Boogeyman 3
Boogeyman 3
NR | 18 October 2008 (USA)
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When a college student witnesses the alleged suicide of her roommate, it sets into motion a series of horrific events that cause her to fear the supernatural entity. As she tries to convince the rest of her dorm that the Boogeyman does exist, the evil force grows stronger and her friends begin to pay the price. Now she must stop this ultimate evil before the entire campus falls prey.

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
a_chinn Bad sequel is pretty much on parr with the first two low quality Boogeyman films. A college girl is scared of the Boogeyman. She tells others college kids the more people who believe in him, the more powerful he becomes, which ends up making the Boogeyman more powerful. Unoriginal story, cheap scares, and nothing here at all to recommend. Dullsville!
jacobjohntaylor1 The first movie of Boogeyman was one of the scariest movies I have ever seen. And this is just awful. It has an awful story line. It is not scary. It has an awful ending. Why did this get a 4.9. This is one of the worst movies from 2008. This is not a 4.9. This is a 1. It is awful. Do not wast your time. And not wast your money do not see this movie. This this a w very bad movie. It is not good that all. I would not scary a ten years old. If you want to see something real scary see the first movie of Boogeyman. Also a very scary movie to see it The Exorcist. But not this movie it is awful.
callanvass (Credit IMDb) When a college student witnesses the alleged suicide of her roommate, it sets into motion a series of horrific events that cause her to fear the supernatural entity. As she tries to convince the rest of her dorm that the Boogeyman does exist, the evil force grows stronger and her friends begin to pay the price. Now she must stop this ultimate evil before the entire campus falls prey.I'm certainly glad I viewed this one online instead of paying money for it. After a surprisingly successful 2nd installment that also went DTV, it's back to basics with this shoddy sequel. The Boogeyman looks fake, the death scenes are uninspired, and the characters are your typical brainless slasher characters. Not one of them is likable. You have the brainless stoner, the non-believer among others. Like the first one, terrible stuff. Don't get me started on the cheesy ending either.Performances Erin Cahill is good at times, annoying at others. She's certainly not horrible, just inconsistent. It isn't her fault she doesn't have much to work with. She tries hard, I commend her for that. Chuck Hittinger is bland as the boyfriend. His character is filled with stupidity, and he wasn't that likable. The rest of the performances aren't that great.Bottom line. This is a simple example of milking a Cash Cow. The first was moderately successful so they make two DTV sequels. Out of good conscience I cannot give this a recommendation.3/ 10
Maciste_Brother I happen to watch BOOGEYMAN 3 on a movie channel and right off the bat I realized that I was watching a terrible combo of 3 classic horror films: SUSPIRIA, A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2 (1986). The film starts with a hysterical girl who stays at a friend's room. Like the beginning of SUSPIRIA, the hysterical girl is terrified of everything around her, feels she's being pursued and eventually is confronted by a malefic being. The entire scene was so reminiscent of SUSPIRIA (minus the style of course) that I was having a severe case of deja vu. But as it went along, the tormented girl is attacked by the boogeyman while talking on a live radio show with her cell phone, which is identical to the plot point in Tobe Hooper's underrated Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2. And this was just the set-up at the beginning, so it was downhill after that as it followed the very familiar horror template set up by A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET. The entire film was terrible. Clichéd to the nth degree: the few male actors are dispatched quickly and then the rest of the film is spent on tormenting the bad actresses, huh, the female characters for our viewing pleasure. The girls are often in state of undress and such juvenile moments that will get 12 year olds excited. The film even ends with two anonymous girls stripping down to their underwear in their dorm room before the silly looking boogeyman makes a predictable appearance.No style, no shocks, no suspense, no originality, no logic. There's even a "horror" scene which takes place in the laundromat room, which we've have seen a million times in films like PULSE. With films like this, the horror genre is all but dead.