Shark Night 3D
Shark Night 3D
PG-13 | 02 September 2011 (USA)
Shark Night 3D Trailers

A weekend at a lake house in the Louisiana Gulf turns into a nightmare for seven vacationers as they are subjected to fresh-water shark attacks.

Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
e-70700 Worst film ever made! lmao, it's horrible... try to make sense in the movie!
kardayathomas If your looking for a legitimate thrill you'll be sadly disappointed. This film is only for those looking for a cheap thrill. A group of college friends head out to the water for the weekend. But soon discover that they've been invited to dinner. Lots of negative reviews from those who seemed to have taken it to seriously. Just a cheap popcorn guilty pleasure.
ironhorse_iv It seems that many folks have forgotten how to just enjoy a movie. This movie is supposed to be just here to be fun and not to be taken seriously. Sadly, I'm didn't enjoy it. This movie directed by late fame stunt man, David R. Ellis is just awful. Shark Night or advertised as Shark Night 3D is was his final film before his death. The film follows a group of blend college friends who has the most unrealistic beach bodies ever for college students. Most of the men have killer abs, while the girls go with tight bikinis even if they didn't have to. How on earth, did they get all that time to work out, with all that studying? Since, the movie is PG-13 and can't show nudity. All of the students go around the movie, half naked with their bathing suits even if they are not swimming. The group made out of Sara (Sara Paxton), Nick (Dustin Milligan), Maya (Alyssa Diaz), Blake (Chris Zylka), Gordon (Joel David Moore), Beth (Katherine McPhee) and Malik (Sinqua Walls) are at Sara's holiday home at a lake to party because one of them got a B plus on a grade. Can, we have one horror movie with college students not partying and really looks like smart people? These 'supposedly' college students are some of the crudest, over-sexed, idiots around. Soon they encounter Sara's ex Dennis (Chris Carmack) and his friends who acts like total dumb rednecks by being racist to the token black guy, Malik. Some people might be offended by how Malik is portray in this film. Some people might be offended with the portrayal of the rednecks as a negative stereotype. With names like Red (Joshua Leonard), it's clear that they're supposed to be country bumpkins. Anyways, the students soon find out that the town people are attracting sharks to the lake so they can sell the footage of the shark attacks for money. It's pretty senseless when you think about it. It cost more to produce the video, then to sale it. When I see nature documentaries, they took months to put together a specialist crew and high tech boat just to put a camera on an animal like that. The three rednecks alone put cameras in all those sharks, move them to a lake and made a lot of college kids disappear, just for a few dollars. I call BS with that. If people wanted to see it so badly, it's on the internet for free; why would somebody pay that much to see sharks attacking people? It doesn't make any sense. Talking about watching a Shark attack film. Why did some people did go to the theater to see this film? The story is pretty childish, predictable and campy. This movie is no 'Jaws'. (1975) It doesn't have any depth to the characters, and things about the plot doesn't add up. It's pretty laughable over the top, to see a man with one arm walk around seeking revenge for the shark for taking his arm, a few hours earlier! In real life, that man would be dead, due to the blood lose, or badly alive. Plus, how on earth is there no cell phone connection on this island or land-line connection? How cliché in a horror movie. The 3D is pretty annoying as it's too poking. The sharks had very poor CGI effects. The jumping thing isn't impossible, I understand watching nature videos, but it is something rare a shark would do. Plus, a shark wouldn't dare leap to take someone off a jet ski. Awesome shot, but impossible for a shark to do. I just wish they made it more real as a person who has loved sharks since he could walk, this movie makes all sharks seem like man-eating killers. In my opinion it's sad that films about killer sharks can't tell the different between near-harmless sharks to vicious meat eaters. Sand Tiger Sharks are not really that aggressive, genius. Plus, they have no clue what to do with a Cookie Cutter Shark. There are 350 different species of shark and only 6 of them eat people. And those 6 species usually don't attack people in the open water, unless they mistake a person for something they are not. Jaws makes sense because the shark could have mistaken the people as seals with the shots. In here, a shark will never go after a moving jet ski due to the noise and speed. This movie did not have good acting in it. Why was American Idol contestant Katharine McPhee even in this film? Hard to talk her serious as a singer, when she show her side boob in a cheesy shark attack movie. A lot of critics complain that there is no nudity. In my opinion, it doesn't need any nudity. Women shouldn't have to be on full display for stupid audience's amusement. It's a shark movie, not the playboy channel. The movie could stop with all the sexual overtones camera shots like side boobs, as zooming on some girl's butt. Sex sales, but it didn't work here. The editing is bad. Blown up scene of a boat exploding on a dock, is follow by jet-ski on the dock. Sorry, the jet-ski and the dock was blown up in the previous scene. That music video after the credits was annoying. The movie loaded from beginning to end with grating pop/R&B songs. Some of them work, some didn't. This movie obviously wasn't made to be taken seriously. It was made to showcase the lousy 3-D effects, bikini clad women, stupid PG-13 gore, and hunk men. In my opinion, it's market for dumbest of the pre-teens audience. Still, it's watchable if you like B-horror films. It should have been sent to DVD then the theaters. Maybe you won't want to own it, but if check out. Watch it with your own risk.
kennyggavin **Spoiler Alert**There I was, standing in front of RedBox trying to figure out what to rent with my "free rental code" and after the anxiety had slipped away I landed on Shark Night. Now I was very unsure how to accept or prepare for this movie after reading other reviews on this movie, And I will tell you this..... If you are looking for some just plain old movie fun then this is your movie. Shark Night was actually filmed quite well, had good acting, and there was a story involved too. Sure it was silly and dumb and some scenes did not really make sense, like how smart and amazingly aggressive the sharks were, but man this movie was fun!!!Its about 7 college friends that go for a weekend of fun at a friends lake house for vacation. After some crazy in-water occurrences happen, they realize that there are a lot of different species of sharks in the water. I will not spoil the movie too much for you but after a dude gets his arm ripped off and people start to die then things start to take a twist.Basically if you like to watch good cinematography, little bit of blood and gore, action, and scenes that don't really add up but are still entertaining to watch then I suggest this movie.RATING 7 out of 10