August Underground's Mordum
August Underground's Mordum
| 01 January 2003 (USA)
August Underground's Mordum Trailers

Two deranged friends bring along another guy to go on a random murder rampage. They kidnap lesbian lovers and couples and torture them.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Suicide_Saint I would call this the worst movie I've ever seen, but it isn't even a movie. This is 80 minutes of mindless self-indulgence disguised as something the filmmakers probably want audiences to view as artistic. There is nothing artistic or even worthwhile here. The creation isn't shocking, vile, or depraved as the creators would like to think either. It is childish, poorly crafted, and dull beyond belief. I've read numerous times that the special effects are what sells this so called film, but there is no way any part of this film can salvage this absolute timid wreck of an attempt at shock cinema. If you want shock cinema, watch Un Chien Andalou, A Serbian Film, Battle Royale, Bedeviled, Cold Fish, Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father, Eraserhead, Gummo, I Saw the Devil, Irréversible, Oldboy, Strange Circus, Suicide Club, or Zero Day. This is pure garbage that any idiot could replicate.
claireholdsworth I have given this a 3. It would be less than that but as a woman who loves a bit of the shock (let's push this as far as we can) factor I give it 1 extra point. And for that only. The story line is non existent and the camera work is so annoying that I was dying to just forward it to the gory bits. Of which are only shown for a split second, and in that second I'm trying to figure out what the hell is going on. The idea is good and the make up is good. Could almost be passed as real but the camera moving constantly gets irritating and the bits inbetween are long and boring. Like me, anyone who watches this just wants to see gore and disturbance and wants to be shocked. In a nutshell, yes it's pretty grim and one of the worst I've seen but in total 60 secs of grimness in a full movie isn't worth the time. My tip is just forward it to the key bits. You won't miss anything important.
Chelseaa Benwell In a nut shell, as I've seen many others' say in their reviews of this movie, it's a fake snuff film. Not the kind that tried to be clever or even slightly entertaining, however. Essentially, the whole movie uses shock tactic after shock tactic to lure you into thinking either, "some people will do anything for a bit of cash" or "why even bother?" You'll be given rape, murder, vomit, blood, degradation and much more but unfortunately, not a plot line. You are following a few sick people around with a shaky camera and little to no talent. I can see why some people find it difficult to watch, because it's just god awful. I'm one to give any kind of horror a go at watching, and I did watch the entirety of August Underground's Mordum, but I came out of it feeling slightly unfulfilled and horribly embarrassed. I get that there is a market for these kind of movies, and I'm not going to judge those who enjoy them. But I seriously think there are so many flaws here that could have easily been prevented simply by the actors themselves being a little more believable. I suppose I give props to the SFX, but aside from that I just felt I was watching an amateur submission for an indie gore movie competition. Good on them for making a movie recognised for being one of the sickest films ever made but come on, guys... Even A Serbian Film had a plot (albeit a good budget, too.)If you want to give this movie a go for yourself, honestly, go ahead. Just don't expect anything with value or any kind of entertainment knowledge. Also, be prepared for the final scene with the dead 5 year old as it sets this movie up as "yeah, these people will literally do anything for money."
liamga I guess when you're seeking out the most messed up films you can find, all roads lead to toetag in terms of gore fx. I really appreciate the work and effort Jerami Cruise puts into his trade. It takes me back to the pre CGI days when people had to be creative without the use of computer effects. Obviously Jerami is a master and this is extreme cinema, so the gore is definitely taken to extremes not really seen elsewhere. That's pretty much where the fun stops however. These films merely stand as set pieces for gore and have no plot, character depth of anything to actually make the scenes tense and frightening. It's no surprise they're involved with death metal bands, because both the people who make these films and death metal bands seem to fall so easily into the stereotype of pigeonholing themselves as extreme. The obsession with the macabre and brutality seems to distract them away from actually creating anything that hits the mark they are going for by trying to freak people out as much as possible. Tension requires release. When your film is the cinematic equivalent of someone jumping out of a box and screaming in your face for 90 minutes, the initial effect is surprise that quickly subsides into a dog & pony show where someone pulls the same rabbit out of their hat repeatedly asking whether you're shocked or not. In the end the attempt falls flat. It's easy to be controversial when that is your only goal. Especially when that goal is given more weight than the substance of making the people in your film have legitimate motivations and feelings anybody can actually relate to. That is the kind of stuff that allows these gore set pieces to become truly unsettling and get inside of people's heads in a way I would assume would be the director's primary motivation.
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