The Apparition
The Apparition
PG-13 | 24 August 2012 (USA)
The Apparition Trailers

Plagued by frightening occurrences in their home, Kelly and Ben learn that a university's parapsychology experiment produced an entity that is now haunting them. The malevolent spirit feeds on fear and torments the couple no matter where they run. Desperate, Kelly and Ben turn to a paranormal researcher, but even with his aid, it may already be too late to save themselves from the terrifying presence.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Micransix Crappy film
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Milk_Tray_Guy Someone apparently decided that 'Paranormal Activity' + 'Pulse' + 'The Grudge' = good movie. Sadly in this case the math was way off.There are interesting ideas here but the execution is lacking. Credit where it's due; Sebastian Stan gives an impressively edgy performance and Tom Felton shows there's more to him than Draco Malfoy (it's a shame he isn't given more to do). Ashley Greene... looks pretty in her underwear. In all honesty she wasn't given much to do here - despite ostensibly being the lead. The cinematography is good - and that's about it.What should be a straight-forward plot is jumbled by unnecessary elements and images that seem to be included simply because someone thought they'd 'look cool'. It's not enough to take inspiration from great and/or successful horror movies, you need to understand why they were so great and/or successful - and first-time director (and writer) Todd Lincoln apparently doesn't. The opening five minutes hold promise, but it's downhill from there. I like atmospheric chillers, but this is short on atmosphere and the chills are non-existent. 5/10
daleonardjacksonoh I just watched this movie on DVD. Admittedly, I was about to turn it off before the film actually began due to the sheer volume of disk spam. That is, there were so many previews that my patience had grown quite thin even fast forwarding through them. Then there was the plug for Ultra Violet, the studio plugging themselves, and so on. THEN, after the anti-pirating warning which, of course, doesn't allow fast forwarding. Ah, movie time..My expectations were already quite low, although this was based on the previews shown in the half hour (or so it seemed) before getting to the feature. They were all so bad that one was left with little hope for the main attraction. My low expectations were spot on.I could go on at length about what is bad in this movie, but it would be too hard to resist simply saying "everything". Instead, I will touch on the good points. (1) The lighting was, overall, pretty good and (2) the image was quite clear and sharp; Good camera work. I gave it one star for each, thus 2 out of 10.Nothing in the film seemed believable. From beginning to end, this movie is a waste. The worst part? That time is lost forever, and it could have been better spent doing something more entertaining - like cutting my toenails.
Davis P It's actually shocking how bad this was! This "horror" movie is probably the most clichéd, and generic one I've seen in a very long time! The acting was laughable. The scenes were NOT scary! The special effects were extremely fake looking. Ashley Greene had better snag a great role in a great movie soon, because really all she has is this and the twilight movies, and she's not a good actress at all. There are scenes where you will face palm and just laugh your head off! I'm at a loss of what else to say 😂. It's just truly horrible in every way. Nothing original, every cliché in the book, bad acting, just do yourself a favor and skip this insult to cinema! 1/10 for The Apparition, a truly horrible movie.
wordspinner82 The Apparition - despite being entirely Sebastian Stan (with guest appearance by Draco Malfoy), not a great film. Mostly because the director was far more interested in filming his leads homemaking, washing their hands, putting out trash, driving (so much driving... birds eye follow shots clearly ate the budget) and looking confused. A real sense of waste, since the plot was actually pretty good and could have been done really well. Still, a masterclass in what not to do whilst making a paranormal horror movie. Plus Sebastian Stan in almost every shot, looking beautiful. For that reason alone, it goes on my wish list.