G | 13 November 1940 (USA)

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Fantasia Trailers

Walt Disney's timeless masterpiece is an extravaganza of sight and sound! See the music come to life, hear the pictures burst into song and experience the excitement that is Fantasia over and over again.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
cinephile-27690 That's what Fantasia is. There is no better way to put it. I first saw this when I was 11, and did so numerous times, It was my favorite movie behind All Dogs Go To Heaven at the time. This one, unlike "ADGTH", still holds up.Fantasia has no plot, just 7 segments of classical music with gorgeous animation. The best is The Sorcerer's Apprentice, with Mickey Mouse messing with witchcraft. (Which was much more acceptable than Harry Potter in our house since it was a cartoon, I guess!) Every drawing included, every note hit, is beautiful.The ending, I should note, is dark. It mostly consists of a demonic creature conjuring up skeletons from Hell. Younger viewers may be disturbed by this. There's many Disney movies I love but few I could call "perfect." Fantasia is one that is -in fact-perfect.
pdortic Everyone is a fan of some sort Disney movie.... don't lie we all do. Fantasia is on the cutting edge of animation for its time. The film takes a collaboration of different Disney and classic story characters and makes them magical. The movie is split into many different parts with their own story lines. This is a classic and a must see for all ages.
kennykip I first saw this movie as a kid an was not very impressed because of the lack of dialogue. but just like wine as you age this movie becomes an awesome piece of entertainment, the soundtracks and the scores in this movie with the amount of detail in the animation are just stunning. the greatest part of this movie is the fact that it is one of the first animated movies to use color and it is brilliantly done. at Disney it is one of the most viewed attractions at the park for a reason and has become a testament to how pioneering this film was.
jessicaa-26438 I remember watching this film as a child and thinking it was fantastic, and going back to it almost ten years later still has yet to change my mind. This film is beautiful, in a time when animation was still fairly new, this one upped many films before it. The music included brought back the feeling I got while going back to look at earlier movies that would have orchestration play in-sync with the picture, and just completely immersed me in this world that I had forgotten about. Fantasia continues to be a Disney classic.