!!! It was Gory! Raw! Uncut! Intense! Suspenseful! The story line was rich in terms of how twisted it was! That the Boogeyman was playing on their fears in order to kill them! The setting was fitting, a dark creepy mental hospital + the Boogeyman = perfect combination! The ending was twisted when it turned out her brother was the killer who was possessed by the spirit of the Boogeyman & when she thought it was him when she killed the Boogeyman all revealed to be this woman who was in charge of the young adults in the mental institution & she was considered a wacko & taken away by police! Overall it was a kick-ass film! Better than the first one which didn't have any gore at all in it! The deaths were epic & very quivering not to mention gruesome to the core!!This one will blow you away for sure! 10/10 MUST SEE IT!
Miller Pitman This was an AWESOME movie. Mainly, I would not like this kind of movie because it is supernatural (suggestively in this movie)... But It had AWESOME plot twists, sick effects, and a good story. Scared the crap out of me and my friend. I watched it alone in the middle of the night and I couldn't turn the lights off after it was over! If you like horror movies, THIS is a one for you. If you liked Jeepers Creepers, this is your kind of movie. I suggest this to all horror fans. However, I did not like the ending. (no spoilers) It was just... rather depressing but it added a lot to the scariness of the movie.This is my favorite horror movie. Not to say that will be the same to all of you, but I have seen TONS of horror movies and.. this beats them all. In my opinion, this is the ultimate scariest movie of all time.
ctomvelu1 A sequel to "Boogeyman," a supernatural horror flick from two or three years earlier, was hardly needed, and this so-called sequel in fact is not a true sequel. The killer in this outing is no demonic force that lurks in closets. It is a flesh and blood killer, and so this is in reality a slasher movie, pure and simple. Don't get me wrong: It is a decent slasher movie, with some fine and gory kills and lots of jump scenes, but it is simply a slasher movie. Basic plot: a girl who witnessed her parents' deaths years before confines herself to an asylum to deal with her ongoing fears of a boogeyman. We get to meet her fellow inmates, and soon enough they are getting knocked off one by one. The ending is a bit of a cheat if you have been paying close attention. Tobin Bell of SAW fame is on board as a creepy psychiatrist. The cast otherwise is all young people and may remind some of the third ELM STREET flick.
netolopezsantos I just don't understand why so many people criticize this movie.I loved this movie,I thought it was interesting and so well made but a bit disturbing.The first thing i have to say is that i completely loved Dnielle savre she is so good at horror movies.She should act in another horror flick.Well OK..OK it could have stolen ideas from jeepers creepers and nightmare on elm street 3 but very few.I thought this movie is one of the best horror movies ever made but really...don't connect it with boogeyman 1 and 3 those are awful.Well i say that this movie is bloody good.The deaths are awesome,the characters are believable and the chase scenes are suspenseful.I loved when Nicky exploded and all the blood sprayed on Laura(Danielle Savre).My rating:10\10.If you are a sensitive viewer or under 17 don't watch this film.It is very bloody and gory.