PG-13 | 04 February 2005 (USA)
Boogeyman Trailers

Every culture has one – the horrible monster fueling young children's nightmares. But for Tim, the Boogeyman still lives in his memories as a creature that devoured his father 16 years ago. Is the Boogeyman real, or did Tim make it up to explain why his father abandoned his family?

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
David Roggenkamp I've seen the second Bogeyman; it is an interesting premise – take the fears of a little girl and then have them haunt her as she gets older. Not like any movie hasn't explored the concept of personal demons before, right? Anyway, Bogeyman continues in this tradition, and it follows much half of the feel of the second movie – boring, dull, drama. The main character must face his past in the form of the bogeyman; but rather than actually seeing it, he only sees the telltale signs. As much as an unseen force can be spooky, without actually seeing the creature in question, the rest of the movie falls apart.The main hero decides to face his personal demons and starts to track down the source of it all; strange things continue to haunt him of course, and it goes so far as to the point he hallucinates or is made to look like he is hallucinating to everyone else. I lost track of the last parts of the movie because of how dull it was – I nearly fell asleep several times. If that says anything, I do not recommend this movie. I would rank it as one of the worst movies I have ever seen.Originally posted to Orion Age ( p=5212).
Leofwine_draca Anyone expecting genuine horror from the producers of the EVIL DEAD trilogy – that is, Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert – will be sorely tested by this stinker of a film which offers neither horror or chills in a mindless ramble through a bunch of horror film clichés, all done on a PG-13 rating. Yep, that's right, don't go expecting any gore whatsoever in this movie, or anything remotely horrific. Instead it's a dark and downright dull film, made by a nobody MTV director who has fun with all his camera shots but who can't direct his way out of a paper bag when all is said and done. The best bits of this movie have a real EVIL DEAD 2 feel to them – no surprise considering the producers – but the scares are less than half as good and the whole film has a "seen it all before" feel.Astonishingly, it takes over an hour before things get going in the movie, if you can call it that. Until then we get a talentless actor wandering through dingy corridors and having doors pop open in front of him; repetitive, yes, scary, no way. The look of the film is polished but it's so derivative and, in the end, empty, that I would prefer a hundred cheesy B-movies a la CROCODILE than sitting through this again.The cast is a bunch of nobodies, aside from Raimi throwing in his favourite actress, Lucy Lawless, playing the boy's mother in yet another blink-and-you'll-miss-it performance. The appearance of the 'boogeyman' at the film's climax is a hilarious example of how NOT to do CGI on a budget; this ghoulish spectre looks like something out of an '80s computer game, and its two dimensional appearance sadly doesn't cut the mustard in the modern world of effects-driven blockbusters. It would have been better to stick with a man in a rubbery suit. On that note, fans intrigued by the premise will no doubt have a lot more fun with the '80s Troma release, MONSTER IN THE CLOSET.
Dom Nickson This is another horrible remake that just makes no sense what so ever! Everything is just a mess of a storyline. You can't connect to any of the main characters because they are so boring. This whole film really just sucks. There wasn't a single thing I thought was good about this film. It sucked way worse than the grudge and the grudge was a real disgrace to all horror movies. I would rather not talk about this film ever again because it just deserves to vanish from existence. It takes too long to get you interested in the plot and I really hate all of these films, especially the sequels. The boogey man is just a joke now and it's too bad because with the title of the boogey man you think it would of been an interesting sounding movie but no the concept sounds boring and the cover looks stupid. I give it a 0 out of 10.
mystery_caper_2010 i don't see al the negativity of this movie its a remake and if you go in with an open mind you will genuinely like it some of the reason i think people didn't enjoy this film is simpley they were disappointed and expected more but it was everything it said it was going to be acting was great although i would of perfered to see more of franny and tims interactions franny wasn't one of thise spooky girls from the movies you see recently which is what made her presence creepy because she wasn't made out to be that way good story line good thematrical elements the only thing that would of made this film better was if they had left the boogymans appearense out and kept him more of in the shadows all in all not exorcist scary but definitely a decent flick