August Underground
August Underground
NR | 01 January 2001 (USA)
August Underground Trailers

Imagine walking down the street and finding an unmarked VHS tape. Curiosity piqued, you take it home and pop it in. What starts off as two men screwing around with a video camera quickly transforms into an ultra-realistic torture sequence where the unidentified psychopaths tape their exploits as they torment and violate a woman tied to a chair.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Scott LeBrun The "story" in this annoying little movie consists of home movies shot by one of two serial killers. The camera follows them around as they indulge in all manner of disgusting deeds, whether they're putting human victims through pure hell or just raising trouble in general. (For example, they act out inside a convenience store.)Prefiguring the "torture porn" genre began by movies like "Saw" and "Hostel", "August Underground" works like a mash-up of "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer" and "The Blair Witch Project", except that it *really* ups the ante in terms of extreme human depravity, and that it lacks any sort of craftsmanship whatsoever. It may be one of the most disgusting movies that this viewer has ever seen. Its fans may argue for its sense of immediacy, or the fact that it's so vivid and so committed to portraying filth on film. But it's still impossible to want to spend time with the characters here. Apparently, the movie *does* have some sort of script, by Allen Peters and director Fred Vogel, but it feels like it was ad libbed for its interminable 71 minute run time. The effects are plenty tacky, but still have the power to thoroughly distress an audience.If one really wants to see a serial killer epic based in some sort of reality, they're much better off watching or revisiting "Henry".Three out of 10.
blohmjob I've gotta say, I was caught off guard with the level of unexpected and graphically disturbing violence as well as the behaviour of the main characters throughout this film. I expected another Murder-Set-Pieces, which I'd found to be average in every sense other than the level of gory violence. Honestly, being a lifelong horror fan, this was exactly what I was looking for. I'm f***king sick of the cookie-cut creature/monster/slasher horror movies to have been released for the vast majority over the past 20 odd years. I wanted something that could actually freak me out; the killer next door who could be the most average unassuming type of person. I found the (few) moments through the film where the inner psychology of these characters is expressed, to be surreal. And not just killers, but disturbed and spontaneously aggressive who get off especially on torturing and mutilating their victims in horrible ways (which sometimes even make THEM sick to their stomachs). This is the kind of horror of which I had been hoping the future would bring... something that is dark, twisted, sickening and most frightening of all, possible. 6.5/10
Paddey I am not sure this would be classified as a 'true' horror movie. Instead, the horror in this movie lies in the fact that it is something 'new'; the somewhat of a shock you get because everything is so unexpected. For example, you are afraid of bugs, they are ugly and disgusting – Now imagine this bug in a different form. Maybe it has a different color and makes weird noises. You will remember this bug because it is so different, and the difference from other bugs you are used to makes it even more disgusting. This is how I would describe this movie.The two main protagonists seem to consider themselves to be at the top of the food chain; the world is their playground and the people in it are there solely to be used for entertainment. The protagonists do everything in a really nonchalant way, and regardless of how friendly others are towards them, they always see them as objects rather than people. This is the biggest reason why I raised my eyebrows, and questions like 'What are they doing, and why?' popped up in my head.At first, I was not really sure I wanted to watch this movie, because of what people said about it and how extreme it is. In all honesty, the movie is not that brutal and chaotic as I expected. The pure violence portrayed in this movie is not as out of this world as someone might expect. We are so desensitized to this type of extreme violence nowadays that we get to see hammers, chainsaws and axes being used to chop off this and that even in mainstream Hollywood movies. It is not the visual violence that is disturbing in August Underground, but the concept of it and the atmosphere. It is more connected to the real world than in other movies, and the fact that this actually can happen (and probably has) in the real world, together with the previously mentioned attributes makes this movie quite unique and disturbing in a way we rarely see.
sobraera_subliminal Too bad I can't give this 0 stars. It's an unwatchable mess. Poor, abysmal, awful, and other descriptive adjectives meaning bad in terms of direction, acting, dialog, setting, tone, plot, and etc. It's even bad etc.There's no way for me to wrap my head around why anyone, even hardcore gore fans, seem to like this movie other than the somewhat impressive FX in such a low-budget pic.As far as a plot, there's no sense to anything. Before you say: "But, subliminal, isn't senselessness the point?", I already know that. The thing is that the point is missed completely. If you watch a movie like Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Requiem for a Dream (not comparing those two movies against each other, by the way, just using them for emphasis as very different films that understand there's a point to be made behind the senselessness they portray), you can easily understand how the idea can be handled in an effective manner. This, whatever it is, is a laughable attempt. Laughable, that is, if it didn't bore you to tears first. Don't go near it or you will be haunted by the ghost of an hour and change of runtime wasted, which is a lot more disturbing than this garbage was supposed to be.