PG-13 | 30 April 2004 (USA)
Godsend Trailers

A couple agree to have their deceased son cloned under the supervision of an enigmatic doctor, but bizarre things start to happen years after his rebirth.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
tles7-676-109633 The movie is an incoherent mess. The movie actually has no ending. The kid is whako and the parents leave it at that. None of the visions make any sense or is explained in a way that doesn't make you laugh. The father's head is cracked open and recovers without even a band-aid.As suggested in other movies: The kid should have killed the doctor, the father who doesn't even seem to have a concussion should have started having visions from getting whacked in the head, the mother should have been committed to an institution (hopefully with an accompanying nude scene). The kid then gets cured at some point by re-engineering his genes. He is now living serenely with the father who now calls himself "Zach". The picture ends with a freeze frame of his eyes lighting up like Michael Jackson at the end of thriller. Good night.
elizabeth-carlyh After all these years i can still put this flick on and get a good couple of frights, also finding it intriguing to follow the backbone of the story and twist, especially towards the second half it really gets my attention. Only wishing there was more reality put into this film, and maybe it struggles between that and the thriller aspects. I can understand the lower views that have been given by other reviewers but this one is still a winner for me. I must still try to have a look at the alternate endings as the end really bothers me in the theatrical version. However, it brings a thrill with a good story idea and a twist, its not a bad movie for a Sunday afternoon.
vlevensonnd-1 Such a horrific waste of good talent!! The acting was really great from all of them, but it wasn't enough to make this movie into anything of quality or interest. (I truly think Mr. DeNiro needs to sit down to have a SERIOUS talk with the Director and Writer! I'm betting he already has, since this was made back in 2004!) I don't have much good to say about this other then the great acting, and since I was quite open and strong with my review on 'The Ballad of Jack and Rose', I'll just quit here. The acting in that movie wasn't as good as it was in this, so I'll spare it for this review due to that!This is another 'don't waste your time' movie, but if you insist, like I suggested in the other review, be sure to have plenty of tasks at hand to do while watching - that way it won't be a complete loss of your precious time!
mario_c GODSEND is a psychological thriller about a present and very interesting topic which is one of the greatest dilemmas of science today: clone a human being! Can it be done? It seems so; but is it morally correct? Is it ethically right? How far can science go about this issue? This movie, though, doesn't answer these questions scientifically but emotionally, through a story of psychological disturbance and paranoia. So, this movie, in spite of mentioning this subject, is not really a good basis to think or debate about this complex and "almost philosophical issue", because it ends being just a classical psychological thriller (which embraces all the classical clichés of the genre) in which the genetic topic is just used as plot's background. I don't know if this film was inspired in Gabrielle Beaumont 1980's GODSEND, but it really seems it was, and the genetic engineering topic seems just like a "plot's upgrade" of the 80's title! Like the director had thought: "Demonic possession is so overtaken, let's choose genetic engineering, cloning process and the remembrances of a passed life instead, to create suspense! It's so much modern and cooler!" Yes, that's right; I think the movie fails a bit trying to cross a scientific and "real" subject with the "classical borders" of the horror genre! On one hand it seems to pretend to follow the "real" genetic engineering knowledge, but on the other hand it crosses it to a plot which seems to be taken from a classic ghost story movie! So, overall, I think GODSEND is just an average film which hardly tried to be a genre's masterpiece, but failed!