Five Easy Pieces
Five Easy Pieces
R | 12 September 1970 (USA)
Five Easy Pieces Trailers

A drop-out from upper-class America picks up work along the way on oil-rigs when his life isn't spent in a squalid succession of bars, motels, and other points of interest.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
RashidsFilms Well, let me put it this way. I love this movie for so many reasons, and I will try to type some of them:* Jack Nicholson is the leading. * Jack Nicholson's best performance. * disturbed main character. * it's involved with the 60's culture. * road-trip. * Karen Black's legs. * the dinner scene, which's one of my most beloved scenes of all time. * the five classical music. * the great ending.
powermandan Five Easy Pieces was Jack Nicholson's breakout role. He was a minor character in Easy Rider the year before, but even so he was better in this. This hinges on a great performance as it is a character study of young life in the late 60s and early 70s. Nicholson plays Bobby. He used to be a great piano player. Now he works at an oil rig by day, and fools around with women at night. He doesn't want anything big in his life. He just runs away from things when the going gets tough. When his sister--also a pianist--informs him that their father is on the verge of death, Bobby decides to pay his dues and visit his family. This is an episodic film. The first bit deals with Bobby working and having fun. His friends are dumb and his mistresses aren't bright either. A good start.Then the film starts getting better when he reluctantly takes his girlfriend (Karen Black) on the road with him. They pick up two hitchhikers and the adventure begins. Now this isn't entirely a road movie but it sure is fun. The last episode is Bobby with his family. They live on an island in the middle of nowhere. He is an outsider to them both literally and emotionally. He must contend with a family he hasn't known for years, but at the same time revisiting his childhood has its benefits. Bobby hasn't played his old piano in years, but playing some "easy pieces" again really takes him back. That's how the film gets its title: he plays fives pieces on the piano that are easy. The end of the film is both ambiguous and fitting. I'm not ruining anything, just creating awareness.Five Easy Pieces is a wonderful character study of an isolated man who is a very mysterious human being. Is he autistic? Does he suffer from depression? Questions like these stir up when the viewer gets a look at Bobby's unpredictable responses. Nicholson plays the part perfectly and almost won an Oscar for it. (He lost to George C. Scott for Patton who was better.) When I say the movie is worth seeing for Nicholson alone, I really mean it. I don't think that the movie as a whole is as great as it could have been. The introduction with Bobby's habits aren't bad. It was an okay build-up. But the road trip bit really could have used some more work. I'm not saying they should have run over a deer, but just add some more things to it. They pick up the hitchers and go to a restaurant where Bobby has an outburst. These two sectors could really have used finesse. It never seems like the movie takes off. The road trip bit seems to be when the film tried to take off, but it never reaches its full potential. When Bobby eventually does make it to his family, this is when the movie really gets its mojo. Sure the first two thirds could have been jazzed up, but it just give the end a higher value. Having said that, I even think more finesse could have been used in this last part. If the movie was jazzed up with finesse, then I would have given it a higher rating. If it sounds like I'm bashing it (which I'm not) then it is only because I think it could have been that much better. Regardless of any criticism I give Five Easy Pieces, I can't deny the positive qualities it has. It is a classic and near masterpiece. For similar films I recommend The Last Detail, Easy Rider, About Schmidt, and The Bucket List.
Mr. Keep it Short+Sweet Layman's Terms reviewer Jack Nicholson is one of the world's finest actors who has enjoyed a long and successful career. To 21st century audiences who may not know him from movies other than The Departed, The Bucket List and frequent appearances at Knicks games he was probably one of the most in-demand actors of the 70's and 80's who starred in memorable movie after memorable movie, turning in fantastic performances gaining two academy awards along the way (another in '97). Five Easy Pieces was released one year after his breakthrough performance in 1969's Easy Rider and includes Karen Black and Toni Basil from that film as well and not including Basil earn much meatier roles in FEP. Jack plays Bobby Dupea in this movie, a seemingly tough but sentimental character. His wide acting range is in full display here showcasing lots of emotion and the typical Jack Nicholson fire he is known for. Some key examples to look out for are his interactions with Black who plays his girlfriend, the famous chicken salad sandwich restaurant scene, the bedroom with Susan Anspach and the scene with his father close to the end. The end of that restaurant scene is actually pretty funny .."See this sign ????.." You can see Helena Kallianiotes before it cuts to the next scene try not to break out laughing.While the ending left me in confusion, it didn't ruin the story as a whole. Its always refreshing to check out the early movies that famous movie stars we know today built their careers on and led them on the path to stardom. At one point they were once struggling actors as well. It might just be me but it feels like Leonardo DiCaprio honed a lot of his craft on early Nicholson. Check out this movie and maybe Easy Rider then watch a 2005-present Leo movie. Anyway Five Easy Pieces = Great Movie, Great Story, Jack Nicholson. CHECK IT OUT
k-ellinger This movie is all about a man named Robert venturing out on his own and becoming an independent person. He defies what his parents want him to do and becomes a successful person. Once he discovers that his father is very sick, he decides to go back to his family with his girlfriend and try to fix the relationship that he had with them. They quickly discover that it isn't as easy as they thought it would be. He must deal with his struggles from his past while focusing on the current situation that is going on. The audience feels nothing but hope and optimism for him that he'll be able to fix things with his family and help his father in any way that he can.