The Dungeonmaster
The Dungeonmaster
PG-13 | 24 August 1984 (USA)
The Dungeonmaster Trailers

Paul, a computer whiz who spends more time with his machine than with his girlfriend, finds that he has been chosen as a worthy opponent for Mestema, an evil wizard who has spent centuries searching for a challenging foe. After having his computer changed into a wristband weapon, Paul does battle with a variety of monsters before finally coming face to face with the ultimate adversary.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Eric Stevenson Well, this is the worst movie I've reviewed for Channel Awesome Month! Let me quickly address the controversy surrounding that website. Many of its contributors left because they were underpaid and some were even injured while filming their anniversary movies. Anyway, I was first interested in this movie because it was apparently one of the lowest rated movies ever reviewed on the website. I think the last time I checked, it had a score of 2.2, but now it's 4.1. I'm sad that it still isn't at 2.2. This movie is just plain bad. It tells the story of some evil wizard who traps a guy and his girlfriend in some other dimension where he forces the guy to complete seven challenges. The funny thing is that each challenge actually had a different director work on it. It's amazing that a collaboration this big could make something so bad. The dumbest part is when he has to complete a challenge by fighting Jack the Ripper, the Wolf Man, and a samurai while using an exploding ice crystal belonging to Albert Einstein. Yes, that really happens.It's times like this that make me wish TVTropes still had a page on I Am Not Making This Up. The acting and dialogue are amazingly cheesy and the effects look just plain stupid. Nearly every action scene in this film is idiotic and makes no sense. There's even completely random scenes that serve no purpose at all, like him firing a laser at the negative of a demon or making dragons fight. It's so repetitive as he just uses a laser to beat every enemy. This film is an utter waste of time and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. *
Scott LeBrun Do you love excessive doses of 1980s cheese? "Ragewar" (re-titled "The Dungeonmaster" to profit from the popularity of the Dungeons & Dragons game) is the movie for you! It's one of the most deliriously cruddy B movies that this viewer has seen from that decade. If you're anything like this viewer, you'll be smiling while also shaking (or holding) your head. It's that goofy. The acting is priceless, the special effects plentiful, the sequences blessedly brief, and it never pretends to be serious stuff. Hell, it's got to get an extra point for the cameo by heavy metal band W.A.S.P. alone.Each sequence is written and directed by a different director, and there are *seven* of them in total: Rosemarie Turko, John Carl Buechler, Charles Band, David Allen, Steven Ford, Peter Manoogian, and Ted Nicolaou. They each tackle a different "challenge" that computer repairman Paul Bradford (Jeffrey Byron) must meet as he is menaced by an overlord named Mestema (Richard 'Bull' Moll of 'Night Court') who's been looking for a worthy opponent. Also along for the ride is Pauls' imperiled girlfriend Gwen (Leslie Wing). Fortunately, Paul has on his side a computer intelligence that he's created that he can conveniently wear around his wrist.If you're still reading, you should have a fairly good time with this, knowing full well that the movie itself may not be "good", but earns many big laughs. Makeup effects expert Buechler and the late special effects artist Allen do some good work, the music is fun to listen to (both the score and the W.A.S.P. tune "Tormentor"), the acting from the heroes endearing if not that competent, and Band and company throw many different elements - a claymation giant, ice "sculptures", post-nuke mutant bikers, a serial killer, cartoon dragons - to help prevent us from ever getting bored.If I'd first seen this back when it was originally released, doubtless my rating would have been even higher.
Vomitron_G Aahh... One from back in the days when Charles Band still made *cough* great *cough* movies... I saw this one countless times as a kid, and believe it or not, it was just too much fun re-watching it last week. I admit, it's not a very good movie. In fact, you can hardly call it a real movie. It's more like a collection of shorts, much like an anthology movie. But the main characters remain the same throughout all segments and there is an on-going story present.If you like your 80's cheese fantastically melted, then you're going to have more than a mouthful with THE DUNGEONMASTER. Jeff Byron plays computer-geek Paul (with a computer called "Cal" installed in his... glasses, no less) with a beautiful girlfriend. Absolutely for no reason at all, he and the girl suddenly get zapped to another dimension where Mestema reigns. Mestema (Richard Moll with evil make-up, very appropriately acting the part), is some devil-demon-dude who is just bored out of his wits, and decides to have some fun by subjecting Paul to seven challenges. This is where the fun begins!THE DUNGEONMASTER simply is an excuse to display as much 80's special effects wizardry and cram as much horror/sci-fi/fantasy you can in one movie. All segments are utterly pointless. The whole movie is, for that matter - I think the point is: If Paul loses one of the challenges, Mestema gets the girl. Or something. But what matters is: THE DUNGEONMASTER is just too much fun. Especially if you still carry the child within, as they say, and allow yourself to be amazed and entertained by this old school SFX extravaganza.We've got a claymation giant made out of stone. Trolls. Zombies. A little devil puppet-dude. A werewolf. Blackie Lawless and his band W.A.S.P. performing. A serial killer. Post-Apocalyptic mutant-bikers. Animated dragons. And much, much more... I ask you: How can you not have fun with this film? Also, go take a look at the full crew involved in the making of this film. We are talking the pre-Full Moon dream team here: Charles Band, Richard Band, David Allen, John Carl Buecher, Patrick Manoogian, Ted Nicolaou,...I admit, when people should give this a first time watch in this day and age, they'll probably call it a bad movie. But if you grew up on silly nonsense like this, there really is no substitute.So yeah, I should call this a guilty pleasure, but I honestly love this flick. So don't hold my rating against me.
itsbaylis To describe how laughably bad this movie is. It's dreadful.I mean, how good can a movie go when the plot involves a man who is so much in the thrall of his computer, his girlfriend is jealous of it. I mean, with a start like that it's not going to be The Godfather, is it? In fact, this movie isn't even The GodSON (that one with Dom DeLuise). It in fact doesn't seem to have a coherent plot at all, and just leaps from sketch to sketch showing off the "amazing skills" of the stop motion animators involved, or more often to show off the boom mike, which keeps dropping into view. It's got 2 stars rather than one purely because some humour can be gleaned from the ridiculously over the top performance of the man playing Satan (Brian Blessed looks calm and composed in comparison) and the repeated inclusion of that boom mike.