R | 16 March 1999 (USA)
Ravenous Trailers

Upon receiving reports of missing persons at Fort Spencer, a remote Army outpost on the Western frontier, Capt. John Boyd investigates. After arriving at his new post, Boyd and his regiment aid a wounded frontiersman who recounts a horrifying tale of a wagon train murdered by its supposed guide -- a vicious U.S. Army colonel gone rogue. Fearing the worst, the regiment heads out into the wilderness to verify the gruesome claims.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Ploydsge just watch it!
mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
SunSwerver If only todays film makers could make anything even half as good as this then all would be well.This film is brilliantly shot, acted and executed and is what I would consider to be a cult classic.Just watch it...
watty2010 It escapes me how anyone can possibly give this film higher than 1 out of 10. The characters are completely one dimensional, the pace of the film is all over the place, the acting is awful (especially considering the calibre of actors involved), the musical score is completely inappropriate and annoying and the plot is childlike. I don't know anything about the director of this monstrosity of a film but I wouldn't be surprised if I was told it was her first effort.Anytime anything happens or we think something might happen, the director blows it by making the scene so woefully laboured that any possibility of suspense evaporates and turns quickly to bored frustration. Throughout this viewing ordeal, I was wondering if I was watching a horror movie made for children by children.Some have described this as a black comedy. I would describe it as a train wreck.
Svantje Baker There are two ways you can watch this. You either expect a spooky film with cannibals or a film with the embodiment of courage, fear, and bravery. There is definitely a stronger, deeper meaning to it that most people overlook... If you're expecting a war film or a horror, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. It's so unique and distinct... it's just a fresh dose of...something. I adore the film so much and the nostalgia it holds, I have a quote from it tattoo'd on me. If you want to know the quote, I will put it at the very end of my review with a spoiler warning. Back on topic...If you allow yourself be absorbed, there are some scenes that definitely arouse panic and curiosity... I don't think there could have been any better actors for this film. Guy Pearce and Robert Carlyle collide in this movie like PB&J! Another thing, the soundtrack is absolutely ASTOUNDING. A mixture of folk, bluegrass, and classical. Some songs are triumphant and it always brings a tear to my eye. The music FOR SURE enhances the experience. (NON SPOILER) For the negative things I have to say, there are a good amount blunders and factual errors. I won't give any spoilers out, you'll have to watch it yourself (maybe multiple times to notice the mistakes). It would be a 10/10 but I give this a film a 8/10 because of it's mistakes and because I personally feel it would have been better if it was a Spaghetti Western AND because I feel like some of the actors (David Arquette, Guy Pearce, and Jeffrey Jones to be specific) could have done a better job... I know earlier, I stated, "I don't think there could have been any better actors," ...That still rings true, but the acting itself... these men performed exceptionally well, but don't act vicariously in their roles as authoritative figures... If that didn't make sense, here's another way to explain... MINOR SPOILERS...I don't believe a realistic colonel would act as goofy/lighthearted as Colonel Hart did. And I don't believe a realistic private would act like a jerk fresh out of boot camp (Private Reich). Other than that, I am emotionally attached to this dainty film... It's very precious to me... SPOILER..."Morality; the last bastion of a coward."
moopetal Terrible over the top acting, Terrible editing, Terrible music .. oh my god the music is just so bad .. let's just pick one bar of music and play it over and over and over again and call it a soundtrack .. and what the heck is with the piercing organ type sound in the music, that's not an instrument, it's a cat being slaughtered, I feel bad for Guy Pierce having to be in it. The story line was just, just bad. It makes me angry that someone gives these people good money to make a movie and you can see that there is a lot of money going into sets, lighting, props and costumes and then you end up with this pathetic movie. How does that even happen. It's almost like they had to intentionally make a bad movie just to annoy their high school movie teacher who told them they would never amount to anything .. I think you should have listened.